I have a question. What childhood diagnostic codes does vaccination NOT increase? What is static or reverse across all health issues? ( Besides chicken pox and pertussis and probably genetic mutations like sickle cell and cystic fibrosis).

Vaccination in children appears to increase anemia, asthma, ear infection, cold and flu, skin conditions, allergies, mental health diagnoses. I imagine seizures. All the infectious things like strep, UTI, and pink eye. Does it increase type 1 diabetes and obesity, GI issues? Cancer? All types of cancer? Id bet money on things like juvenile arthritis and any autoimmune issue.

Logically you would think it less likely to affect accidents of play like broken bones, concussion, and sprains. Maybe not though because people with NDD could be clumsier and have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Maybe nearsightness and dental work? Hearing issues?

It would be interesting to calculate how much potential total disease burden is caused just by vaccination. On one hand I suspect most things are worsened by vaccination. On the other hand, if there are diagnoses that are static across both groups, that could potentially rule out confounders like the parents who vaccinate are just all around more hypervigilant and less neglectful so their kids get diagnosed with everything more. Particularly if these diagnoses are non obvious and require some attention to diagnose. Also the nature of what is NOT affected could strengthen the hypothesis that it's the vaccines if it makes sense that vaccination wouldn't affect that code.

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Very wise of Mawson to accunt for the typical attack vectors in the study methodology. The truth is the enemy to defenders of dogmatic belief. Perhaps we will have our Great Reset,. but not the kind the sociopaths who want to rule the planet think.

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Interesting you mention that the data used in this study has been taken down!!

The same thing happened years ago when Catherine Austin Fitts examined Gov't data to find over $20 trillion missing, unaccounted for. Prof Mark Skidmore of Univ of Michigan, with grad students tried to confirm this and found it was probably more!! ALL the data they used is no longer available on line!! So it goes. Thank you for your work.

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Steve, one would suppose BigP would commission research that "proves vaccines safe".

I recall quite a number of cases as a Radiation Safety Officer, submitting blood sample for elevated cell abnormanlities. The returned figures looked horrific when the person was disclosed as working in a Radiation Environment.

Sumitting without disclosure, the reports showed no abnormalities beyond normal.

Been following you for a while, and have yet to find a single BigP commissioned researcher to find anything contrary to what they were paide for to find....

Now thát research would show correlation! Peter Hotez comes to mind. Abd the bane of Tess Lawrie's life Andy Hill....

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So no consideration of the impacts of poverty (study is only kids on Medicaid for the entire 9 years - family income is up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level), prenatal care, pregnancy complications (HTN/diabetes), mom's diet during pregnancy, mom's medication during pregnancy, mom & dad's age at pregnancy, drugs/alcohol/smoking during pregnancy, lack of health care that could equal having it/but not being diagnosed, kid's diet, breast-fed vs formula, etc., etc.? Just volume of vaccination visits and an anonymous online survey from 666 homeschooling mothers. I do thank them for calling this out -"There are very few randomized trials on any existing vaccine recommended for children in terms of morbidity and mortality, in part because of ethical concerns involving withholding vaccines from children assigned to a control group." How about correlation vs. causation?

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Correlation implying causation is the very basis of the belief that vaccines have eradicated childhood diseases. Never mind that public health improvements also eradicated non-vaccineable diseases such as typhoid (the greatest 19th century killer or all) and scarlet fever.

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Steve-- can you explain why this result could not be caused by fewer diagnoses of ASD when the children "dropped out" of the medical system, i.e. had fewer vaccine visits as children? It seems one could argue that the more office visits, the more diagnoses. Do we know how many non-vaccine visits these children had?

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That hypothesis operates on the assumption that unvaccinated family parents would not notice autism in their children and take them in for treatment. There's no evidence of that.

Are you saying asymptomatic autism? That's even more far-fetched.

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It would be fascinating to take this data, and see how many of the autistic children also have the MTHFR gene mutation that decreases our body's ability to detox.

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cdhidthe liinkautism&autismmmravax

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Autism should come with the words brain damage. So the headline should be "New Peer-Reviewed Study Indicate That Childhood Vaccines Are Likely Responsible For Nearly 80% Of Autism Brain Damage in US"

If the Industry ever admitted to it, they would owe trillions in lawsuits.

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Here’s to the hopes & 🙏🏻🙏🏻 we get there.

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As we all understood the new US Oligarchy is implementing RMNA "vaccines" for everything. God help us..

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The 6-in-1 DTAP+ vaccine also has a valent for hepatitis, composed of rDNA. A double atrocity for the stupidity of vaccinating a newborn for a disease that is caused by dirty needles and unhygienic sex, AND having the DNA modified to produce the antigen.

Unless Kennedy gets nominated for HHS and keeps his word, things will not improve. Let's be prepared to educate and if necessary protest the now honest White House.

PS. "Times they are a'changing"- West Virginia governor just issued an EO to allow for vaccine exemptions.

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But did the vaccinated children have less diseases that the vaccines could have prevented? Why do none of these type studies look into that question? Why are they only concerned with the bad things vaccines might do and not the potential for children to not get diseases because they got the vaccines?

Like polio, flu, mumps, measles, rubella, and all the other diseases vaccines are given to prevent. Vaccines are supposed to reduce the risk for getting those diseases. Do they?

The vaccinators could say those children who avoided vaccines benefited from the herd immunity from the children who got the vaccines. And so they did not get the diseases because most other children did get the vaccines.

This causes parents of children who did get the vaccines to be angry at the parents whose children did not get the vaccines. Their children took the risk of vaccines, which they are aware of, and it winds up protecting the unvaccinated children. Plus, they think the unvaccinated children can give the diseases to their vaccinated children.

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The rationalizations I've usually heard is that vaccinating almost everyone is to protect the "very few" who could not be vaccinated "for a valid medical reason". And that the diseases would come back and kill millions. There are several problems with these presumptions:

1) Nutritional awareness and public health measures have defanged most of the old diseases, as evident from the eradication of non-vaccinable diseases, such as typhoid and scarlet fevers.

2) A very large percentage of adults haven't been vaccinated for many decades, and even then got less boosters. So, where are the epidemics, and why so many boosters now?

3) The death rate trends for vaccinable diseases show little or no effect of the introduction of the vaccines. In some cases, such as cervical cancer rates following the introduction of HPV vaccines and shingles rates following the introduction of chicken pox vaccines, it's gotten worse.

It's ultimately based on a dogmatic belief like that of a religion.

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Simple answer: Research attempts to nail down one truth at a time. Once the medical / public health community admits that vaccines are causing harm, then we can discuss how to balance the harms against the benefits. As long as they deny all harm, we need more brave researchers demonstrating the harm.

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"...they think the unvaccinated children can give the diseases to their vaccinated children" then what use is the protection, if the protected need to be protected from the unprotected?

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Doesn't make sense. If the vaccines work, the parents of vaccinated children should not be afraid that unvaccinated children will give their children the infection. That fear is valid only if the vaccines don't work, and if they don't work, no children should be getting them.

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This is an easy question to answer, the CDC has all the data, they just have to release it. Why don't they?

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God help the children, and let’s please pray that parents everywhere will open their minds to see and hear the truth in order that they can prevent their children from being further harmed and also find the path to heal their children from this vaccine induced damage. 🙏🏻

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Thank you.

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Why do they not want to know? How can money or a job or status be more important than a child's - or anybody's - health? I just do not get it. Why are so many so in love with vaccines they will forgive any horror?

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Many simply can't see anything that doesn't fit their firmly anchored belief systems. They presume something must be wrong with anything that contradicts those bliefs, and cannot see anything wrong with whatever supports those beliefs.

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One has to understand the sociopathic personality. They have no empathy and don't care about the consequences to other people of their actions. There is a tendency for sociopaths to rise to the top in political and managerial positions. So, the big drug companies are run by sociopathic executives who care only about maximizing profits and their own power and bonuses. The harm to other people is not even on their radar. That's the big danger of the managerial state: the sociopathic executives work in tandem with the sociopathic politicians and bureaucrats.

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Very true, however, this says a lot about the Doctors or the posing doctors that try to explain away the jabs and the “Rockefeller” medicine they practice.

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Brainwashed I think and ignorant because of the lack of factual education in schools on health and diseases and nutrition,

They may not be able to grasp the enormity of the lie of the necessity of vaccines,

Or they might not make the connections that their child is ill or disabled because of vaccines, and the family doctor certainly does not hint or suggest of any relation to vaccine and developmental delays in children,

Let’s just hope that as we who have realised and learned can keep talking and exposing the connections of vaccines and autism will get through to others.

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It’s has become crystal clear. Cause, Effect, Solution. These death jabs that are promoting “turbo” Cancers. Are now capable of detecting the cancer particles in the blood, therefore being able to eliminate it. Wow the $$ that will be made by killing ppl is astounding! WTFU PEOPLE!!!!!!

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