Mawson study using Florida Medicaid data again confirms childhood vaccines are likely responsible for nearly 80% of the autism cases in US
Stunning new autism findings using Florida Medicaid database examining kids from birth till 9 years old. A RR=4.4 implies a PAR of nearly 80% which means most autism in the US is caused by vaccines.
Executive summary
A stunning new autism study was just published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid” by Mawson and Jacob.
The study examined Florida Medicaid data obtained from the now defunct DEVEXI.
Note: It is critically important to the US government that databases such as DEVEXI are shut down ASAP so that research revealing the harms of vaccination can no longer take place. Mawson was lucky to get access to this data before DEVEXI was shut down. He mentions in the paper a conversation with Mitch Praver, co-founder of DEVEXI on 07/19/2018.
Key findings are summarized in this stunning figure where NDD are neurodevelopmental disorders:
In plain English, from a child’s mental health standpoint, vaccination is a DISASTER.
85% of learning disabilities in kids is being caused by the CDC childhood vaccination schedule.
Let that sink in. PAR= 5.8/6.8 which is 85.3%
Relative Risk (RR) for autism for kids with just 11 vaccine visits was a stunning 4.4. Since most kids in America get the full CDC schedule, close to 80% of all autism cases in America are caused by vaccines
Here you go. This is called “dose-response” and it is a key marker of causality. This is not just a “correlation.” It is a DOSE DEPENDENT correlation which is another name for “causality.” It’s associated with vaccine visits, not office visits.
Here are the details from Table 10:
Let’s do the math… nearly 80% of autism cases in the US are likely caused by vaccines
If nearly all of the population is exposed to a particular risk (most everyone in America in the last 20 years has had 11 or more vaccination visits to get their 70+ required vaccines), then the population attributable risk (PAR) equation simplifies to (RR-1)/RR. Plug in 4.4 to the formula and you find that nearly 80% of all autism cases in America are being caused by the CDC childhood vaccination schedule.
That’s the takeaway from this study.
If we want to reduce autism, we should stop the vaccines.
Every single study that has been ever published in the peer-reviewed literature has shown unvaccinated kids are healthier in all measures than their vaccinated peers.
The NIH refuses to do any study comparing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated kids
In 2009, the only House bill ever introduced requiring the NIH to do such a study was killed in committee: (see HR 3069). Why? Because it would be harmful to the American people if they learned the truth about vaccines.
The bill had 9 co-sponsors including Rand Paul
Congress will never, in my lifetime, ask the NIH to do such a study. Not even Trump can get them to do this.
Look, if vaccines were making kids healthy, the drug companies would be pleading with members of Congress to have the study done. And they’d be LOUDLY complaining to the press that NIH isn’t doing the study showing how safe their products are. Instead, we hear silence from the drug companies. You don’t need to have any critical thinking skills on that one.
They don’t want you to know.
They are afraid of the truth.
Attacks on the Mawson study? None! Just the “Sounds of Silence”
I don’t know of any way to credibly attack this study.
Mawson was careful to account for previous attack vectors in designing his study.
This is why people like Danish Professor Anders Hviid who has published papers showing vaccines don’t cause autism (and chose to block me instead of answering questions regarding the critical flaws in his studies) were completely silent after this paper was published. He should be acknowledging he was wrong or pointing out the errors in the study. Instead, he is silent. Is that how science works?
Professor Hviid’s flawed studies are indirectly responsible for misleading millions of parents into thinking vaccines are safe and do not cause autism.
Nic Hulscher’s post got 200K views (and a proposed Community Note)
The proposed Community Note said:
“The scientific consensus is that vaccines do not cause autism. Autism is a difference in development of the human brain during fetal life.”
In short, “earlier science which did NOT find a connection (but never used the same methodology) must be right, so this MUST be wrong even though we can’t find any errors in the methodology.”
The only other critique I could find is from Xeno Rasusson who posted: “Just browsed it and once Mawson selects the absolutely worst methodology and measures to examine the association between vx and NDD.” I offered to give him the data so he could analyze it and he’ll let me know. The methodology was limited by the data source (since Medicare isn’t going to give Tony access, he went with what was available), and Xeno acknowledged that. He wasn’t able to explain why the autism diagnosis was associated with more vaccine visits and not more total visits.
This is the best study to date confirming that vaccines are causing most of the autism in America due to the dose response relationship of the number of vaccine office visits and autism. I was EASILY able to replicate the odds ratios in a reader survey of 10,000 parents. It took about 24 hours to gather the data. My data was exclusively based on the total # of vaccines a child received, and not at all on the number of office visits. My odds ratio (OR) was 4.5. Mawson found RR=4.4 (the RR is generally slightly lower than the OR so these numbers are very similar).
It is telling that Congress will not require the NIH to do a study comparing the unvaccinated and vaccinated and that the NIH won’t do it on their own. NOBODY is calling for such a study (for some reason).
Sadly, it will likely take 50 years before such a study is done. In the meantime, don’t expect a single prominent mainstream doctor or academic to ever read this paper (or ask to see the data) until then.
Being in California, I personally know several children with autism, all boys, all vaccinated, and I know several other children of both sexes with learning disabilities, also all vaccinated. I have many friends with unvaccinated children (as my own are), and none of them have ANY learning disabilities whatsoever.
Thank you Steve! If I could only persuade my daughter to quit listening to the medical quacks as she keeps my grand baby on schedule with their schedule. ;(
Will attempt to send her this. Sadly, however, she gets irritated with me and tells me, we follow what our doctor tells us. ;(((