My book Neither Safe Nor Effective cites over 300 peer-reviewed studies and government webpages showing the hazards, injuries and deaths caused by the mRNA COVID vaccines. I am now fighting my own medical board on the free speech issues. If they violate the Constitution, they will be individually hauled into court, and my attorney told them so.
My book Neither Safe Nor Effective cites over 300 peer-reviewed studies and government webpages showing the hazards, injuries and deaths caused by the mRNA COVID vaccines. I am now fighting my own medical board on the free speech issues. If they violate the Constitution, they will be individually hauled into court, and my attorney told them so.
Write to me at colleen (dot) huber (dot) az (at) gmail (dot) com, to let me know what state you're in, or write it here, and in the meantime I will try to find that directory of constitutional attorneys by state. I think in these liberty vs tyranny battles, you may be best served by an attorney in your state.
Do it! I’m suing my former employer for firing me last year over refusing the vaxx, and each day the case gets stronger and stronger against this dangerous intervention.
My book Neither Safe Nor Effective cites over 300 peer-reviewed studies and government webpages showing the hazards, injuries and deaths caused by the mRNA COVID vaccines. I am now fighting my own medical board on the free speech issues. If they violate the Constitution, they will be individually hauled into court, and my attorney told them so.
Mind sharing your attorney’s name? I wrote a book, Gasoline - ObservationsAfter New Covid Inoculations, Also heavily cited.
I’m a PCP NP. Book launch Sept 7. Just thinking ahead, I may need an attorney.
Write to me at colleen (dot) huber (dot) az (at) gmail (dot) com, to let me know what state you're in, or write it here, and in the meantime I will try to find that directory of constitutional attorneys by state. I think in these liberty vs tyranny battles, you may be best served by an attorney in your state.
Do it! I’m suing my former employer for firing me last year over refusing the vaxx, and each day the case gets stronger and stronger against this dangerous intervention.
I hope every person who lost their job does the same...would make a huge impact! Good for you for having the nuttos to do this.
Thanks, this is wrong on every level.
Keep fighting the good fight. Thanks for all you are doing to shine a light on these despicable acts and diabolical people.
Good for you! These medical boards are criminal entities at this point.
They have been for a while...
They have been for a while... since 1977 ! ( date of this article in Wash.Post }
From before Wapo was just another neoliberal/MIC mouthpiece.
Excellent! If it takes one scalp at a time, so be it.