Ontario data shows vaccines aren't preventing COVID infection
No wonder they have to mandate it. Their own data shows it doesn't work. A vaccine is supposed to reduce your chance of getting infected. So these are not vaccines.
From the Ontario, Canada public health website:
In January 2022, when it was clear that the vaccines made things worse, the health authorities should have told people “stop getting vaccinated, it is increasing your chance of getting COVID.”
What did they do? They said nothing.
Now the latest data shows that vaccination status makes no difference at all as to whether you get COVID.
And I’m hardly alone in noticing this in Ontario. See, for example, this post which concludes:
Even using the crooked definitions of the public health officials, the vaccine has done absolutely nothing to prevent transmission of COVID in Ontario for the period starting August 9th [2021]. We’ve had enough.
Vaccines are supposed to reduce the risk of infection. That’s what the CDC says
See the words “greatly reduce the risk of infection.”
So in Ontario, they know these are not vaccines.
What did they do? They tell people where they can get vaccinated.
Same here in California! Mandating the boosters on the nurses because sCiEnCe...My letter to the Mayor of Coronado.
Dear Mayor Bailey,
My name is Jessica and I’m a registered nurse who worked at Sharp Coronado from 2018 until January 2022. I resigned over the vaccine booster mandate and dealing with my own covid vaccine injury. I will tell you that my vaccine injury is NOT an isolated incident at Coronado Hospital. I cared for many covid vaccine injured patients and worked with many covid vaccine injured nurses, despite what the MSM, current administration and the medical community completely deny and ignore, we do exist. We are silenced and censored but there is a massive section of the medical and nursing community who know that the vaccines are causing direct harm and worse.
I’m writing to you because I believe you need to know what is happening in your city and to be aware of a public safety issue. Sharp has taken the position of continuing to coerce, discriminate and force employees to take an experimental injection or lose their jobs. Just today I have personally spoke with 7 nurses & other staff that I use to work with who do not want the booster and have all been denied their exemptions. Who does Sharp, Susan Stone and the corporate leaders think they are to remove bodily autonomy and medical ethics? The governments own VAERS data stands at over 21K deaths from the vaccine and everyone knows that vaccine does not stop you from contracting the virus or spreading it. Sharp is willing to fire nurses with a combine total of over 100 years experience because they will not submit to taking another injection? How does that make the community of Coronado any safer?
Why is Sharp exacerbating the healthcare worker shortage by forcing employees to chose between a liability free injection and their livelihood and health? I spoke with another vaccine injured nurse today who had resubmitted her RE but was denied again - today she received a phone call from HR and her manager stating that, “she was choosing to voluntarily resign over her refusal to get the booster”. I will tell you that this nurse has pericarditis from the vaccine. She just now found a doctor who will actually listen to her and will be writing her a medical exemption. In the state of California it is almost impossible to find a physician who will write a medical exemption due to fear of reprisal and sanctioning from the Medical Board. This fellow nurse has been working at the bedside for 30 years - after that phone call today - she said “even when I receive my medical exemption how can I ever go back to work there? They have treated me so badly and made it clear they do not care about me”
How far we have fallen from society when nurses are not allowed to make informed medical decisions on the behalf of their own bodies. Nurses are a special breed of people - who function best in the art of healing not harming. These mandates are further crushing and destroying the very fabric of our society. We must stand against the continued dehumanization, denial of the truth and wanton disregard for human life.
In NZ we had 2 weeks to flatten the curve (fatten the herd), then 2 years to stamp it out (flatten the herd), in the last 2 weeks baby, our cases are going EXPONENTIAL!! 95% vaccinated 70% boosted. Record numbers baby!!!!