New Zealand Prime Minister calls for global censorship of misinformation at UN speech
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern talked about globally controlling misinformation and disinformation, but didn't specifically mention COVID or vaccines.
Check out this article:
The problem she alludes to is that she believes that you cannot win an argument based on words alone. Governments must censor the speech of people who disagree to win your argument.
She calls for censorship of dissenting views on a global scale.
Her point is that governments cannot make progress on major issues such as climate change unless the public is prevented from hearing opposing views.
The comments on her speech in the YouTube video were not supportive of her point of view.
Will she argue next that any member of the UN who disagrees with her should not be allowed to speak at the UN meetings?
From the comments
From TerryA:
As a New Zealander, this poor excuse of a PM is an embarrassment. The sooner she loses the next election, the better.
She should be shamed out of public office and needs to read and re-read Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, until she understands it. Every time she (or anyone else) calls for doing the opposite, the UN community should repeatedly mention that they are entitled to their opinions, but must refer to article 19 of the UDHR.
The most misinformation is spread via the government. Don't believe them! Don't let them destroy your beautiful spirit. Just say NO to their shame and fear tactics. Honk for freedom!