Stunning new autism findings using Florida Medicaid database examining kids from birth till 9 years old. A RR=4.4 implies a PAR of nearly 80% which means most autism in the US is caused by vaccines.
RFK Jr. in his Senate confirmation hearing Wednesday and Thursday was challenged on the vaccines-cause-autism story but did not respond by asking why Congress has not tasked NIH with studying vaccine effects on autism. Why?
Sandy Rempel, Dr. Jess Steier clearly has her heart-in-her-wallet, so is unable to distinguish significant factors in this timely study. Here we are in a full-blown Autism epidemic over the past 40 years increasing from what was 1 autistic person in many 1000s down to 1 in 36 (2.8%) Autistic people today. These Medical Dinosaurs are still trying to kill the totally unfunded messengers such as Wakefield & Mawson. I personally as a Specialized Educator & volunteer from 1978 to present have lived & worked with over 50 people with Autistic Spectrum disorders. I have conducted interviews with families & parents, asking the Age-of-Onset for Autistic symptoms. 20 family members who responded described bright interactive, smiling children before the age of vaccinations, after-which each baby & child underwent High fevers indicative of Meningitis, Encephalitis neural Brain injury, leading to life-long difficulties with both diet, cognition & pleasurable human relations. Many of these brains & neural systems are under constant alarm signals. As a Health Professional & Environmentalists, I have training, studies & experience by some of the best epidemiologists & bio-statisticians, so know that statistics must have a foundation in the intimacy of family & community relations in order to have integrity & significance.
Medical Experiment 'Burden-of-Proof' is for all artificial medical & drug (eg. so-called 'vaccines') interventions to prove themselves innocent of causation, not the opposite that; overburdened unfinanced families with Autistic members have to prove the now trillion-dollar-profit Pharmaceutical Companies 'guilty'.
Steier starts by complaining that; the Mawson & Jacob study, funded by the volunteer unfunded 'National-Vaccine-Information-Center' is published on WordPress & by Dr Peter McCullough, most published Cardiac Doctor. This fake critique is a 'ruse' because Pharma controls the fake 'Peer-Review' publications as well as big $$ hires the Medical Reviewers. Like Mainstream Media MSM which now only receives ~25% of the public viewer & readership, these fake Peer Review 'media' (Latin 'medium' = 'middle' as in looking at all interdisciplinary & stakeholder sides to an issue) publications are not taken serious by any thinking Medical professional who knows they are being subject to Pharma & Surgical propaganda at best. Steier complains Mawson has a history of having his research retracted. The issue is really a mass 350 million person US population suffering the medical & psychological damages of bad science & industry, without participation in or control of its $$ captured Pharma-run institutions, being $$ outclassed by trillion $$ Pharma industries.
2nd issue:
Steier clearly doesn't understand the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE & PRACTICE in Medical Experimentation. She is not familiar with the prevailing CULTURAL MEDICINE practiced by in the Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village) by the 20% who are Extended families. Multihome Extended families are the largest Health-care provider in North-America providing over 2 trillion dollars of food, housing, culturally appropriate care & services, albeit unrecognized & unfunded by our fake Government, Institutions & Academia.
One can clearly see the heartless-cruel-selfishness of these $$ pampered Pharma-shills, such as Dr Jess Steier, for not volunteering to raise funding resources for such more complete studies according to the criteria which she herself proposes as significant. All anecdotal data put forward must be respected as the foundation of any statistical study, so this study by Mawson is not to be dismissed in an epidemic of autism, but added to. Unfunded studies don't have the luxury of so-called 'pure' statistical compliance. Steier as a statistician should be very aware of these public-health limitations, but is not, which shows deficiencies in her pharma pampered experience & training. Its like, Steier is trying to prove herself incompetent in public health statistics & particularly what should be a loving supportive relation between paid professionals & the public.
REBUILDING PUBLIC HEALTH IN CULTURAL 'ECONOMY' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') 'FRACTALS' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') FROM THE BOTTOM-UP
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? web-based Community-Circular Economy software for Multihomes & neighbourhood empowerment. Do-we-know-? Begins as intranet Virtual Private Network VPN systems, with internet & web-based advertising for individual & grouped Talents, goods, services, resources & dreams as voluntary PERSONAL DISCLOSURE CHOICES within each ~100 person Multihome & neighbourhood Circular-economy enhancing one's livelihood & community. Http://
To add significant data to Medical Systems repair. Rockefeller (circa 1902 mega Billionaire owner of Standard Oil) began attacking Natural Science based in Humankind's intimate formative relation with the biosphere & replacing it with patentable Petro-chemical Pharmaceuticals. Rockefeller used lawfare & privileged capture of Congress People to shut-down or take over all Natural Health Medical collages. 1000s of years of proven Natural-Medicine knowledge was lost during this lawfare. Previously all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors, as 'communities' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') had record keepers who kept track of the names & experiences of members going back 1000s of years (reference 'Roots' by Alex Haley). Hence most so called Health Professionals over the past 120 years have next to no experiential training & relationship with holistic interdisciplinary medicine as Hippocrates maxim, "Let food be thy medicine" or the relation between plants, biosphere & our bodies. Without this foundation even statisticians such as Dr. Jess Steier don't have the intellectual background or training to understand Natural Immunity.
Indigenous people worldwide refer to the right & obligation to dialogue in all human affairs as COUNCIL-PROCESS, Socrates as 'Dialectic-Rights', Mohandas Gandhi as 'Satyagraha' = 'Truth-Search' as part of India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'Indigenous' aka 'Self-sufficiency') movement as the Economic Engine which asserted Independence. "I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a coward. Possession of arms implies an element of fear, if not cowardice. But true non-violence is an impossibility without the possession of unadulterated fearlessness." Mohandas Gandhi in Harijan, 15-7-'39, p. 201 Hence most soldiers & compliant professional trolls, who refuse to challenge Oligarchy $$ & politicians, intellectually, are cowards, as are the greater part of the Mainstream war & inoculation compliant population.
WHY HUMANS ARE STRONGER IN COLLABORATIVE DISAGREEMENT Formal Dialogues or Dialectics mimic functioning of the human mind. Both eyes for example see in 2-dimensions, but the discordant images are joined in the Neural Cortex for their differences in order to construct a 3-D working model of the world we live & act in. All senses of Smell, Hearing & Kinetic body movement from our 2 arms, legs & sides add 'dialectic' ('both-sided') dimensions to the world we perceive. When people are recorded & held responsible for what they say, reputation is put out into the public & hence becomes more collaborative & engaging. for creating Constructive Agreements, Contract delineation & for Conflict Resolution. Council is both a right & obligation in all humanity's worldwide indigenous heritage, with the right to call for dialogue & obligation to respond to such calls.
TRANSFORMING SOCIAL MEDIA FROM MONO TO DIALOGUE Its surprising that 'MEDIA' (Latin 'Medium' = 'middle' as in to present both sides engaged) whether MSM or Social, haven’t maintained stronger policies of 'dialectic' ('both-sided') presentation. Given the human mind's attraction for Dialogue, as enabling media viewers to contrast & compare, facts, figures, logics, feeling etc., it’s natural that any media would want this reader & viewer attraction. Debates are the most viewed & sought after events in media
It’s a very interesting read. But I wonder how much of the discrepancy is due to parents of unvaccinated children avoid the testing and stuff.
It would likely play some role in it. Not saying it’s going to make up the massive gap by no means.
This is a topic that has to be explored more. People have to get past the “anti vax” taboo and look at it closely. Parents deserve to know, their concerns can’t be sluffed off anymore.
Start by following children from birth with parent volunteers.
My HS friend, valedictorian of our class, had two boys. Her first son was a healthy thriving smart boy until he got his vaccines. He stopped walking and talking. He was diagnosed with autism and she now has an adult son who will never be able to get a job, get married, or live on his own.
It's perfectly possible to postulate multiple mechanisms for autism to develop, since the endpoint is a different neural wiring.
1. Genetics - known 30 years ago that autism has a genetic contribution - this could manifest via assortative mating.
2. Neurotoxins - exposure at key developmental stages.
3. Vaccines (which may partially act as neurotoxins).
It's quite possible that up to 1950, most cases were either genetic or due to chemical toxins, whereas the 21st century has seen a shift to vaccine-related cases.
Rather than try to change minds of moneymakers, better to change minds of those hoping to become parents?
You are correct: only prospective parents will care enough to protect their children. Apparently any vaccine has the potential for causing autism. It is safe to guess that the entire pharma industry will protest. The solution to that is full manufacturer liability. Followed by a smear campaign.
Not entirely. While I still await evidence whether that be the case, genetics could explain susceptibility to neural insults. Dr. Rogers evaded that question entirely. Boo, hiss on that! He also evaded diagnostic criteria. When I was young, "autism" pretty much required catatonia. That no longer applies, so they've obviously changed. It's not a "great" interview; time for a do-over!
"Chemical toxins" are an oxymoron (granted, some toxins are also synthesized). Unless you refer to natural antigens and inactivated live pathogens, vaccines are not neurotoxins. Please use the correct name; "neurotoxicants".
The older children are vaccinated, and they find learning very difficult. The two younger ones are not vaccinated at all, and their learning is at a completely higher level in terms of results.
can someone please link me to professionals that can help me fight back against the california court system trying to force vaccinate my 8yr old unvaccinated child? my next court date is 2/7
I have a question. What childhood diagnostic codes does vaccination NOT increase? What is static or reverse across all health issues? ( Besides chicken pox and pertussis and probably genetic mutations like sickle cell and cystic fibrosis).
Vaccination in children appears to increase anemia, asthma, ear infection, cold and flu, skin conditions, allergies, mental health diagnoses. I imagine seizures. All the infectious things like strep, UTI, and pink eye. Does it increase type 1 diabetes and obesity, GI issues? Cancer? All types of cancer? Id bet money on things like juvenile arthritis and any autoimmune issue.
Logically you would think it less likely to affect accidents of play like broken bones, concussion, and sprains. Maybe not though because people with NDD could be clumsier and have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Maybe nearsightness and dental work? Hearing issues?
It would be interesting to calculate how much potential total disease burden is caused just by vaccination. On one hand I suspect most things are worsened by vaccination. On the other hand, if there are diagnoses that are static across both groups, that could potentially rule out confounders like the parents who vaccinate are just all around more hypervigilant and less neglectful so their kids get diagnosed with everything more. Particularly if these diagnoses are non obvious and require some attention to diagnose. Also the nature of what is NOT affected could strengthen the hypothesis that it's the vaccines if it makes sense that vaccination wouldn't affect that code.
Very wise of Mawson to accunt for the typical attack vectors in the study methodology. The truth is the enemy to defenders of dogmatic belief. Perhaps we will have our Great Reset,. but not the kind the sociopaths who want to rule the planet think.
Interesting you mention that the data used in this study has been taken down!!
The same thing happened years ago when Catherine Austin Fitts examined Gov't data to find over $20 trillion missing, unaccounted for. Prof Mark Skidmore of Univ of Michigan, with grad students tried to confirm this and found it was probably more!! ALL the data they used is no longer available on line!! So it goes. Thank you for your work.
Steve, one would suppose BigP would commission research that "proves vaccines safe".
I recall quite a number of cases as a Radiation Safety Officer, submitting blood sample for elevated cell abnormanlities. The returned figures looked horrific when the person was disclosed as working in a Radiation Environment.
Sumitting without disclosure, the reports showed no abnormalities beyond normal.
Been following you for a while, and have yet to find a single BigP commissioned researcher to find anything contrary to what they were paide for to find....
Now thát research would show correlation! Peter Hotez comes to mind. Abd the bane of Tess Lawrie's life Andy Hill....
So no consideration of the impacts of poverty (study is only kids on Medicaid for the entire 9 years - family income is up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level), prenatal care, pregnancy complications (HTN/diabetes), mom's diet during pregnancy, mom's medication during pregnancy, mom & dad's age at pregnancy, drugs/alcohol/smoking during pregnancy, lack of health care that could equal having it/but not being diagnosed, kid's diet, breast-fed vs formula, etc., etc.? Just volume of vaccination visits and an anonymous online survey from 666 homeschooling mothers. I do thank them for calling this out -"There are very few randomized trials on any existing vaccine recommended for children in terms of morbidity and mortality, in part because of ethical concerns involving withholding vaccines from children assigned to a control group." How about correlation vs. causation?
The old withholding vaccines from a control group is an old, and likely well established, practice. As long as it persists, either an alternative protocol needs to be designed and followed, or . . .
Correlation implying causation is the very basis of the belief that vaccines have eradicated childhood diseases. Never mind that public health improvements also eradicated non-vaccineable diseases such as typhoid (the greatest 19th century killer or all) and scarlet fever.
Steve-- can you explain why this result could not be caused by fewer diagnoses of ASD when the children "dropped out" of the medical system, i.e. had fewer vaccine visits as children? It seems one could argue that the more office visits, the more diagnoses. Do we know how many non-vaccine visits these children had?
That hypothesis operates on the assumption that unvaccinated family parents would not notice autism in their children and take them in for treatment. There's no evidence of that.
Are you saying asymptomatic autism? That's even more far-fetched.
RFK Jr. in his Senate confirmation hearing Wednesday and Thursday was challenged on the vaccines-cause-autism story but did not respond by asking why Congress has not tasked NIH with studying vaccine effects on autism. Why?
I sent this study to my kids and the responded with this debunking. Can anybody review this?
Sandy Rempel, Dr. Jess Steier clearly has her heart-in-her-wallet, so is unable to distinguish significant factors in this timely study. Here we are in a full-blown Autism epidemic over the past 40 years increasing from what was 1 autistic person in many 1000s down to 1 in 36 (2.8%) Autistic people today. These Medical Dinosaurs are still trying to kill the totally unfunded messengers such as Wakefield & Mawson. I personally as a Specialized Educator & volunteer from 1978 to present have lived & worked with over 50 people with Autistic Spectrum disorders. I have conducted interviews with families & parents, asking the Age-of-Onset for Autistic symptoms. 20 family members who responded described bright interactive, smiling children before the age of vaccinations, after-which each baby & child underwent High fevers indicative of Meningitis, Encephalitis neural Brain injury, leading to life-long difficulties with both diet, cognition & pleasurable human relations. Many of these brains & neural systems are under constant alarm signals. As a Health Professional & Environmentalists, I have training, studies & experience by some of the best epidemiologists & bio-statisticians, so know that statistics must have a foundation in the intimacy of family & community relations in order to have integrity & significance.
Medical Experiment 'Burden-of-Proof' is for all artificial medical & drug (eg. so-called 'vaccines') interventions to prove themselves innocent of causation, not the opposite that; overburdened unfinanced families with Autistic members have to prove the now trillion-dollar-profit Pharmaceutical Companies 'guilty'.
Steier starts by complaining that; the Mawson & Jacob study, funded by the volunteer unfunded 'National-Vaccine-Information-Center' is published on WordPress & by Dr Peter McCullough, most published Cardiac Doctor. This fake critique is a 'ruse' because Pharma controls the fake 'Peer-Review' publications as well as big $$ hires the Medical Reviewers. Like Mainstream Media MSM which now only receives ~25% of the public viewer & readership, these fake Peer Review 'media' (Latin 'medium' = 'middle' as in looking at all interdisciplinary & stakeholder sides to an issue) publications are not taken serious by any thinking Medical professional who knows they are being subject to Pharma & Surgical propaganda at best. Steier complains Mawson has a history of having his research retracted. The issue is really a mass 350 million person US population suffering the medical & psychological damages of bad science & industry, without participation in or control of its $$ captured Pharma-run institutions, being $$ outclassed by trillion $$ Pharma industries.
2nd issue:
Steier clearly doesn't understand the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE & PRACTICE in Medical Experimentation. She is not familiar with the prevailing CULTURAL MEDICINE practiced by in the Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village) by the 20% who are Extended families. Multihome Extended families are the largest Health-care provider in North-America providing over 2 trillion dollars of food, housing, culturally appropriate care & services, albeit unrecognized & unfunded by our fake Government, Institutions & Academia.
One can clearly see the heartless-cruel-selfishness of these $$ pampered Pharma-shills, such as Dr Jess Steier, for not volunteering to raise funding resources for such more complete studies according to the criteria which she herself proposes as significant. All anecdotal data put forward must be respected as the foundation of any statistical study, so this study by Mawson is not to be dismissed in an epidemic of autism, but added to. Unfunded studies don't have the luxury of so-called 'pure' statistical compliance. Steier as a statistician should be very aware of these public-health limitations, but is not, which shows deficiencies in her pharma pampered experience & training. Its like, Steier is trying to prove herself incompetent in public health statistics & particularly what should be a loving supportive relation between paid professionals & the public.
REBUILDING PUBLIC HEALTH IN CULTURAL 'ECONOMY' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') 'FRACTALS' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') FROM THE BOTTOM-UP
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? web-based Community-Circular Economy software for Multihomes & neighbourhood empowerment. Do-we-know-? Begins as intranet Virtual Private Network VPN systems, with internet & web-based advertising for individual & grouped Talents, goods, services, resources & dreams as voluntary PERSONAL DISCLOSURE CHOICES within each ~100 person Multihome & neighbourhood Circular-economy enhancing one's livelihood & community. Http://
A) CATALOGUE intake form for individual & business: talents, goods, services, resources & dreams. Https://
B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in the Tiohtiake (greater Montreal archipelago) region
C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment.
D) COMMUNICATE such as formally through COUNCIL PROCESS for creating understanding, Constructive Agreements, Contract delineation & for Conflict Resolution. Https://
To add significant data to Medical Systems repair. Rockefeller (circa 1902 mega Billionaire owner of Standard Oil) began attacking Natural Science based in Humankind's intimate formative relation with the biosphere & replacing it with patentable Petro-chemical Pharmaceuticals. Rockefeller used lawfare & privileged capture of Congress People to shut-down or take over all Natural Health Medical collages. 1000s of years of proven Natural-Medicine knowledge was lost during this lawfare. Previously all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors, as 'communities' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') had record keepers who kept track of the names & experiences of members going back 1000s of years (reference 'Roots' by Alex Haley). Hence most so called Health Professionals over the past 120 years have next to no experiential training & relationship with holistic interdisciplinary medicine as Hippocrates maxim, "Let food be thy medicine" or the relation between plants, biosphere & our bodies. Without this foundation even statisticians such as Dr. Jess Steier don't have the intellectual background or training to understand Natural Immunity.
Indigenous people worldwide refer to the right & obligation to dialogue in all human affairs as COUNCIL-PROCESS, Socrates as 'Dialectic-Rights', Mohandas Gandhi as 'Satyagraha' = 'Truth-Search' as part of India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'Indigenous' aka 'Self-sufficiency') movement as the Economic Engine which asserted Independence. "I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a coward. Possession of arms implies an element of fear, if not cowardice. But true non-violence is an impossibility without the possession of unadulterated fearlessness." Mohandas Gandhi in Harijan, 15-7-'39, p. 201 Hence most soldiers & compliant professional trolls, who refuse to challenge Oligarchy $$ & politicians, intellectually, are cowards, as are the greater part of the Mainstream war & inoculation compliant population.
WHY HUMANS ARE STRONGER IN COLLABORATIVE DISAGREEMENT Formal Dialogues or Dialectics mimic functioning of the human mind. Both eyes for example see in 2-dimensions, but the discordant images are joined in the Neural Cortex for their differences in order to construct a 3-D working model of the world we live & act in. All senses of Smell, Hearing & Kinetic body movement from our 2 arms, legs & sides add 'dialectic' ('both-sided') dimensions to the world we perceive. When people are recorded & held responsible for what they say, reputation is put out into the public & hence becomes more collaborative & engaging. for creating Constructive Agreements, Contract delineation & for Conflict Resolution. Council is both a right & obligation in all humanity's worldwide indigenous heritage, with the right to call for dialogue & obligation to respond to such calls.
TRANSFORMING SOCIAL MEDIA FROM MONO TO DIALOGUE Its surprising that 'MEDIA' (Latin 'Medium' = 'middle' as in to present both sides engaged) whether MSM or Social, haven’t maintained stronger policies of 'dialectic' ('both-sided') presentation. Given the human mind's attraction for Dialogue, as enabling media viewers to contrast & compare, facts, figures, logics, feeling etc., it’s natural that any media would want this reader & viewer attraction. Debates are the most viewed & sought after events in media
Extraordinary finding.
It’s a very interesting read. But I wonder how much of the discrepancy is due to parents of unvaccinated children avoid the testing and stuff.
It would likely play some role in it. Not saying it’s going to make up the massive gap by no means.
This is a topic that has to be explored more. People have to get past the “anti vax” taboo and look at it closely. Parents deserve to know, their concerns can’t be sluffed off anymore.
Start by following children from birth with parent volunteers.
My HS friend, valedictorian of our class, had two boys. Her first son was a healthy thriving smart boy until he got his vaccines. He stopped walking and talking. He was diagnosed with autism and she now has an adult son who will never be able to get a job, get married, or live on his own.
This is truly a tragic story - because the autism denies brotherhood. At every age.
Great work Steve. We need a full study on this
Check out this new study published at JAMA documenting a significant uptick in SIDS in 2021 but not 2020
It's perfectly possible to postulate multiple mechanisms for autism to develop, since the endpoint is a different neural wiring.
1. Genetics - known 30 years ago that autism has a genetic contribution - this could manifest via assortative mating.
2. Neurotoxins - exposure at key developmental stages.
3. Vaccines (which may partially act as neurotoxins).
It's quite possible that up to 1950, most cases were either genetic or due to chemical toxins, whereas the 21st century has seen a shift to vaccine-related cases.
Rather than try to change minds of moneymakers, better to change minds of those hoping to become parents?
You are correct: only prospective parents will care enough to protect their children. Apparently any vaccine has the potential for causing autism. It is safe to guess that the entire pharma industry will protest. The solution to that is full manufacturer liability. Followed by a smear campaign.
Rebuttal to your genetics statement. Dr. Rogers explains that the rate of autism growth can not be explained by genetics. It's a great interview
Not entirely. While I still await evidence whether that be the case, genetics could explain susceptibility to neural insults. Dr. Rogers evaded that question entirely. Boo, hiss on that! He also evaded diagnostic criteria. When I was young, "autism" pretty much required catatonia. That no longer applies, so they've obviously changed. It's not a "great" interview; time for a do-over!
"Chemical toxins" are an oxymoron (granted, some toxins are also synthesized). Unless you refer to natural antigens and inactivated live pathogens, vaccines are not neurotoxins. Please use the correct name; "neurotoxicants".
The older children are vaccinated, and they find learning very difficult. The two younger ones are not vaccinated at all, and their learning is at a completely higher level in terms of results.
Amen. My brother and I struggled so much in school (1970 & 1974 births). They then coined dyslexia. I still struggle!
can someone please link me to professionals that can help me fight back against the california court system trying to force vaccinate my 8yr old unvaccinated child? my next court date is 2/7
Try getting in touch with the fellow who runs this site, Larry Cook. On X he is @stopvaccinating
he said it is an uphill battle and sent me to his website
I have a question. What childhood diagnostic codes does vaccination NOT increase? What is static or reverse across all health issues? ( Besides chicken pox and pertussis and probably genetic mutations like sickle cell and cystic fibrosis).
Vaccination in children appears to increase anemia, asthma, ear infection, cold and flu, skin conditions, allergies, mental health diagnoses. I imagine seizures. All the infectious things like strep, UTI, and pink eye. Does it increase type 1 diabetes and obesity, GI issues? Cancer? All types of cancer? Id bet money on things like juvenile arthritis and any autoimmune issue.
Logically you would think it less likely to affect accidents of play like broken bones, concussion, and sprains. Maybe not though because people with NDD could be clumsier and have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Maybe nearsightness and dental work? Hearing issues?
It would be interesting to calculate how much potential total disease burden is caused just by vaccination. On one hand I suspect most things are worsened by vaccination. On the other hand, if there are diagnoses that are static across both groups, that could potentially rule out confounders like the parents who vaccinate are just all around more hypervigilant and less neglectful so their kids get diagnosed with everything more. Particularly if these diagnoses are non obvious and require some attention to diagnose. Also the nature of what is NOT affected could strengthen the hypothesis that it's the vaccines if it makes sense that vaccination wouldn't affect that code.
Very wise of Mawson to accunt for the typical attack vectors in the study methodology. The truth is the enemy to defenders of dogmatic belief. Perhaps we will have our Great Reset,. but not the kind the sociopaths who want to rule the planet think.
Interesting you mention that the data used in this study has been taken down!!
The same thing happened years ago when Catherine Austin Fitts examined Gov't data to find over $20 trillion missing, unaccounted for. Prof Mark Skidmore of Univ of Michigan, with grad students tried to confirm this and found it was probably more!! ALL the data they used is no longer available on line!! So it goes. Thank you for your work.
Steve, one would suppose BigP would commission research that "proves vaccines safe".
I recall quite a number of cases as a Radiation Safety Officer, submitting blood sample for elevated cell abnormanlities. The returned figures looked horrific when the person was disclosed as working in a Radiation Environment.
Sumitting without disclosure, the reports showed no abnormalities beyond normal.
Been following you for a while, and have yet to find a single BigP commissioned researcher to find anything contrary to what they were paide for to find....
Now thát research would show correlation! Peter Hotez comes to mind. Abd the bane of Tess Lawrie's life Andy Hill....
So no consideration of the impacts of poverty (study is only kids on Medicaid for the entire 9 years - family income is up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level), prenatal care, pregnancy complications (HTN/diabetes), mom's diet during pregnancy, mom's medication during pregnancy, mom & dad's age at pregnancy, drugs/alcohol/smoking during pregnancy, lack of health care that could equal having it/but not being diagnosed, kid's diet, breast-fed vs formula, etc., etc.? Just volume of vaccination visits and an anonymous online survey from 666 homeschooling mothers. I do thank them for calling this out -"There are very few randomized trials on any existing vaccine recommended for children in terms of morbidity and mortality, in part because of ethical concerns involving withholding vaccines from children assigned to a control group." How about correlation vs. causation?
The old withholding vaccines from a control group is an old, and likely well established, practice. As long as it persists, either an alternative protocol needs to be designed and followed, or . . .
The rate of increase is something like 12k in 50yrs. Nothing but vaccinations can explain that.
Correlation implying causation is the very basis of the belief that vaccines have eradicated childhood diseases. Never mind that public health improvements also eradicated non-vaccineable diseases such as typhoid (the greatest 19th century killer or all) and scarlet fever.
Steve-- can you explain why this result could not be caused by fewer diagnoses of ASD when the children "dropped out" of the medical system, i.e. had fewer vaccine visits as children? It seems one could argue that the more office visits, the more diagnoses. Do we know how many non-vaccine visits these children had?
Many children drop out of the medical system because their parents saw the direct effects of vaccines.
That hypothesis operates on the assumption that unvaccinated family parents would not notice autism in their children and take them in for treatment. There's no evidence of that.
Are you saying asymptomatic autism? That's even more far-fetched.
Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I red that!