Just compare the data out of South Korea, Ireland, the US and India. Fully vaccinated rates: South Korea 81%, Ireland 76%, the US at 60% and India at 34%. Then compare current cases per million: South Korea - 97 (highest rate in two years), Ireland -932, US - 360, India - 6.
India hit a peak in May 2021 of 280, then then systematically started distributing HCQ and Ivermectin to their population, due to lack of vaccines.
The South Korea data is disturbing. They avoided most all of contagion and deaths due to Covid and now the rates are inversely proportional to their efforts. The media does not reference South Korea anymore. Over 80% vaccinated and 95%+ mask use.
The data does not correlate with improving conditions due to masking or vaccinations. Vaccinations only reduce symptoms, which can also be achieved with prophylactics and post infection treatment.
This data is readily available on Our World in Data.
I want Kirsch to be right, but the trouble is Kirsch always goes off half-cocked -- claiming to have "proof"... When in fact he has some interesting data that may or may not suggest something. He needs some basic lessons in empiricism, "proof" and the scientific method. As with his disastrous interviews, he doesn't know when to wait like a mature person, prepare his data and provide conclusive information. He does the entire anti-mandate movement a disservice. Steve: Exercise some self-control, maturity, patience and intellectual rigor. Your posts will get wider distribution.
You know, I think Steve's coming from the point of view that, "hey people are dying! hey kids are dying!" It's okay to be an alarmist or even a little half cocked in a situation of this gravity. Even if the data isn't perfect I think he's sharing it with the world and others who can also improve on it.
Yes. A good comment. Applies to all of us. Meaning 'us' those who view the current scene and see it as insane. It is incredibly hard to get the message across. These words: 'insane' and 'incredible'. They apply to the limits, the furthest extents, extremes. But that's where we are at.
So we have to be very careful. Steve Kirsch is one of the very few good voices we have and comes up with some of the best information. It is very sad and a major blow if his effectiveness is damaged by ineptitude.
Are you from Germany or France? I ask because many EU countries rely on proofs and theories. For US if it worked once, then it's enough to use the same approach again.
Actually, I do not get it why it is confounded by the age of the vaccinated:
you estimate the correlation between the vaxx rate (R_V) in a country (# vaxxed/ # population) and the covid mortality rate (R_M) (# covid fatalities / # population)
If the vaccines were preventing deaths it should show a negative correlation. If you use placebo, or you jab healthy young adults who almost never die of covid then there should be no correlation so the estimate would be around zero. But positive correlation of 15% is a lot! Got the confidence interval as well?
You could argue for a confounder like: the more developed nations have older and more obese populations and hence show higher covid mortality. In the same time being richer allows them to jab more people, so here you would get a confounded correlation.
I guess you could get rid of it by measuring the correlation between the time increments of the vaxx rate R_V (same country but say monthly vaxx rate increments) and the corresponding case-fatality ratio increments. You need to use the CFR because the covid seasonality would override everything anyways. That would be basically the gradient of how the CFR moves as a function of the vaxx rate.
So when you put 2 and 2 together, you find that lots of governments WANT Covid to go on forever. Covid panic gives government the ability to take more power and to control every aspect of people's lives. Human rights go out the window when people are scared for their lives. But pandemics don't last forever. They tear through a population and then people have immunity or they don't survive and then it is over. So how do you make a pandemic last forever? You need some pharmaceutical intervention to reduce natural immunity and thereby to keep the virus going and going and going. Then you have media hype the cases - my God, the cases! And voila, forever pandemic and endless government power.
Steve, thoroughly enjoy the information you provide to all of us. I was wondering if anyone has taken the Covid death stats from a location and applied the Feb. 2020 criteria for determining cause of death to see what the difference would be in Covid deaths. Seems like that might be a somewhat revealing fact.
... maybe the death of six million, of a certian tribe that fully controls the media, the banks, all of the tech companies, and every single one of the pharmacutical companies...
... you know. To start. We can re-evaluate from there.
You're missing the point. If the vaccines were highly effective, barring some amazing hidden variable, we should see a sharply negative correlation. This is the data for the entire world.
And it's consistent with all the other data I've worked with. The inter-national and intra-national trends are in agreement! The more vaccination, the more cases and deaths.
That doesn't even begin to get into the mechanistic story, but this will all take a few million words to tell.
a negative correlation would mean "the more people get it, the less they die", let alone that having the vaccine is correlated with less infection, so ...
The planet earth deserved better than you stupids :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I really don't know how you survived the evolution :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I investigate systems via data for a living. Correlations are the starting point of almost every step forward. It’s not always what it seems but they tell you where to look. So them not looking at correlations - avoiding them as they are waved in their face - tells you they’re not scientists or acting in good faith. They are frauds.
I'd be interested in your take on this man's studies. He finds the correlation between manufacturer batches and reported adverse events. It's very interesting. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/3KRJ7WXgSw8T/
I've seen it - it's so ridiculous that I would like to get the data myself and prove it, because I can't quite believe it. It reminds me of research I did once where I thought I was differentiating between diseases but I was actually differentiating between CT scanners ie. the people with each set of conditions were scanned on different machines.
Here, the batch and not the person is seems to be what's important. If the adverse outcome is indeed dependent on the batch in the systematic way he shows (ie. not somewhat random due to say poor quality control, but with regular patterns), then honestly the situation is much much worse than I think it is (and I'm not exactly optimistic now).
If this has been planned down to the minutest detail of particular batches, then we have our work cut out for us for a long time to come, if we survive.
As the doc pointed out, the governments could refute the correlation by releasing their data. But they won't. Also, if the vaccines are "safe and effective," why are all the manufacturers still shielded from liability? Would you buy a car that had no warranty? Would you risk your life on an injection that the manufacturer will not stand behind?
No need to refute the correlation!!!! this is again another misleading non-sense.
I can't repeat more than enough: If you know what you're talking about, I really don't know how you can sleep at night when you have misled people during the day...
And if you don't know what you're talking about (i.e., the CORRELATION), then may God help you understand!!!!!!
You are very stupid, you simply couldn't be more stupid than you are. Have a good day and don't go to hospital once you get covid if you're not vaccinated. stupid :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
On November 18, 2020, well-known German chemist and one of the EU’s top graphene experts, Dr Andreas Noack was arrested by an armed police unit in the middle of his YouTube livestream.
On November 26th, 2021, just hours after publishing this latest video about graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide, he died suddenly.
Dont take RNA shot. There is no pandemic. 600,000 die each year from cancer, but government doesn't force chemo and radiation on us. 660,000 die each year from heart disease, but we aren't force fed anti-cholesterol drugs. Only 400,000 die each year WITH covid, not from it. There is no pandemic. Tell your friends, family, and employers to calm down.
Now this is where I think it should be. Get the actual figures out all the time. Where do you suggest I look for figures? I think everyone of us that posts in attempts to find sanity should add to our posts some realism, some much needed realism, such as actual death figures, actual death rates as against the normal. That sort of thing.
I'm schooling myself to do so. Every post I intend to include such as this:
. there is no emergency, never was, we've had worse and dealt with it without all this rubbish.
. if there was an emergency this would be entirely the wrong way to deal with it.
. there is however a disaster and that disaster is created entirely by government.
. vaccines are nothing but immune system provokers, Immune Systems do all the work.
. it is insanity to compel measures that are detrimental to Immune Systems.
. It is clearly homicidal to ban access to immune system helpers such as anti-virals.
I think that little selection is indisputably true and self evident.
You're doing it wrong, a French study indicated that tobacco users have a 30% risk reduction, so The Science™ says to unmask and take-in all that free 2nd hand treatment from your more enlightened & conscientious counterparts.
Japanese health ministry warns of “serious side effects” of vaccines – RT en français
| Breaking News Updates | Fox News
After having listed heart problems following the follow-up of a million Japanese, a group of experts brought together by the Ministry of Health wants to put the mention “serious side effects” on the documents attached to the anti-Covid vaccines.
The Japanese Ministry of Health has listed inflammations of the heart muscle and the outer wall of the heart in young men as possible serious side effects of the Covid Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, NHK reported on December 4.
He said that as of November 14, out of one million men who received the Moderna vaccine, such side effects were reported in more than 81 adolescent men and 48 men in their twenties. Those numbers were 15 and 13, respectively, for those who had received the Pfizer vaccine.
The ministry, which convened a group of experts on December 4 on the issue, proposed to warn of the risk by printing the words “serious side effects” on documents attached to vaccines. It will also require hospitals to fully report incidents involving people who developed symptoms within 28 days of their vaccination, according to the law.
The plan has been approved by the expert group and the ministry will notify municipalities.
Today Headlines News Today Japanese health ministry warns of “serious side effects” of vaccines – RT en français
In a sane world, any agency such as the FDA, which is supposed to guard the public health, would require that these non-vaccines have a skull and crossbones label reading "POISON" attached to every vial.
Science has already spoken. The jab destroys an integral part of the immune system; T-cell immunity. This type of immunity is how the flu and all other REAL vaccines bring about immunity.
Anyone getting the jab should never again get another vaccination.
This destruction of the immune system will prove fatal to most....
This article is so concise and covers it all. The injections were only meant to cause harm. https://saidit.net/s/VaccineSkepticism/comments/8f7w/how_the_covid_experimental_vaccines_cause_damage/
Just compare the data out of South Korea, Ireland, the US and India. Fully vaccinated rates: South Korea 81%, Ireland 76%, the US at 60% and India at 34%. Then compare current cases per million: South Korea - 97 (highest rate in two years), Ireland -932, US - 360, India - 6.
India hit a peak in May 2021 of 280, then then systematically started distributing HCQ and Ivermectin to their population, due to lack of vaccines.
The South Korea data is disturbing. They avoided most all of contagion and deaths due to Covid and now the rates are inversely proportional to their efforts. The media does not reference South Korea anymore. Over 80% vaccinated and 95%+ mask use.
The data does not correlate with improving conditions due to masking or vaccinations. Vaccinations only reduce symptoms, which can also be achieved with prophylactics and post infection treatment.
This data is readily available on Our World in Data.
I want Kirsch to be right, but the trouble is Kirsch always goes off half-cocked -- claiming to have "proof"... When in fact he has some interesting data that may or may not suggest something. He needs some basic lessons in empiricism, "proof" and the scientific method. As with his disastrous interviews, he doesn't know when to wait like a mature person, prepare his data and provide conclusive information. He does the entire anti-mandate movement a disservice. Steve: Exercise some self-control, maturity, patience and intellectual rigor. Your posts will get wider distribution.
If you could please be specific, it would make it easier to explain, improve.
You know, I think Steve's coming from the point of view that, "hey people are dying! hey kids are dying!" It's okay to be an alarmist or even a little half cocked in a situation of this gravity. Even if the data isn't perfect I think he's sharing it with the world and others who can also improve on it.
Yes. A good comment. Applies to all of us. Meaning 'us' those who view the current scene and see it as insane. It is incredibly hard to get the message across. These words: 'insane' and 'incredible'. They apply to the limits, the furthest extents, extremes. But that's where we are at.
So we have to be very careful. Steve Kirsch is one of the very few good voices we have and comes up with some of the best information. It is very sad and a major blow if his effectiveness is damaged by ineptitude.
Are you from Germany or France? I ask because many EU countries rely on proofs and theories. For US if it worked once, then it's enough to use the same approach again.
Actually, I do not get it why it is confounded by the age of the vaccinated:
you estimate the correlation between the vaxx rate (R_V) in a country (# vaxxed/ # population) and the covid mortality rate (R_M) (# covid fatalities / # population)
If the vaccines were preventing deaths it should show a negative correlation. If you use placebo, or you jab healthy young adults who almost never die of covid then there should be no correlation so the estimate would be around zero. But positive correlation of 15% is a lot! Got the confidence interval as well?
You could argue for a confounder like: the more developed nations have older and more obese populations and hence show higher covid mortality. In the same time being richer allows them to jab more people, so here you would get a confounded correlation.
I guess you could get rid of it by measuring the correlation between the time increments of the vaxx rate R_V (same country but say monthly vaxx rate increments) and the corresponding case-fatality ratio increments. You need to use the CFR because the covid seasonality would override everything anyways. That would be basically the gradient of how the CFR moves as a function of the vaxx rate.
The same analysis with total mortality instead of covid mortality should also show the increasing 'post pandemic stress disorder ' fatalities (https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/i-see-we-have-now-reached-the-cover)
So when you put 2 and 2 together, you find that lots of governments WANT Covid to go on forever. Covid panic gives government the ability to take more power and to control every aspect of people's lives. Human rights go out the window when people are scared for their lives. But pandemics don't last forever. They tear through a population and then people have immunity or they don't survive and then it is over. So how do you make a pandemic last forever? You need some pharmaceutical intervention to reduce natural immunity and thereby to keep the virus going and going and going. Then you have media hype the cases - my God, the cases! And voila, forever pandemic and endless government power.
just to add that the negative efficacy with respect to symptomatic disease is also shown in a study with N > 1,600,000: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3949410
Steve, thoroughly enjoy the information you provide to all of us. I was wondering if anyone has taken the Covid death stats from a location and applied the Feb. 2020 criteria for determining cause of death to see what the difference would be in Covid deaths. Seems like that might be a somewhat revealing fact.
Working as intended.
Jews lie; goyim die.
I wanted to talk to this NPC though. Wondering if he is a Chinese troll or actual jew hater???
Jews are dying too. See Israel.
Ooh! Are you an actual Jew hater? Curous to know your background. Are you white?
Seems the only way out of this mess will be the deaths of millions from the jab. Maybe then they will stop forcing it.
... maybe the death of six million, of a certian tribe that fully controls the media, the banks, all of the tech companies, and every single one of the pharmacutical companies...
... you know. To start. We can re-evaluate from there.
The government of Scotland’s own data shows that, over the last 3 months, 90% of Covid deaths are the vaccinated.
This is only a "trend of correlations". If you know what you are talking about then you shouldn't be able to sleep at night for misleading people
Correlations are not absolute values! I can't believe what I just saw
Noticing coincidences is antisemetic, goyim.
You're missing the point. If the vaccines were highly effective, barring some amazing hidden variable, we should see a sharply negative correlation. This is the data for the entire world.
And it's consistent with all the other data I've worked with. The inter-national and intra-national trends are in agreement! The more vaccination, the more cases and deaths.
That doesn't even begin to get into the mechanistic story, but this will all take a few million words to tell.
LOL, you simply couldn't be more stupid!!!!
a negative correlation would mean "the more people get it, the less they die", let alone that having the vaccine is correlated with less infection, so ...
The planet earth deserved better than you stupids :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I really don't know how you survived the evolution :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Take my hat off to you, you had me fooled. This is genius level trolling, one of the best ever.
I investigate systems via data for a living. Correlations are the starting point of almost every step forward. It’s not always what it seems but they tell you where to look. So them not looking at correlations - avoiding them as they are waved in their face - tells you they’re not scientists or acting in good faith. They are frauds.
I'd be interested in your take on this man's studies. He finds the correlation between manufacturer batches and reported adverse events. It's very interesting. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/3KRJ7WXgSw8T/
I've seen it - it's so ridiculous that I would like to get the data myself and prove it, because I can't quite believe it. It reminds me of research I did once where I thought I was differentiating between diseases but I was actually differentiating between CT scanners ie. the people with each set of conditions were scanned on different machines.
Here, the batch and not the person is seems to be what's important. If the adverse outcome is indeed dependent on the batch in the systematic way he shows (ie. not somewhat random due to say poor quality control, but with regular patterns), then honestly the situation is much much worse than I think it is (and I'm not exactly optimistic now).
If this has been planned down to the minutest detail of particular batches, then we have our work cut out for us for a long time to come, if we survive.
Exactly yes.
It is the first red flag tho. Pull the thread and see where it goes. If only we had good data.
As the doc pointed out, the governments could refute the correlation by releasing their data. But they won't. Also, if the vaccines are "safe and effective," why are all the manufacturers still shielded from liability? Would you buy a car that had no warranty? Would you risk your life on an injection that the manufacturer will not stand behind?
You don't need to refute the correlation, it just is. You need to explain it, to provide additional evidence as to the meaning or the cause.
No need to refute the correlation!!!! this is again another misleading non-sense.
I can't repeat more than enough: If you know what you're talking about, I really don't know how you can sleep at night when you have misled people during the day...
And if you don't know what you're talking about (i.e., the CORRELATION), then may God help you understand!!!!!!
At a minimum, the graph proves the jabs don't do anything. But anyone with any common sense could see that jabs makes things worse.
Very Stupid, Rob
You are very stupid, you simply couldn't be more stupid than you are. Have a good day and don't go to hospital once you get covid if you're not vaccinated. stupid :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
It's good the way the people you shouldn't listen to always flag themselves by larding their posts with ad hominem attacks isn't it?
When they can’t respond with facts they call you mean names.
Oh scary. Lol.
Your rudeness is more interesting than your thoughts, just FYI.
For anyone interested...
"Fired for Freedom: Doctors, nurses, and attorneys expose civil rights abuses"
Livestream will be available here on Tuesday, December 7 at 12pm (noon) ET.
Steve, what is your take on graphene hydroxide?
On November 18, 2020, well-known German chemist and one of the EU’s top graphene experts, Dr Andreas Noack was arrested by an armed police unit in the middle of his YouTube livestream.
On November 26th, 2021, just hours after publishing this latest video about graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide, he died suddenly.
And said to die after a heat-ray attack.
Dont take RNA shot. There is no pandemic. 600,000 die each year from cancer, but government doesn't force chemo and radiation on us. 660,000 die each year from heart disease, but we aren't force fed anti-cholesterol drugs. Only 400,000 die each year WITH covid, not from it. There is no pandemic. Tell your friends, family, and employers to calm down.
Now this is where I think it should be. Get the actual figures out all the time. Where do you suggest I look for figures? I think everyone of us that posts in attempts to find sanity should add to our posts some realism, some much needed realism, such as actual death figures, actual death rates as against the normal. That sort of thing.
I'm schooling myself to do so. Every post I intend to include such as this:
. there is no emergency, never was, we've had worse and dealt with it without all this rubbish.
. if there was an emergency this would be entirely the wrong way to deal with it.
. there is however a disaster and that disaster is created entirely by government.
. vaccines are nothing but immune system provokers, Immune Systems do all the work.
. it is insanity to compel measures that are detrimental to Immune Systems.
. It is clearly homicidal to ban access to immune system helpers such as anti-virals.
I think that little selection is indisputably true and self evident.
Even smoking kills more than covid. Are you wearing a mask for second hand smoke?
I have to cover my face when I’m around smokers.
You're doing it wrong, a French study indicated that tobacco users have a 30% risk reduction, so The Science™ says to unmask and take-in all that free 2nd hand treatment from your more enlightened & conscientious counterparts.
Actually, the paper related to smokers, not those next to them. Maybe non-smokers naturally keep their distance from smokers.
FYI, did you mean the Italian paper, the one that was withdrawn over a year go?
Smoke makes me sick. I ache in strange places whenever I smell it.
Switch to Kool Menthol's . . . soothing, like smoking a Junior Mint.
I don’t smoke. I was speaking of secondhand smoke.
Stop ripping on tobacco, hell, smoking is clearly safer than the vaxx.
Stop smoking
Japanese health ministry warns of “serious side effects” of vaccines – RT en français
| Breaking News Updates | Fox News
After having listed heart problems following the follow-up of a million Japanese, a group of experts brought together by the Ministry of Health wants to put the mention “serious side effects” on the documents attached to the anti-Covid vaccines.
The Japanese Ministry of Health has listed inflammations of the heart muscle and the outer wall of the heart in young men as possible serious side effects of the Covid Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, NHK reported on December 4.
He said that as of November 14, out of one million men who received the Moderna vaccine, such side effects were reported in more than 81 adolescent men and 48 men in their twenties. Those numbers were 15 and 13, respectively, for those who had received the Pfizer vaccine.
The ministry, which convened a group of experts on December 4 on the issue, proposed to warn of the risk by printing the words “serious side effects” on documents attached to vaccines. It will also require hospitals to fully report incidents involving people who developed symptoms within 28 days of their vaccination, according to the law.
The plan has been approved by the expert group and the ministry will notify municipalities.
Today Headlines News Today Japanese health ministry warns of “serious side effects” of vaccines – RT en français
In a sane world, any agency such as the FDA, which is supposed to guard the public health, would require that these non-vaccines have a skull and crossbones label reading "POISON" attached to every vial.
Science has already spoken. The jab destroys an integral part of the immune system; T-cell immunity. This type of immunity is how the flu and all other REAL vaccines bring about immunity.
Anyone getting the jab should never again get another vaccination.
This destruction of the immune system will prove fatal to most....