They can't explain why the vaccinated are more likely to get COVID and die
They can only offer hand-waving arguments with no actual data to support it.
ICYMI, here’s a chart from a recent post by my good friend Mathew Crawford. It basically shows, the more you vaccinate, the more cases and deaths you get.
Critics would argue, “it’s confounded! more elderly are vaccinated.” But the same critics cannot show us this is false. They can only do “hand-waving” arguments that it must be wrong. Not very convincing.
But to be fair, we can’t cite this as definitive proof either that the vaccines are unsafe.
Governments won’t release the data to show vaccinations are safe. I wonder why?
We actually agree with the critics that it is confounded but here’s why: governments don’t release the breakdowns publicly so we can’t do any better than this. If the vaccines are so safe, why don’t they release the data to the public to show this?
Is this just a fluke? I don’t think so. Watch this video starting at 7:00. The line goes the wrong way. The more you vaccinate, the worse it gets.
Of course, “we” all know why this is:
The vaccine depresses your immune system immediately after the shot and for an unknown time after that. It can well be permanent.
The vaccines can kill you due to blood clots and inflammation.
The vaccine seems to make it easier for you to get infected after a brief honeymoon period, that is, the vaccine efficacy (VE) goes negative. We see this in the UK data, for example. See the slides.
However, our health authorities are never going to figure this out because it would discredit them. So they have to keep on singing the same tune: “Safe and effective.”
i just wrote a sad entry in my KGRaS substack about how my vaxxed guitar playing friends' wives don't allow them to play indoors with me no more. but nevertheless i'll stick to being part of the control group, thanks
The vaxxine is a killer. How many babies will have to die? to save whose face?
why are they trying to eliminate people like me, and any control group? how will we know the experiment has gone horribly wrong without any set of nonvaxxed to compare to?
thanks for all you do Steve, blessings
> Critics would argue, “it’s confounded! more elderly are vaccinated.”
The same critics who had no problem confounding the COVID deaths before vaccines were even available, to justify the use of vaccines.
It is really insidious but a hallmark of what we are really dealing with.
Once you recoginize this pattern, you can take all their arguments for defending vaccine safety and with minor tweaks, completely justify the safety of COVID before the vaccines were even available.
The problem is not their arguments. The problem is their judgement.
What makes this insufferable, is that they are blissfully unaware of their own dichotomy.
(I have a hunch based on prospect theory why this might be the case, but haven't figured out a way of "fixing" it.)
We could try deconstructing all their arguments for vaccine safety and carefully applying them to COVID safety. And then ask them why they think their arguments are perfectly rational for the vaccines but not for COVID (?).
It boils down to how our brains process risk and reward. Vaccines have a positive connotation, whereas COVID has a negative one. So we use different parts of our brain to reason about them.
Both reasoning processes are completely logical from the stand point of the individual. It is almost as if our brains can compartmentalize rationality.
Each of these "regions" is completely "blind sided" from the other.
(I was going to write an informal article called "The blind side of logic" based on this. I have written down some notes and sketches, but then got caught up in analysing the 2020 US election data, and never really had much time to think more about it, until now. Unbeknownst to me at the time, it might be relevant to the COVID response.)
Ah... the tricks our brain play on us.