Mandatory vaccination coming soon in Marin. Your town is next.
Public Health Officer Matt Willis and Deputy Public Health Officer Dr. Lisa Santora speak out on requirements to get boosted. The evidence doesn't matter and no questions will be tolerated.
My source informed me about a meeting held in Marin County, CA with public health officials and about 1000 citizens. No questions from attendees were answered and none of what they laid out was based on scientific evidence. They even showed data indicating that the majority of those currently infected with COVID in Marin County have been vaccinated.
In the school system, students and staff need to get a booster to be eligible for “modified quarantine” and parents must be boosted to attend school sports events or concerts.
By July 2022, vaccines will be mandatory for kindergartners even though the clinical trials in that age group have not been completed
The CDC and FDA have been sued to release data from the Pfizer study used to license the vaccine and the agencies pushed to drag this out at a rate of 500 pages per month, so this would take over 55 years. Thankfully, the courts have weighed in and mandated that the data be released at a much faster rate, 55,000 pages per month, and we expect this to occur in the next 8 months.
Here is synopsis of Marin Health meeting from 2 nights ago (from a parent).
Basically, the public health officers do whatever the hell they want, they refuse to answer questions from the audience, and none of this is based on solid science, and nobody can stop them. Welcome to 2022. Coming to your town soon (if not already).
Matt Willis presented charts and graphs. One was very interesting but i couldn't take a picture in time. The majority infected are vaccinated. I believe the number 504. I believe a thousand in attendance from a source who tried to get on.
Lots of us put in questions but he answered none of them.
After that one chart showing the vaccinated getting infected more the next charts showed how Omicron has gone up and that kind of stuff.
Then Lisa Santora came on and gave the real bad news regarding the quarantine of unvaccinated students and staff and the modified quarantine of vaccinated and boosted. So per Willis you have to be boosted to be considered able to be on modified quarantine and parents have to be boosted to see their kids do sports or perform indoors. And a lot of infected have been boosted too but the efficacy of the vaccine was never called into question.
Our questions were like how do you justify continuing quarantine and support for boosting if it doesn't prevent transmission. If vaccinated and boosted spread the virus equally why are we quarantining unvaccinated or vaccinated without a booster? They never answered our questions.
Lisa Santora super creepy and said "we expect that all students and staff are vaccinated and get their boosters"
So they prepared us for more variants with possibilities of more boosters. This pandemic keeps them relevant and in power and torturing the rest of us. Vaxxing testing masking again and again. Those are my words.
Willis said the vaccines will be mandatory in July 2022. My understanding is this will be mandated at the school year after the FDA approves the vaccines for kids so how can they even know??
When a kindergartner recently was registering the parent was told vaccines will be mandatory in July 2022. And the trials have not even been done.
CDC and FDA are being sued to release their safety data which they wanted to release in 75 years!!
[ Editor’s Note: The FDA was recently ordered to speed up the timetable by 100X at 55,000 pages per month instead of 500 pages per month. ]
Feedback from another Marin resident
Fat chance Dr. Matt Willis, our local Director of Eugenics and Population Reduction will show any signs of intelligent life. He is fully aligned with the CDC (Center for Disease Creation) and is fully Factsinated, in that no fact, no matter how obvious, pierces his financial self-interest shield.
We have had 5-20 people addressing the Board of Supervisors with carpet bombing of facts for 8 months now with zero response or accountability.
I have been working on a glowing eulogy that I hope to give for him and each board member, the sooner the better! They all have ignored our many kind offers to testify in their defense at their upcoming trial for Crimes Against Humanity.
Thanks for being a hero. Our core Marin Freedom Rising and affiliates with CHD are all in!
I’m unvaccinated, but my wife (double vaccinated and confirmed positive via ASU on Monday) passed it on to me… I have mild symptoms(most likely because I have over 50ng vitamin D level), but she has had it worse than me. If Biden’s mandate is affirmed by the Supreme Court, I’m required to get tested twice a week, yet it was a vaccinated person that passed it on to me. We live in a clown world…
Time to create some awesome Private Schools that DO NOT require nonsensical mandates like these failed vaccines. This is a Pandemic of the Psychotic