How ridiculous these establishment 'luvvies' look with half their faces hanging off & still trying to laugh off life threatening injuries, as they're in fear of (no pun intended here), losing face! They've all invested so heavily in 'the current thing' these past 2 years they simply cannot contemplate the very thing they've promoted so heavily might not actually be doing them any good.

It's genuinely hard to feel sorry for some people, wasn't Julia Powell (died suddenly last week, aged 49) once noted for saying words to the effect of how all the unvaccinated deserve to die a horrible death? It really is hard to endear oneself to people like this, as sad as anybody's sudden passing is, not least at such a relatively early age....

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It's truly been a pleasure to interact on this forum with everyone. The climate here is peaceful, truthful, and respectful, and I'm very grateful for that, since this "subject matter" is so laced with lies, deceit, corruption, pain, misery, tears, and dashed hopes, not to mention confusion, anger, and frustration. believe that I can safely speak for us here, in that Steve has done an OUTSTANDING job from his guardian-post on the wall, and even descending OVER the wall into the camps of the vicious enemy, who would just as soon see him suffer and die at their hand. Honor and thanksgiving also is put forth to all the others who partake in exposing this wickedly devised attack on humanity. I'm not sure if those who watched this vid: https://odysee.com/@Spike:4/WARNING--GRAPHIC-IMAGES-GLOBAL-DEPOPULATION-IN-FULL-SWING-AS-ADULT-DEATH-SYNDROME-SKYROCKETS:8 took note of what "Hell's Gates" let out of his demonic mouth. IT was the FIRST clip in the video. Gates said something like, "This is the FINAL SOLUTION."

(How do you say, "WOW! in German?)

Thanks for being here, and contributing, Cici, and God bless you and yours for ever!


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Could be from the Vax…. Or something’s. SEE HOW LONG IT LASTS !

Other Ppl SIMILAR effects. Stop trying to Coerce everyone to get shots that Don’t work and could damage you. Stop this STUPIDITY BS - NOV 6

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Another possiblity could be a result of cannibalism. That "party substance" the elite indulge in has bizarre side effects.

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She has a habit of passing out at concerts and being carted off for dramatic effect and after all she is a performer therefore I would say it was planned and she is likely taking the proverbial to see how many say she is vaccine injured. It certainly got her plenty of attention which was the aim all along

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I'm going with vaccine injury only because none of this stuff EVER happened before 2021. For some mysterious reason, all these celebrities that were borderline immortal before 2021 are now suffering mysterious and visible ailments. The delta here had to be something that happened in 2021, and it had to be severe. Problems like this cost the grubby hands that finance these performers money and they prevent them any way they can, if at all possible.

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Also, look at the # these ppl that have Died as well. Many younger than 60.

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Justin Bieber. Same same

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Tim Pool (who happens to be on the CIA payroll) officially debunked it as a "muscle spasm" or "cramp." Right. Because who doesn't get the occasional eye spasm or cramp, lol.

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I now have three vaxxed friends who got "heart cramps" after the jab.

Sounds so much nicer than a-fib or heart attack.

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Not covid vaccine side effect. It's her trolling the public on purpose. She did it on purpose.

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I can't do that with my eye. Can you? Every time I wink I have to move a bunch of other muscles in my face, including my other eye. Her eye closed like a window blind there

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Agree. It's impossible to simply have an eyelid drop, slowly & methodically like hers does without having SOME schrinching up of muscles. Her face is totally immobile.

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Does she do stuff like that? I don't know much about her... but it would take some practice & talent to train your eye to do that, and videos show it happened several times throughout the performance

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Transhumanism 101

The “Katy Perry” in this video is either a clone of the real Katy Perry, or some kind of “hybrid” human/AI/android combination. Almost impossible for most to believe, but the completely unemotional facial expression in the video was a dead giveaway for me! If that happened to your eye, wouldn’t you absolutely freak out??

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Sounds to me like a publicity stunt.

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Is she just doing it on purpose? Comedian Kevin Pollak did an impressive Columbo impression where he would make one eyeball not follow the other. That seems way harder to do than what Katy Perry may be doing here.

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Fake eye lashes sticking together?

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I listen to TommyTruthfultv2022,for 6yrs. now. Hes a de-coder on these pagans that do all in rituals,numerologies & symbols. Been spot on & wrong about nothing I've learned. He made a video today about this & if you watch the video,proves what he's saying. This 1 is a clone,,there are many & of many different people. Not the real her.

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That's what I was wondering.

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Ck. out TommyTruthfultv2022 & Doenut Factory,,they are excellent de-coders & been spot on so far on all they talk about

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I think if it were Bell's palsy or some kind of vaccine-induced paralysis it would have stayed closed-ish. I need to see a longer video and observe if that was generally the case.

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