Podiatrist: Death and devastating injuries linked to the COVID-19 Vaccine in 80% of elderly patients
A podiatrist contacted Wayne Allyn Root to disclose his personal experience. He had to keep his identity confidential because he doesn't want to lose his license. What he said is absolutely stunning.
Check out this story: Finally, One Honest Doctor Comes Forward to Report the Death and Devastating Injuries Linked to the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Do I believe the story? Yes.
I’ve asked Wayne for the contact info of the doctor to verify the story, and I’ve verified what Wayne wrote with him.
In addition, the story is consistent with what I’m hearing from others: cancers go up, recovery from surgeries are slow, mental decline accelerates, etc. Why would he risk his license to make up a story like this with such detail?
The name of the podiatrist isn’t even revealed. It’s not for fame, not for business. Maybe he’s just malicious, but that seems unlikely. The added information I got from the podiatrist was aligned with other datapoints.
The podiatrist sees about 80 patients a week. That’s more than enough for strong statistical significance over 20 months (over 5,000 patients) especially with such a large effect size. 95% are vaccinated.
Wayne reported that the podiatrist saw unprecedented rates of injury and death since the vaccines rolled out. The doctor estimated that 80% of his vaccinated elderly are worse off and there is no significant change for his unvaccinated patients.
This isn’t “bad luck” because the p-values are too small to be just “bad luck.” I used Julia’s HypothesisTests library to calculate it and the chance of this happening by bad luck is less than 1e-99. That is the power of a single anecdote. But there are likely hundreds of similar anecdotes with extremely strong p-values. Are they all wrong? It’s very unlikely especially when we aren’t able to find a single anecdote showing the opposite.
All these death and injury reports will be treated by the medical community as anecdotes
Until the medical boards allow doctors to speak out without fear of retribution, these stories will never be published in medical journals and will all be just “anecdotes” that the medical community will ignore.
One doctor asked me “if his story is true, why doesn’t he publish it?”
This shows how naïve doctors are. They think if they submit it to a journal, the journal will publish it and the medical boards will praise the doctor. Neither is true.
In fact, it was the medical boards themselves that told the journal to retract the Lyons-Weiler paper.
“Telling the truth” is not protected speech in medicine: it can lead to license revocation in every state in the US
The HHS agencies, the AMA, the medical journals, or the medical community could speak out about this abuse by the medical boards. They could say that doctors who tell the truth should never be retaliated against.
Not a single doctor or mainstream medical association would dare do that.
Maybe Vinay Prasad might call for this, but he hasn’t AFAIK.
The view of all these people is that it is a state matter and if the states want to punish doctors for telling the truth about what they observe, this is 100% OK with them.
The bottom line is this:
telling the truth about what you observe is NOT protected speech in medicine. It can and will get you retaliated against.
The social media companies, HHS agencies, hospitals, lawmakers, and medical boards all believe it is their duty to silence doctors who tell the truth if what they say goes against the popular narrative.
People who come to the aid of people who are targeted get retaliated against as well
From the comments:
Yes, very interesting. I testified before the medical board in favor of a urologist who was about to lose his license, and was audited by a team from the department of revenue the very next day. The upshot was that I was found to be in full compliance and thanked for my cooperation, but the message was very clear and the attempt to disrupt my practice was quite real even though it failed.
Paul Thomas and Andrew Wakefield spoke the truth about what they observed: their reputations and careers were destroyed.
That is how science works today: if you find evidence that disagrees with mainstream opinion, if you don’t keep your mouth shut, you will pay the price for the rest of your life.
“Telling the truth” is not an acceptable defense to a medical license revocation proceeding. No doctor has the courage to speak out against the medical boards seeking retribution against doctors who simply report what they observe. Can you find any op-ed anywhere calling for protection of doctors who speak the truth?
People who tell the truth must be silenced.
Why? Because the medical community cannot explain anecdotes like this one. If the podiatrist isn’t lying, something is causing this, and it is 100% correlated with vaccination.
So if it isn’t the vaccine, what is it?
The medical community doesn’t know and they don’t want to know because it would make them look bad for pushing the vaccine.
Is it any wonder why this doctor is afraid to speak publicly?
It would be great if a central website were established where doctors, nurses and other medical workers could register, fill out information and choose to reveal or not reveal each identity field. Then an independent party could verify their information and pow: Anonymous but verified information.
My book Neither Safe Nor Effective cites over 300 peer-reviewed studies and government webpages showing the hazards, injuries and deaths caused by the mRNA COVID vaccines. I am now fighting my own medical board on the free speech issues. If they violate the Constitution, they will be individually hauled into court, and my attorney told them so.