My interviews with Stew Peters
ICYMI: Here are the two interviews I did with Stew Peters where we talk about what is going on and why.
I love Stew Peters. He’s not afraid to talk about what is really happening in America.
One of the topics we discuss is “why is this happening?” I think that there are multiple agendas here and not a single mastermind. I think most people involved are simply misguided and believe the vaccines are safe and effective and people like me are evil. But not all. A few people at the top know what is going on.
Here’s the publicly accessible show where he interviews me (20 minutes)
Here’s the post-show in-depth discussion we had about what is going on and why (1 hour):
Enjoy the show.
You can also find the 20 minute episode on Rumble.
If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense.
If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.
Covid is not an epidemiological story. Covid is a crime story. “Covid” is being used as cover for crashing the economies in the Western world.
There is not now nor has there ever been an epidemiological or viral emergency event of any sort anywhere in the world in the year 2020.
The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.
What we are in the midst of is a planned total economic collapse. This economic collapse was inevitable, Western governments are attempting to put the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the inevitable social disorder which will result from this collapse. To be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, which destroys both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.
They needed the lockdowns to be long, destructive and depressing. They need everyone to be scared of more lockdowns so that they can say, "To avoid further lockdowns you need to accept Vaccine Passports."
The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the other measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so.
They were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break people's minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.
The injections are the Trojan horse to get us in the door of that digital concentration camp (as well as the metaphorical gas chambers), starting with vax-ports, followed by digital IDs, and then connected to CBDC accounts and UBI scrip, which will allow them to track our every move and purchase, and “nudge” us toward whatever medical, dietary, or lifestyle choices they desire, at threat of having our rations reduced, or, if we misbehave too badly, being shut out of the system altogether.
They’re specifically targeting kids and young people most of all, deliberately inflicting mass trauma on them, because they’re the ones who’ll grow up in that New Normal™️, and the goal is to condition them to accept total control over every aspect of their lives and a dehumanized screen-based existence, to the point where they won’t remember living any other way, breathing free, being free.
The end game is that the central banks (Fed) will buy all the toxic, worthless debt from the hedge funds and banks, including the 1.5 quad trillion of derivatives, and then transfer the debt to the treasury as sovereign debt. Then print money to infinity to service the fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.
That’s the coup.There will be global hyperinflation to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states. As soon as the ruling class mops up the last properties the ruling class will have limitless claims on everything in the world.
It’s blackmail on a global scale.
i will not go near a doctor or a hospital until the mandates have ceased. The mandates and the "vaccine" are all meant to kill us. People are turning into germophobes. I saw a guy at the grocery store wearing a respirator! People driving down the street wearing masks with the windows rolled up. It amazes me how gullible people are. I am healthy and strong and intend to stay this way. I will not comply. FJB!