"Name your price" offer to qualified vaccine proponents
If you are an infectious disease professor, county public health officer, COVID fact checker for a mainstream social media company, or a vaccine expert at the CDC, FDA, NIH, Pfizer, or Moderna, ...
… and you are interested in making a lot of money just for answering some questions we had, please fill out the form and name your price for a 3 hour session where we get to ask questions.
You see, we really don’t want to spread misinformation about COVID vaccines and masking, but when we look at the evidence, it just doesn’t support the popular narrative.
If you are willing to answer all our questions in a recorded 3-hour video call and you are selected, we’ll pay your asking price for helping set us on the right path. Note that if there are equally qualified candidates, we’ll likely go with the lowest price bidder so you want to keep your ask reasonable.
So not only will you make a lot of money for 3 hours of work, but you’ll help reduce vaccine hesitancy. So win-win.
You can name your price for the 3-hour session.
To qualify you must be based in the US and be:
A professor of infectious disease at a US university
A county health official
A COVID fact-checker for mainstream media, independent fact checking organization, or a social network company (like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc)
An expert on vaccine safety at the FDA, CDC, NIH, Pfizer, or Moderna or any authorized spokesperson for any of those entities
Someone who appears regularly in the mainstream media in the role of a vaccine and/or masking expert or in claiming that my colleagues spread misinformation
A “vaccine expert” on social media with at least 100,000 followers
A White House authorized spokesperson
A member of Congress
Anyone appointed by a US university to represent the university for this effort
If you qualify, apply here.
For full transparency, you are welcome also to note in the comments that you qualify and what your offer was.
Update on the med school loan repayment offer
For the med school loan repayment offer, there were only 5 applicants. I’m using just four super easy questions to find out if we have someone who can set us on the right path. Here they are:
1. We estimated that over 150,000 Americans were killed by the vaccine. Tell us what the correct ESTIMATE is and how you calculated it.
2. What is the VAERS underreporting factor for 2021 and the COVID vaccines and how did you calculate it?
3. The rates for pulmonary embolism and other symptoms were elevated by over 1000X vs. baseline rates in VAERS. If the vaccines are perfectly safe and effective, how do you explain this dramatic increase?
4. In the first 2 months of 2021, there were just 3 cases of myocarditis reported for all vaccines combined (except for COVID). For COVID vaccines, there were 445 reported cases. We can't figure out how the CDC could possibly have missed this safety signal since it was there since January. How did they miss it?
Thanks for your hard work, Steve, enjoyed your VSRF call today. I realize this has nothing to do with your post, but had to comment, I am on the line with Anna Eschoo's live town hall meeting. https://eshoo.house.gov/live I put in my question, to ask them, why is it that you are still pushing vaccination for children, when the data shows we will kill 117 kids, in order to save ONE from COVID? I cited your research, said you have 2 degrees from MIT, and said there is no data to show healthy children are dying from COVID. They took down my question and I'm "in the queue," but I know the odds are slim to none that they will ever let my question go through. Still, I have a recording of the call, showing that I did ask the question, to add to my evidence file of all the censorship going on here in the bay area. Thanks for all you do to educate the rest of us.
Brilliant as usual Steve.
Thank God for Steve and other truth-tellers.
Steve puts his money where his mouth is.