A simple hypothesis: let’s call it a hypothetical bond movie plot. Here’s what the evil villain does:
1. find a toxin …. let’s call it (spike) in his laboratories (maybe in the US and China)
2. Develop a covert “Trojan horse” toxin delivery system … let’s call it (Covid vaccine)
3. Start secretly spreading the toxin globally, say Wuhan, Milan, NY, etc. to creat mayhem
4. Distribute the delivery system globally (as Bond villains do) to pharmaceutical companies
5. Sit back and watch the world destroy itself and capture it in the media as scripted
It’s a perfect storm of the Trojan horse spike mandated to fight the spike. Putting out a fire with fire, cleaning an acid burn with the same acid applied from a syringe.
I was thinking it was odd Steve Kirsch didn't post for like a day and a half straight..now I know why haha. Doing both a short interview with Stew Peters and 2 hours with a group of five nurses.
Great interview, lots of information in 20 minutes. Stew Peters was good too: He let you talk with little interruption. I forwarded to a lot of people. Thanks for this.
Steve, keep pressing where they are weakest, such as the lack of investigation into any VAERS or Pfizer trial casualty. They have no excuse for that but silence. Maddie de Garay is a living exemplar of their shoddy coverup and she is not going away. There will be more well-known victims as they and their survivors find their voices. A growing chorus of victims demanding to be be heard will eventually end this evil program.
I thought you were very measured and responded to the questions well, Steve; at the end, I sensed Stew was trying to push you a little into saying something, and I'm glad you resisted in a way that was friendly but uncompromising.
Not everyone who has problems with the shots needs to be in 100% agreement about everything, but we can still be respectful towards one another and support the work others are doing. What journalists in general are missing right now are TRUE dissenting opinions, and unfortunately, that is why you probably got invited onto Stew Peters but not Consider This (the NPR podcast), which is in many respects where I'd be less surprised to see you interviewed (if this issue hadn't become so propagandized). Did you imagine before covid you'd ever be on a show like Stew Peters (not to put either of you down, but just politically speaking)?
“you'd ever be on a show like Stew Peters?” is a condescending statement in and of itself.
The MSM and NPR are not “missing” true dissenting opinions, they are purposefully ignoring them because they have been bought and are sold to an agenda that obviously doesn’t care about human lives. Time to realize that. Time to wake up to the hypnotizing propaganda.
Take the red pill.
Steve Kirsch has openly acknowledged here on Substack that he was mistaken for having supported that party.
Steve, please keep up to date, the mRNA *vaccinations* are the equivalent of radiation therapy per injection even if the mRNA they contained were simply 'nop', no-operation/do-nothing, instruction (such as in assembler). Why? Because of the noxious lipids coating which mRNA *vaccines* need in order to trick their mRNA payload into the cells, an insurmountable problem. Catch up, homework needed!, Michael Palmer and Daniel Nagase are those you need to watch. On top of that, then you can add, Fourier transform style, the rest of the shit that comes because of the mRNA payload by itself.
Next, why are you so afraid to look beyond the tip of your nose? Do you still believe the politically correct version of the unfortunate pandemic mess, a false flag as clear as daylight in truth? Do you believe that false flags occur spontaneously, as was accepted to happen with putrefaction and fermentation in Louis Pasteur's time?
Thank you so much for sharing this link! Also useful to share and try to wake people up! — Biotech analyst Karen Kingston gave a detailed explanation on the mRNA “stabilizing” products/ Nanoparticles in one of her interviews with Stew Peters.
i will not go near a doctor or a hospital until the mandates have ceased. The mandates and the "vaccine" are all meant to kill us. People are turning into germophobes. I saw a guy at the grocery store wearing a respirator! People driving down the street wearing masks with the windows rolled up. It amazes me how gullible people are. I am healthy and strong and intend to stay this way. I will not comply. FJB!
"People driving down the street wearing masks with the windows rolled up." Which are even a danger when you are behind the wheel because the temptation to turn your head to see how real clowns look like, as if you were among the cars of the fairs and circuses, can be a dangerous distraction... divide by 3.6 your speed, and you have the meters you travel every second.
Here in Indonesia, moreover, many drive a motorcycle wearing a mask, but no helmet, precisely the thing to which they should never give up under any circumstances; 80% of the falls involve the head and shoulders (guess why) where an accident to the head can easily leave disabled all life, if not kill on impact. (And no, you can already fracture the skull by falling from a standing start, whereas at high speed in addition to the helmet you also need luck when falling, in this order.)
"People driving down the street wearing masks with the windows rolled up."
No joke, Covid's been clocked doing speeds up to 63 mph, so unless you're on the freeway, keep your mask on, A/C off, and windows up - Settled Science™.
Sure, must also drive with open mouth. NB that wearing a helmet is mandatory, for once with good reason. And that 90% of those who wear helmets don't fasten, or adjust the strap, which is like not wearing a helmet.
Well I think he would want the protection of a helmet face shield also to keep all those viral particles from smashing into his eyes as well as his mouth and nose at speed.
Full face helmets are the ones to use anyway, most head injuries involve the face. Motorcycle neck braces fit full face helmets as well. Who wears a mask under a full face helmet because of the *virus*? He must already be a pretty big moron. Face shields apropos, have you seen what a full face helmet looks like yet, with all the openings for air circulation? The only valid reason to wear a mask is to protect yourself from the greasy parts of vehicle exhausts, especially Diesel.
I'm a former germaphobe before all this started and once I watched the world turn into them it ironically opened my eyes and I've been running the other way ever since!
The reason it is happening, is because the internet and the repression of sceptics and scepticism by the internet mafia of Google-You-Censor, Fascist book and tricker, means that public discourse is now extremely prone to "hysteria positive feedback loops". That's because hysteria grows rapidly like a virus, and whereas once the sceptics would have stepped into ask those awkward questions like: "is there any evidence for what you are saying". Today Google-You-Censor, and the social mafia block the sceptics from being heard, so these simple common sense questions are not being asked.
In practice what this means is that politicians and these appalling psyops "nudge units" they set up to con people into the green tripe, now routinely lie to the public and media. But then those lies get echoed back by the media and public to the politicians and the appalling evil people on the nudge units ...which means they start believing their own lies. The result: they believe "things are even worse than we thought ... what we thought was "pushing the truth" ... turned out to be the truth (or so they now think), so the lies were true ... so now it is more imperative we lie to ensure people take action soon. So they lie even more ... and that is echoed back ... and they then believe that lie.
So, what these evil nudge units end up doing (in the absence of sceptics to repress the absurdity), is that they start nudging their own view of reality ... bit by bit, till like the Nazis, they will start breaking human rights, start imprisoning people, start "allowing the 'bad' people to die" (not treating those who remain normal), from there, they start murdering, killing and mass extermination.
Sceptics are the people who damp down the stupider hysterics ... but sceptics have been ruthlessly repressed and silenced. And that is why these hysteria feedback loops now produce utterly insane & immoral policies.
You're suffering from "emergent phenomenon bias". This is when you come home late at night and encounter strangers in bandanas removing items and furniture from your house, so you surmise they must be movers who were mistakenly sent to the wrong address.
The politicians that are carrying out these plans in 2022 with remarkable coordination did not simply happen to train as "Young Global Leaders" in Davos since 1992 by accident.
I give you a cure for all this madness It is called Zen.
Zen incooperates the practice of Qi Gung Tai Qi and Gung Fu in its variations.
It incooperates also bein Vegetarian so that you become less aggressive.
The Basis of Qi Gung is breathing exercise and standing meditation which comes out of yoga and is an extension and a better thing than yoga.
And Mr. Kirsch you are wrong again that is because you use numbers given to explain but this problem is not a problem of numbers it is a philosophical problem; who are we really as a species and what is our future.
The future according to Fritz Freud is a Zero Emission Planet where every City Country and Continent is connected with Hypersonic Trains that produce zilch emissions.
The food is grown exclusively organically to the best food can be.
GM Food is forbidden by the penalty of death as it is pure poison.
All energy is made out of Hydrogen reduced from water.
All communication is uncensored.
Every Individual is educated to the best of their abilities.
Those currently in power and their families will not be allowed to own anything forever and what they have will be returned to the people.
The criminals who did this will be punished openly through the death of a thousand cuts.
All deserts will be grown into lush forests and farms.
There will be food in abundance and not a single child will starve.
How are you guys going to change hearts and minds on this issue behind the paywall? Obviously, you guys deserve to be paid for the incredible work you do. I don't begrudge you guys that. Just saying, those behind Stew's paywall have their strong opinions already and approximately ZERO new undecideds will hear the interview and change their minds.
when everything goes to shit, most of these simpletons parroting MSM drivel will come to their senses, but it will quite literally take all hell to break loose b4 these ppl wake up and smell the roses. Until then you just put out the facts, do what you need to do and take care of your family.
Nice! God bless your upcoming presentation, we will be with you in spirit.
https://www.facebook.com/ttresponse/videos/1561828550842106 Go to---> 34:28
A simple hypothesis: let’s call it a hypothetical bond movie plot. Here’s what the evil villain does:
1. find a toxin …. let’s call it (spike) in his laboratories (maybe in the US and China)
2. Develop a covert “Trojan horse” toxin delivery system … let’s call it (Covid vaccine)
3. Start secretly spreading the toxin globally, say Wuhan, Milan, NY, etc. to creat mayhem
4. Distribute the delivery system globally (as Bond villains do) to pharmaceutical companies
5. Sit back and watch the world destroy itself and capture it in the media as scripted
It’s a perfect storm of the Trojan horse spike mandated to fight the spike. Putting out a fire with fire, cleaning an acid burn with the same acid applied from a syringe.
I was thinking it was odd Steve Kirsch didn't post for like a day and a half straight..now I know why haha. Doing both a short interview with Stew Peters and 2 hours with a group of five nurses.
Great interview, lots of information in 20 minutes. Stew Peters was good too: He let you talk with little interruption. I forwarded to a lot of people. Thanks for this.
Great show with Stew Peters💕💕
Depopulation Realities for Pure Bloods on SubStack: https://lawrencebutts.substack.com/p/depopulation-realities-for-pure-bloods
I like Stew but he can appear to be a bit hyperbolic at times.
Steve, keep pressing where they are weakest, such as the lack of investigation into any VAERS or Pfizer trial casualty. They have no excuse for that but silence. Maddie de Garay is a living exemplar of their shoddy coverup and she is not going away. There will be more well-known victims as they and their survivors find their voices. A growing chorus of victims demanding to be be heard will eventually end this evil program.
I thought you were very measured and responded to the questions well, Steve; at the end, I sensed Stew was trying to push you a little into saying something, and I'm glad you resisted in a way that was friendly but uncompromising.
Not everyone who has problems with the shots needs to be in 100% agreement about everything, but we can still be respectful towards one another and support the work others are doing. What journalists in general are missing right now are TRUE dissenting opinions, and unfortunately, that is why you probably got invited onto Stew Peters but not Consider This (the NPR podcast), which is in many respects where I'd be less surprised to see you interviewed (if this issue hadn't become so propagandized). Did you imagine before covid you'd ever be on a show like Stew Peters (not to put either of you down, but just politically speaking)?
“you'd ever be on a show like Stew Peters?” is a condescending statement in and of itself.
The MSM and NPR are not “missing” true dissenting opinions, they are purposefully ignoring them because they have been bought and are sold to an agenda that obviously doesn’t care about human lives. Time to realize that. Time to wake up to the hypnotizing propaganda.
Take the red pill.
Steve Kirsch has openly acknowledged here on Substack that he was mistaken for having supported that party.
Steve, please keep up to date, the mRNA *vaccinations* are the equivalent of radiation therapy per injection even if the mRNA they contained were simply 'nop', no-operation/do-nothing, instruction (such as in assembler). Why? Because of the noxious lipids coating which mRNA *vaccines* need in order to trick their mRNA payload into the cells, an insurmountable problem. Catch up, homework needed!, Michael Palmer and Daniel Nagase are those you need to watch. On top of that, then you can add, Fourier transform style, the rest of the shit that comes because of the mRNA payload by itself.
Next, why are you so afraid to look beyond the tip of your nose? Do you still believe the politically correct version of the unfortunate pandemic mess, a false flag as clear as daylight in truth? Do you believe that false flags occur spontaneously, as was accepted to happen with putrefaction and fermentation in Louis Pasteur's time?
where Michael Palmer = KICK ASS, always check if new videos of his appears.
Thank you so much for sharing this link! Also useful to share and try to wake people up! — Biotech analyst Karen Kingston gave a detailed explanation on the mRNA “stabilizing” products/ Nanoparticles in one of her interviews with Stew Peters.
Watching Karen Kingston Exposes The Plot - with Maria Zeee (Jan 18th, 2022) @ https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q4xs5E1VJNQN/ right now.
i will not go near a doctor or a hospital until the mandates have ceased. The mandates and the "vaccine" are all meant to kill us. People are turning into germophobes. I saw a guy at the grocery store wearing a respirator! People driving down the street wearing masks with the windows rolled up. It amazes me how gullible people are. I am healthy and strong and intend to stay this way. I will not comply. FJB!
"People driving down the street wearing masks with the windows rolled up." Which are even a danger when you are behind the wheel because the temptation to turn your head to see how real clowns look like, as if you were among the cars of the fairs and circuses, can be a dangerous distraction... divide by 3.6 your speed, and you have the meters you travel every second.
Here in Indonesia, moreover, many drive a motorcycle wearing a mask, but no helmet, precisely the thing to which they should never give up under any circumstances; 80% of the falls involve the head and shoulders (guess why) where an accident to the head can easily leave disabled all life, if not kill on impact. (And no, you can already fracture the skull by falling from a standing start, whereas at high speed in addition to the helmet you also need luck when falling, in this order.)
"People driving down the street wearing masks with the windows rolled up."
No joke, Covid's been clocked doing speeds up to 63 mph, so unless you're on the freeway, keep your mask on, A/C off, and windows up - Settled Science™.
;) But why A/C off? You can select air from the inside only. You never drive in the rain, BTW?
Maybe if he isn't wearing a helmet, the mask helps keep bugs out of his mouth.
Sure, must also drive with open mouth. NB that wearing a helmet is mandatory, for once with good reason. And that 90% of those who wear helmets don't fasten, or adjust the strap, which is like not wearing a helmet.
Well I think he would want the protection of a helmet face shield also to keep all those viral particles from smashing into his eyes as well as his mouth and nose at speed.
Full face helmets are the ones to use anyway, most head injuries involve the face. Motorcycle neck braces fit full face helmets as well. Who wears a mask under a full face helmet because of the *virus*? He must already be a pretty big moron. Face shields apropos, have you seen what a full face helmet looks like yet, with all the openings for air circulation? The only valid reason to wear a mask is to protect yourself from the greasy parts of vehicle exhausts, especially Diesel.
I didn't mean that he should wear a mask under the helmet, but maybe instead of one. I was just being facetious anyway.
* speed in km/h when you divide by 3.6,
v [in km/h] / 3.6 = v in m/s
e.g., 36 km/h = 10 m/s, 50 km/h = 14 m/s [= no shit if you calculate 1s reaction time]
I'm a former germaphobe before all this started and once I watched the world turn into them it ironically opened my eyes and I've been running the other way ever since!
The Corbett Report (https://www.corbettreport.com/) is also an excellent source of information and has many (>100k) viewers.
The reason it is happening, is because the internet and the repression of sceptics and scepticism by the internet mafia of Google-You-Censor, Fascist book and tricker, means that public discourse is now extremely prone to "hysteria positive feedback loops". That's because hysteria grows rapidly like a virus, and whereas once the sceptics would have stepped into ask those awkward questions like: "is there any evidence for what you are saying". Today Google-You-Censor, and the social mafia block the sceptics from being heard, so these simple common sense questions are not being asked.
In practice what this means is that politicians and these appalling psyops "nudge units" they set up to con people into the green tripe, now routinely lie to the public and media. But then those lies get echoed back by the media and public to the politicians and the appalling evil people on the nudge units ...which means they start believing their own lies. The result: they believe "things are even worse than we thought ... what we thought was "pushing the truth" ... turned out to be the truth (or so they now think), so the lies were true ... so now it is more imperative we lie to ensure people take action soon. So they lie even more ... and that is echoed back ... and they then believe that lie.
So, what these evil nudge units end up doing (in the absence of sceptics to repress the absurdity), is that they start nudging their own view of reality ... bit by bit, till like the Nazis, they will start breaking human rights, start imprisoning people, start "allowing the 'bad' people to die" (not treating those who remain normal), from there, they start murdering, killing and mass extermination.
Sceptics are the people who damp down the stupider hysterics ... but sceptics have been ruthlessly repressed and silenced. And that is why these hysteria feedback loops now produce utterly insane & immoral policies.
You're suffering from "emergent phenomenon bias". This is when you come home late at night and encounter strangers in bandanas removing items and furniture from your house, so you surmise they must be movers who were mistakenly sent to the wrong address.
The politicians that are carrying out these plans in 2022 with remarkable coordination did not simply happen to train as "Young Global Leaders" in Davos since 1992 by accident.
I give you a cure for all this madness It is called Zen.
Zen incooperates the practice of Qi Gung Tai Qi and Gung Fu in its variations.
It incooperates also bein Vegetarian so that you become less aggressive.
The Basis of Qi Gung is breathing exercise and standing meditation which comes out of yoga and is an extension and a better thing than yoga.
And Mr. Kirsch you are wrong again that is because you use numbers given to explain but this problem is not a problem of numbers it is a philosophical problem; who are we really as a species and what is our future.
The future according to Fritz Freud is a Zero Emission Planet where every City Country and Continent is connected with Hypersonic Trains that produce zilch emissions.
The food is grown exclusively organically to the best food can be.
GM Food is forbidden by the penalty of death as it is pure poison.
All energy is made out of Hydrogen reduced from water.
All communication is uncensored.
Every Individual is educated to the best of their abilities.
Those currently in power and their families will not be allowed to own anything forever and what they have will be returned to the people.
The criminals who did this will be punished openly through the death of a thousand cuts.
All deserts will be grown into lush forests and farms.
There will be food in abundance and not a single child will starve.
Beat that.
Should leave some deserts alone to preserve their unique beauty and ecosystems. :-P
Australia at least some of it is well below the level of the ocean and well hot.
So maybe there was a connection to the ocean at some stage.
Maybe we could even make the connection now with all our industrial might...
It would at least give an inland sea and with it food to the people raise the ground water level and produce rain in abundance where it is needed.
Just a thought.
How are you guys going to change hearts and minds on this issue behind the paywall? Obviously, you guys deserve to be paid for the incredible work you do. I don't begrudge you guys that. Just saying, those behind Stew's paywall have their strong opinions already and approximately ZERO new undecideds will hear the interview and change their minds.
when everything goes to shit, most of these simpletons parroting MSM drivel will come to their senses, but it will quite literally take all hell to break loose b4 these ppl wake up and smell the roses. Until then you just put out the facts, do what you need to do and take care of your family.