My interview with Josh Yoder about American pilot Bob Snow's cardiac arrest after landing
Captain Snow was injured by the vaccine; he almost died minutes after landing. Yoder thinks we may need to disqualify 30% of pilots due to vaccine injury. There is no one to take their place.
Quick summary
Vaccine injury cover-up is in the interest of all affected parties (except the flying public), so don’t expect a solution anytime soon. Flying will be Russian roulette for a while.
For passenger safety, every cockpit should have at least one unvaccinated pilot. When the truth gets out, expect a huge pilot shortage, and lots of class actions by pilots that lose their license to fly.
The same vaccine injuries are happening to our military. Did you notice that they never explained the cause of the crash of the Navy F-35 fighter jet? They know that if they can keep it out of the news, the problem just “goes away” (along with a $100M plane).
In the meanwhile, they are trying very hard to encourage vaccination before the safety information gets out. For example, in Rhode Island they tried to double the state income tax on the unvaccinated to encourage people to get vaccinated.
Here’s my interview with Josh Yoder of US Freedom Flyers about American Airlines Captain Bob Snow. Snow had a cardiac arrest minutes after landing the plane. He nearly died.
It’s pretty clear that his cardiac arrest was due to the experimental COVID vaccine that American forced him to take to keep his job. I’ve talked directly to Captain Snow to confirm this. He’s now out of the hospital at home. That video will be posted soon.
In this video I interview Yoder about what happened.
Key points in the video include:
How Snow knows it was the vaccine and not just “bad luck”
American Airlines never called Snow in the hospital even though it was their fault he took the vaccine and almost died. You’d think he’d get a call from the CEO. Instead, the only thing they did was fly his family to the hospital to meet with him.
We need to be testing every vaccinated pilot with EKG, D-dimer, troponin, and cardiac MRIs to assess their health. This is for their health and for the safety of the flying public. The airlines and/or FAA should be requiring this. Myocarditis can be subclinical so pilots may not know they are injured.
The airlines are NOT doing the screenings required to assess pilot health and passenger safety. Presumably, this is because doing those screenings would: 1) reveal to the public how unsafe the vaccines are and increase vaccine hesitancy, and 2) disqualify too many pilots. Yoder estimates that 30% of the pilots may need to be disqualified due to heart conditions caused by the vaccine. Therefore, the most likely outcome is that the airlines will pretend this incident never happened and the CDC will claim without evidence that there is no link to the vaccine like they usually do. The press will give them a pass on this and not ask any hard questions.
When a plane goes down and people are killed, it's OK for the airlines because the insurance companies will pay and everyone will pretend it was just a freak accident that couldn’t have been avoided.
I expect that all the authorities will look the other way while these incidents continue to happen.
Similarly, I predict the mainstream press won't touch the story or interview Snow. But I will interview him.
To donate to help the effort, please go to US Freedom Flyers.
I am grateful to you for getting this information out. My son, a major airline captain, had the wisdom to refuse the vaccine. He received a religious exemption and was placed on unpaid leave for several months. I cannot tell you how very stressful that was for not only him but for the entire family. He is just now starting back to work.
I am a recently retired airline pilot. The airlines that made jabs mandatory have backed themselves into a huge corner financially. If they were to admit their mistake and the resulting risk, they would not survive without massive government subsidies. Even then, depending on the class action lawsuits from pilots, they may not survive. This they know, and thus have no choice to but double down on their decision until the health effects of the jab cannot be hidden. Airlines will never voluntarily require stricter heart screening unless forced to do so by the FAA. The FAA will never do so as it’s senior leadership are political appointees and beholden to the OBiden administration for their positions, perks, snd pay. That’s why they didn’t do the right thing when the vaxx first became available and wait at least until the end of the clinical trials. The FAA violated numerous of its own rules and guidelines to allow pilots getting the biologic injections. Even the pilots who have been harmed, many unknowingly, have no incentive for either the airlines or the FAA to require more extensive cardiac screening. If found at risk, their careers are most likely over and at the very least interrupted for years. The only way pilots would support this is if either the airlines or the government compensated them For their missed career earnings should they be declared unfit for duty. This hole is so deep - In Terms of dollars and risk - for all involved (airlines, FAA, pilots, unions, insurance companies) that everyone will live with the fiction of “safe and effective” until it Is impossible to do so. If we had real journalists any longer, filing FOIA requests with the FAA to see their work papers and the communications between the medical branch and the political appointees would reveal a treasure trove of information for a giant expose. Such an expose would force the issue. If blown open, the fallout would be cataclysmic to our economy.