Here’s the story of Katy Perry’s eye.
Here’s the video… 16.4M views.
First off, let’s eliminate the obvious.
Katy Perry has a “wonk” eye, but it is her left eye. She admits this in this video from 2011. Now how can we be sure the video wasn’t mirrored and it’s really her right eye? We can ascertain this because the candy bar she shows at 00:35 into the video is correctly displayed so we can read the writing. So the video isn’t mirrored. It’s her left eye.
The other suggested possibility is that the glue stuck on her eyelash. However, we can eliminate that option because you don’t unstick an eyelash by pressing on your forehead. It doesn’t work that way.
It isn’t botox either. If it was botox, she wouldn’t be able to open the eye.
So there is something very wrong here.
My vaccine injured friends would bet the farm that it’s a vaccine injury.
If it was the vaccine, she wouldn’t be able to admit it.
The fact that she has said nothing about this on her Twitter feed is also very suspicious. Everyone is talking about this. So it means there isn’t an explanation for this incident that she is allowed to share with the public that the public will believe (that is consistent with what we all observed).
So I’m guessing a COVID vaccine side effect.
Newsweek fact check disagrees.
What is your guess?
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How ridiculous these establishment 'luvvies' look with half their faces hanging off & still trying to laugh off life threatening injuries, as they're in fear of (no pun intended here), losing face! They've all invested so heavily in 'the current thing' these past 2 years they simply cannot contemplate the very thing they've promoted so heavily might not actually be doing them any good.
It's genuinely hard to feel sorry for some people, wasn't Julia Powell (died suddenly last week, aged 49) once noted for saying words to the effect of how all the unvaccinated deserve to die a horrible death? It really is hard to endear oneself to people like this, as sad as anybody's sudden passing is, not least at such a relatively early age....
It's truly been a pleasure to interact on this forum with everyone. The climate here is peaceful, truthful, and respectful, and I'm very grateful for that, since this "subject matter" is so laced with lies, deceit, corruption, pain, misery, tears, and dashed hopes, not to mention confusion, anger, and frustration. believe that I can safely speak for us here, in that Steve has done an OUTSTANDING job from his guardian-post on the wall, and even descending OVER the wall into the camps of the vicious enemy, who would just as soon see him suffer and die at their hand. Honor and thanksgiving also is put forth to all the others who partake in exposing this wickedly devised attack on humanity. I'm not sure if those who watched this vid: took note of what "Hell's Gates" let out of his demonic mouth. IT was the FIRST clip in the video. Gates said something like, "This is the FINAL SOLUTION."
(How do you say, "WOW! in German?)
Thanks for being here, and contributing, Cici, and God bless you and yours for ever!