She should be shamed out of public office and needs to read and re-read Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, until she understands it. Every time she (or anyone else) calls for doing the opposite, the UN community should repeatedly mention that they are entitled to their opinions, but must refer to article 19 of the UDHR.

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The most misinformation is spread via the government. Don't believe them! Don't let them destroy your beautiful spirit. Just say NO to their shame and fear tactics. Honk for freedom!

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I’m from NZ and have been censored on Facebook for pointing out that masks don’t work.

Also the mask mandate in NZ had been lifted for most people in NZ before our PM went to the UN so why was our delegation wearing them? Who were they sending a “virtue signal” to? Klaus Scwab perhaps?

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Another NZer here. In my more than 5 decades observing NZ politics, I can say without doubt she is the most hated politician in living history of this country.

NZers as a rule dislike politicians, accept that they are driven by self interest, and pretty much write them off.

But in her case, the hatred is deep, and it's real hatred, not just dislike. She has caused the loss of 1000s of jobs for unvaxed people, all while smiling glibly like the psychopathic sadist she clearly is.

There is a core of fanatical support, but I know many people who were enthusiastic supporters and voted for her at the last election who now detest her. Very few people who did NOT vote for her before would do so now I believe.

Which means her support is sure to erode further.

There is no chance of her being able to live in this country in future without constant heavy security, what she has done will NEVER be forgotten or forgiven. Never.

She will undoubtedly take a job at the UN or another alphabet agency, and be helicoptered on to destroy other countries as she has done ours.

I hate her like I have never hated another human being.

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Jacinda still has (unbelievably) a core of devoted followers in NZ. That said, the numbers against her seems to be growing all the time, and a good percentage of those are not just against her but actively despise her, and her government. Her government ministers have been begging for sympathy in the NZ media because they’re getting ‘threats’, and when she or they show up anywhere, in any crowd there’s usually a group of angry people screaming abuse at them. This is unusual for NZ - politicians here tended to be disliked rather than really hated, and no matter how disliked, would be forgotten in reasonable time once they left office. I don’t think that will be the case for Jacinda. There’s a strong message in NZ now of ‘never forgive, never forget’. I know I won’t be doing either: I hate that woman the way I’ve never hated anyone in my life.

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WEF stooges pretending to represent democracy whilst destroying them:

Biden,Trudeau,Horseface,etc. -traitors all.

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Nuremberg 2.

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Wonder what they are planning? Must have come as a bit of a surprise when the usual news on TV didn’t do what it usually does: that people could get the truth in many different ways. It’s like whack-a-mole right now. And psyops galore. Exhausting.

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What the people of other countries do not know is that governments created false flag massacres to precipitate bannng of guns. Australia had its Port Arthur Massacre, the alleged perpetrator of which never went to trial. He was innocent. Likewise, the Christchurch event is widely believed to be a put up job and now the poor Kiwis cannot defend themselves against a violent tyrant and army of thugs.

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I'm an Australian. I own lots of guns. Martin Bryant went to trial and was convicted in a court of law. He was guilty. Spouting nonsense about things you know nothing about just makes you appear ill-informed, deranged, or both. Stop it.

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Then why did Prime Minister John Howard make the statement that he would save the taxpayer the massive cost of a trial because the evidence was ipso facto. I can see why they let you keep your guns. I bet you got fully jabbed too.

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Prime Ministers say whatever they like to stir up public support, but they don't bypass the law in shooting massacre trials. Bryant was tried and convicted in a court of law to something like 1300 years in jail. You are uninformed, and spouting utter nonsense about something you clearly know nothing about. All you have to do is google for "Martin Bryant" FFS.

And I'm unvaccinated, of course.

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LSWCHP... much as I hate admiting I'm wrong, I am wrong. I do recall that prison sentence. But consider these ponts (not mine)...

by Malcolm R Hughes (criticising the evidence presented by government)

It is impossible for a left-handed person, who had not used a rifle right-handed previously to do what Martin has been accused of doing. The shooting to death of 12 and wounding of 10 in a matter of seconds, is impossible for anybody except a very small percentage of the population.

The shooter also fired from the hip, an art which would take years of practise to get the above efficiency, if that person also had rifle talent. Especially with the fact, that most wounds were head and neck wounds, they were not scattered shots.

In Mike Willesee’s video, Martin’s girlfriend of 8 months tells us that Martin was unable to read. However the drawings and “confession” that John Avery produces only had one spelling mistake, twice. That was when the word “to” was spelt “too”. (Sorry Avery, you will have to better than that.)

John Avery states that the evidence was overwhelming against Martin Bryant, when in fact the only evidence known is in Bryant’s favour. None of Bryant’s fingerprints or DNA was ever produced. Many of the witness statements are incorrect or vague. Those that make sense are to Bryant’s advantage. Such as those supplied by:

Jim Laycock, “I did not recognise the male as Martin Bryant”,

John Godfrey “In my opinion the picture I saw in the newspaper was not the same person”. (Remember the person in the newspaper was Martin Bryant.),

Graham Collyer “He looked like he might have a lot of acne. A pitted face.”

Roger Larner gave a statement that provided an alibi that Bryant was not at Port Arthur when the shooting started.

Rebecca McKenna gave a detailed description of the gunman, his entry, actions before the shootings, the meal he ordered, where he sat to eat and when he went back inside the cafe from the verandah. The description did not depict Martin Bryant, as it should not. He was not at Port Arthur.

Statements by each of those persons have the stamp DPP on them, so we know they were officially provided by police to the Department of Public Prosecutions.

Inspector Ross Payne attempted to coerce Terrance Hill, the gun dealer, into supplying a false statement regarding the sale of weapons to Martin Bryant. He procured John Avery to write an official letter to Terrence Hill threatening that the police would “push on and try to find sufficient evidence to charge you with some offences…. However, it was made abundantly clear that the Director of Public Prosecution is prepared to offer you an indemnity against prosecution if you are prepared to accept that you did sell guns to Bryant.”

Being a law-abiding citizen Hill refused and thus lost his livelihood.

A copy of that blatant illegal tactic against Hill can be found in Keith Noble’s book online, Mass Murder.

The “uniform gun control laws” were drawn up by the Federal Government in June 1995, almost twelve months before there was a necessity for such drastic measures. Prior to the incident, Federal Government web site: (gun.law.gov.au/Guns/releases/releases.htm) gave out this very incriminating information.

“We will also be closely involved in the subsequent development of proposals for reform [to gun control laws], which is expected to commence in May 1996.”[Note, to commence in May 1996, the month following the planned Port Arthur Massacre of April 28, 1996.]

Somebody organised the fire department to be on site at Seascape before there was any hint of a fire. It was most likely an SOG officer who fired a phosphorus canister or such like, into Seascape early on Monday morning. The firefighters in attendance were prevented by police from dousing the flames until the fire was almost out. This allowed the destruction of evidence and the burning of bodies of the dead hostages. I think it was also intended to cause Martin’s death, but he staggered out with his back on fire.

Martin Bryant could not drive a manual-gear car, so it could not have been him killing the occupants of the BMW and then driving off with that car. According to his mother he had difficulty putting together leggo, so he definitely could not work out how to repair the broken down car of the two females outside the Port Arthur gates.

I am referring to a report made by two women. They also said “the person” sold them some marijuana but Martin was not a smoker of marijuana.

In the years after the event I wrote to any pertinent office of government including the Governor General. No one was interested.

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I hope the creature, whatever it is, is voted out of office soon!

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As a kiwi Adern is a national embarrassment as she does not represent the views of the majority - she has an Agenda that is not in our national interests and as can recognised she never did. The sooner her real interests are fully exposed and she is kicked to the curb the better for all citizens and for NZ……..it’s hard to fathom that she has any support left when you look at the divide, the destruction she has caused in 5 short years……..

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Another anti-human globalist for censorship

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Ardern did exactly what the WEF told her to do. In 2-3 years 30% of the NZ jabbed will be dead. Same thing for a lot of other countries.

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This is not left vs right. It is authoritarians vs libertarians, proponents of top-down vs bottom-up organisation of societies.

The moment you misleadingly use the word 'left', you risk losing about half your audience, e.g. this UK organisation: https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/

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Thank you John. You are correct. The terms left and right no longer have currency and serve only to confuse people, which the media exploits shamelessly. Once upon a time, I was vilified as a left winger for promoting genuine democracy but now the same call gets me labeled ultra right wing.

The reality is, all western governments are simply authoritarian, unilateral, and tyrannical. This situation wil be resolved when every participant is dead. How that comes about depends upon the intelligence of the most active part of the population.

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