Please ask your doctor TODAY whether they will speak out or remain silent
The HART video is devastating because it sums up what the FDA did in just 4 minutes that anyone can understand, including your doctor. It's time to hold YOUR doctor accountable.
Dr. Clare Craig, co-chair of the HART group, created a superb 4 minute video that everyone should see.
Please refer your doctor to this article and ask your doctor one simple question:
“Will you speak out? Or remain silent?”
Let me know in the comments what your doctor said in response.
For extra credit
If you are on social media, please retweet/repost one or all of these posts. Just click the image based on the platform(s) you are on.
There are a few un-jab doctors working in most big towns and cities "under the radar." They are way too busy saving people with Ivermectin to spend a lot of time speaking out - which might get their license revoked. Then who will be the rare un-jab doctor saving lives?
I really appreciate the un-jab doctors who speak out; but I'm just saying, I understand those doing the hard work who don't have the time or inclination.
Jab doctors are a different story. They need to quit jabbing and start speaking out! Don't worry about losing your license - you're not helping anyway.
Just awful and on a separate note - what kind of person volunteers their baby for an experimental "vaccine" trial? I mean really??