To UNDERSTAND the obvious INSANITY of SARA CODY - read this GREAT article about the school she visited - to finally end up in this horrific state of stupid:



This is about "Stanford's WAR against it's own students" - and it EXPLAINS how decent people are forced into behaving like ZOMBIES, SLAVES, SERFS, SUBJECTS - by a refined procedure, that is fully SUPPRESSIVE, because it ENFORCES people to be trapped inside a real MENTAL PRISON, which throws the victim into the FALSE identity of the OPPRESSOR!

I am German & I call that a criminal, "artificial Depression!"

When you search in Google for "the Stockholm Syndrome" you get 27.200.000 results - but Wikipedia explains it is rare, by stating: "in fact, it is a "contested illness" due to doubts about the legitimacy of the condition" - as it is in my REALITY abusively used inside USA for "brainwashing" by American institutions!


If you want to dig deeper - look for "MK-ULTRA" - as THAT is more linked to "brainwashing" of enemies in America like Abu Ghraib - while the "Stockholm Syndrome" is often confused & mixed up with "education", "culture", tradition etc., as some people think it's "normal" to subject your children or your students under methods used to break in a wild MUSTANG. . . ?

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Parents - Excellent step-by-step video by two attorneys about how to fight back against your school's masking policies. And you do not need an attorney to take three steps.


One of the attorneys referenced this website with lots of good info.


This and much more info on the Unity Project website.

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Steve - has anyone tried the Surety Bond route? We want to but due to my health issues, just can't. It's really hard to leave the house. If there is someone working on this, I would love to help from home. I just want to know if anyone is. It's so hard to find out!

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Excellent step-by-step video by two attorneys about how to fight back against your school's masking policies. And you do not need an attorney to take three steps.


One of the attorneys referenced this website with lots of good info.


More info on the Unity Project website defending our kids.

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Thanks for the links. I'm actually not looking for info about schools, though (we homeschool). I'm looking to see if anyone has served Sara Cody (the health officer) and the Board of Supervisors for the county. Thanks!

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What people don’t know, is that she was bragging about how she was going to shut down businesses and laughed about it. She said that she was going to end high school sports, cause you see her two kids didn’t play any. Her husband is the number two guy at Stanford Medical and he was her driving force for the constraints. She had parties at her house when she told everyone not to socialize. Her personal security also routinely took her and family members for out state trips while everyone else was told to quarantine. She is such a fool.

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I’ve come to the conclusion that most everyone in Santa Clara (Bay Area) WANTS to be controlled by the elites…

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Well, you would be very wrong about that. My entire family lives in SCC as do most on my newsletter list. NO ONE here wants to have any of this. But it is nearly impossible to get anyone in SCC to blink. I have tried, many, many times. Many have tried. We are living in hell. So please do not make stupid assumptions about people you do not know!

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I’m from SCC. I have friends and relatives still living there now! They’re all happy with Newsom and their freedoms taken away. How do you think Newsom survived the recall (was it election cheating?)? We was overwhelmingly elected. And why does SCC keep electing these clowns? I got out (but still have to be ruled by Newsom). CA will not get any better because it is ruled by one Party and lots of election cheating. The only way out is moving to another Red State!

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Yes, it was major election fraud. The polls are starting to show CA is a red state. And more are being red pilled every day. I can't speak to your friends but everyone I know, and that is a lot, is not happy with the state of things here and all voted to remove Newscum. I don't believe the solution is moving unless AB1993 is passed and we have no choice. But I choose to believe God is going to turn things around. The fraud will be revealed and those held accountable for it. The hell here is temporary.

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Not sure I agree with things being turned around. Simply because CA is a one-party State, and Dems do everything they can (import illegals etc) to keep it that way. Again, I’m not optimistic because I the people I know still in SCC are completely happy with how it’s run!

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We will have to agree to disagree.

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Can’t wait to see her unmasked inside The French Laundry.

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Steve, it's also incredibly interesting that one of the wealthiest counties in the country and probably also one of the most highly educated in hard sciences is allowing this happen.

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People here are highly educated which means they’ve spent many years in an educational system that teaches conformity & the virtue of obeying rules, and does not teach critical thinking skills.

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Steve, she needs some national and international notariety. Get that presser on late night fox.

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Regarding California: After seeing what Richard Pan is up to these days, still trying to remove all choice from getting vaxed and living/working/being public schooled in California: The alternatives I suppose are suicide, unemployment, or moving to a Red State (many of them are not so bad): I found this interesting because it is pre-Covid (late 2016 when there was an uptick with California govt. suddenly becoming a steamroller pushing vaxes): Some characters here: Richard Pan, who has somehow remained elected since then, and was even then on the 100% citizens vaccinated push: And a hero in this article, who *didn't* get to speak at the "medical student brainwashing session" was Mary Holland, at the time law professor at NYU but in recent years I think full-time at RFK Jr.'s organization.


Obviously the California govt. was taken over by some savory combination of Big Pharma, the CCP, the WEF, the CIA, etc. at least a few years before Covid and its "state of emergency".

Probably nobody was watching 'cuz....Trump! ie. media=CIA=distraction machine.

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That's not fair Darling Sara.....How many masks do you have? Remember RED and BLUE don't mix! RED is for when you're having SEX, BLUE is for when you go SWIMMING and the INVISIBLE mask ...well you're to late...OUT OF STOCK!

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Thanks Steve, and I'll add this tidbit from WHO April 2020, Page 1: Community settings, last sentence 1st paragraph. "However, there is currently no evidence..." And no good studies since this statement have proven otherwise.


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I'll move to another country if I have to, enough of this BS !!

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The courts are the only place to take these tyrants. Forget the debates, take this idiot to court and get the data into evidence, as well as challenge her overreach. Where does her authority end? Can she take kids from parents? Can she incarcerate people based on her declaring an emergency?

These people are bullies and only understand force. There is no question this person would round up the unvaxxed and put us in camps until we comply. If you let her get away with this in your own backyard, it diminishes all of your efforts, in my opinion.

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Off topic:

Alarming Study Reveals Heart Issues for COVID Survivors, Senior Analyst Warns 'What We're Seeing Isn't Good'. Western Journal, February 10, 2022. -- https://www.westernjournal.com/alarming-study-reveals-heart-issues-covid-survivors-senior-analyst-warns-seeing-isnt-good/

Ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic could include increases in heart disease, heart failure and strokes in the year after patients believe they have recovered from the virus, according to a new study. The study in the journal Nature Medicine found that overall, people who contracted COVID-19 were 55 percent more likely than the study’s control group to suffer what researchers called a major cardiovascular event. “What we’re seeing isn’t good,” said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, an assistant professor of medicine at Washington University and an author of the study, according to Science Daily. “COVID-19 can lead to serious cardiovascular complications and death. The heart does not regenerate or easily mend after heart damage. These are diseases that will affect people for a lifetime,” he said.... The study’s implication is that “roughly 3 million people in the U.S. who have suffered cardiovascular complications due to COVID-19,” Al-Aly said. With an estimated 380 million coronavirus infections, “COVID-19 infections have, thus far, contributed to 15 million new cases of heart disease worldwide,” Al-Aly said.


Every major side effect attributed to the vaccine... is here shown to be the consequence of natural immunity. Odd findings but a joy to the Vaxxers.... surely a career move, but good science or bad?

Going to the article in Nature Medicine: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01689-3.pdf

I read this: "t is possible that some people might have had COVID-19 but were not tested for it; these people would have been enrolled in the control group and, if present in large numbers, might have biased the results toward the null." [p.7.]

Considering that the majority of people with covid are asymptomatic, it is reasonable to assume that the "control group" had people who recovered in large numbers.

The results are, as the author of the stody notes, null.

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If I read you correctly you are validating the truth of "asymptomatic spread." There is no such thing. It was something that made the narrative all that much crazier. There is a lot of data on the falsity of the PCR test.

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Why do these people "obey"? Just take the masks off ; for the love of......

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Everyone needs to be educated. What are you going to do if you want to go into the library and they throw you out for not wearing a mask (which they nicely call "face covering"?) Or the grocery story? Yes, the guy who puts his mask on around me outdoors because I'm not vaxxed... him I question.

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When I casually bemoaned that public health authorities were "making it up as they go" in 2020, my girlfriends turned on me. Yelling at me. One ended our 40+ year relationship in 2021 when vaccines came out because I countered her saying "Dying gasping for air on a ventilator is an awful way to die" with "People have died from vaccines, too." She went ballistic, she wanted to get back to normal and I was a liar.

People want to believe what they want to believe and are willing to destroy their relationships in order to preserve their illusionary worldview, even when it's based on lies and magical beliefs that deny facts. This behavior is consistent with both narcissism and C-PTSD.

I understand that the friend who ended our relationship and her family are fully vaxxed, still wearing masks and remain hyper-vigilant about not having relationships with anyone who is unvaxxed. In other words, like everyone else who trusted the CDC recommendations, she is still living in fear and not back to normal.

It would be nice if she apologized at some point, but I won't hold my breath. It'll be easier for her to forget facts and continue to embellish her world with virtuous posturing than to admit she was not only wrong, but abusive.

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Thanks. It is funny that the unthinkable of the past has become the commonplace of today.

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Your not alone. Cognitive Dissonance is a term used to describe people who are unable to process new information because it conflicts what they have been told. My family is comfortable believing and calling me a conspiracy theorist, It is disturbing when I try and wake them up but then they raise their voices so I just remain silent and reach for the jacks and everything gets better real fast.

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There's nothing complex about PTSD. Its rather simple. Young men in wars suffer from it. Not old women that believe in the boogie man.

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PTSD refers to the lingering effects of acute short term experiences. C-PTSD refers to the effects of living in a pro-longed state of fear with frequent abuses, including psychological abuse. Very similar with overlap, but also distinctly different.

It was battered women and abused children who most experience C-PTSD, until 2020 media reporting on Covid terrified the world. That many of us became convinced we had to wash our hands 20xs a day and use plastic gloves and disinfectant wipes to decontaminate grocery bags and their contents before bringing them into the house then, and are now reluctant to give up masks that have been proved useless is indicative of C-PTSD. Brains were rewired due to a prolonged trauma reinforced by authority figures.

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I gotta say I'm a bit disturbed by my own (hopefully not, but maybe so?) parallel behavior? I'm too intolerant of friends readily and immediately dismissing what I have to say as "conspiracy theories" and questioning if I'm a Trump supporter (if you knew me, you'd know how insane such a proposition could be). But I feel so intolerant that I want to write them off and have nothing to do with them. Or even a family member who counters everything wiht what the media says and won't even bother to look up the research I'm informing him on or have a listen to the brilliant, well established scientists and researchers showing what we're hearing from CDC/Fauci/ the media aren't adding up. Won't even listen to it. Tells me what NY Times and wikipedia says, fears I'm gullible, etc. Dismissive. Makes me not want to talk to the whole lot of them. I think somehow I shouldn't feel so angry and intolerant, like I want nothing to do wtih them. I know that's not right, but I really feel alienated from them now. How can they not see? how can they be okay with this? I want to develop more compassion within myself. Its foreign to me. I've always been extremely tolerant of others attitudes and beliefs, even ones I find somewhat egregious--I disagree but don't feel provoked or want to write them off. I don't know what there is about this. Some line I'm drawing in the sand. Well, I want to self-improve on this.

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We seem to be faced with something new to humanity with this world full of lying liars and the erasure of so much reality. It comes down to survival into the future and who will survive. The world will belong to the smart (you) while the others walk into slavery. Now ask yourself "where should I put my priceless intelligence." Invest it wisely!!

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Oh, I like that. Thank you!

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I decided to distance myself from certain friends until all this blows over. The ultra paranoid ones who are afraid of me since I’m unvaxxed, but who I truly like. I tell them I want to remain friends in the future but don’t to be treated like a leper. If they live, I’ll let them come crawling back, but will never trust them like before.

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Oh, thank you for sharing. It is putting a strain in my relationships too. I wish I didn't feel provoked by being dismissssed and labeled as a "conspiracy theorist" when I bring up data, evidence, etc. It really pisses me off and causes estrangement. I wish I could just smile and bless them and not take it personally. For those I know, it's the media that is powerful and it's the insulting remarks that carry the day, not science and they just parrot the insulting comments back to refute anything I say. It really provokes me. I need to find a way to work on that.

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It’s natural to feel this way! Realize they are hypnotized. The good news is that you have learned who are to be trusted in the future. Spend more time with those people or seek them out if you can’t find other like minded friends.

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Thank you for your validation. Thank you for your ideas. It's true. :-)

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Feb 11, 2022
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Point here is that wearing cloth or surgical masks do nothing. Even an N95 mask only has a small benefit in limited circumstances. But people who were intentionally manipulated by Fauci et al. have had their brains rewired and are not capable of rational thought let alone making good decisions.

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