Hi Steve,

Would you be able to take a look at the Philippines' epidemiology expert's materials? https://youtu.be/qiutN_n3jGM?si=QnwfiGtLnOK3RVaN&t=2464 He seemed very confident that COVID-19 vaccines are effective. It will be very interesting if he will come forward to respond to your challenge. But I bet he won't, he's a public official and a pillar of my country's decisions on Covid-19 response.

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"Our operators are standing by." Not true

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Is anyone check the "Contact Me" messages? I need help.

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Hi Steve, I am working with a state legislator on a plan to approach our state HHS to do you study. Sent you an email and left a phone message. No response.

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We should absolutely trust big pharma now to make all our vaccines safe. For our animals too.

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Hi Steve

Check out Marc Girardot's substack and his latest post which argues that 1 out of 20 are being harmed from the needle being incorrectly applied, or the bolus theory.


When injecting billions of vaccines, non-qualities should be in parts-per-billion, not 1 in 20. Entrusting this process to doctors and bureaucrats was a monumental failure and tragedy.

Mass Injection Protocols Should Be Designed By Auto or Nuclear Engineers, Not by People Utterly Incompetent in Mass Production Quality.

Steve thanks for all your hard work, wish I was a trust fund baby who could donate more. You've got Chutzpah! Cheers, KT

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can this work for any type of adverse events, autism etc as deaths may be rare for child vax like mmr

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Sadly Steve, all of us have lost track of all the stories of death or injuries caused by the vaccine, I have told about so many of these on past Sub-stack replies, But, we all need to keep the fight up , And continue to try to talk about it to people around our circles and then maybe people will wake up from this vaccine nightmare!

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Never give up the fight for objective facts. The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner with their mountain of never-ending lies. They are so depraved they would literally rather keep lying to win the next election than to act in the best interests of public health.

How on earth did they get to such an evil place? And this is the same crew who screams about supposed "medical misinformation" for people who think, say, there are two genders and those are 100% correlated to the (barring abnormality) bits at the juncture of one's legs.

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After spending the last few years watching anyone who questions the vaccines' efficacy or safety lose their jobs and homes and lifestyle while being ostracized from society , those who are left aren't likely to do anything to rock the boat. They will follow any and all orders handed down to them regardless of the consequences to others.

We're going to see the same scenario played out by those who insisted that their spouse, children, etc. get vaxxed only to see them "die suddenly". They will NEVER look at any evidence that suggests they made a mistake. They will never admit their own culpability in killing off their own loved ones. It's horrific to contemplate and asinine to think anyone is going to suddenly get honest with themselves when they're offered damning evidence against them.

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true. that's why we need JUSTICE for those doing the murdering.

Or in our case, attempted murder. or restriction of freedoms..

or proof of shedding.. or something. we need to file lawsuits also.

or .. we need to fix the elections... we all must be active... because there are just too many doing nothing.. and who will continue to do nothing.. right up to their own death.

It is up to US... those of us aware, to get active and focused.

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Unfortunately, this is also part of the elite's game plan. They want your desire for justice to reach such a fever pitch that it becomes an overwhelming reaction to such wholesale injustice. They want you to seek vengeance leading to wholesale pandemonium.

Don't forget that they openly planned this with "event 201". They did it a few times, and now they're planning a wholesale, global economic collapse e.g. "polygon" etc. In their own words, they refer to these catastrophes as "opportunities" to implement tyrannical control over everyone.

While we're all distracted by our need for justice, they're moving right along with their next phase of destruction. I say we should turbo charge THEIR narrative to spotlight how completely insane it really is.

The banking system is on the verge of collapse so there isn't going to be any realistic way to engage in litigation when you're broke, can't pay your mortgage, student loans, car loans etc.

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Most people are not distracted by the need for justice.. actually, most of the distractions are from the tyrants just moving on to their next plan/phase.

I don't see who pushing our enemy narrative makes sense. If people cannot see how insane it is already.. then those people are not in the arena.

Agreed, the banking system is about to collapse..

All those "can't"s is not helping us. We have to do something.

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I'm certainly no expert, but there's one thing I'm certain of which is that the people living in those little villages in the deep jungles of Bolivia are going to be completely impervious to any and all effects of a global financial collapse mainly due to the fact that they have no contact with the outside world.

There are some fantastic lessons to be learned by studying people like the Amish and the Viet Cong. Somewhere within that spectrum is a sweet spot that allows one to go completely unnoticed by the elite and their governmental stooges.

As my dear father used to say, "Give them enough rope, and they'll hang themselves". So my best suggestion is to find a nice safe seat on the sidelines, sit back and watch the spectacle.

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you are a loser. Your strategy is DOA.

you have already lost.

You are not helping anything .. not even yourself.

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The US believed the same thing when it came to fighting the Viet Cong. The US was wrong. The Amish aren't dropping like flies and they never changed anything. They never donned masks, or even noticed the rest of the world biting their nails over a big fat nothing burger. Good luck with that, you're going to need it.

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Here is the best-ever quote from Anthony Fauci ( HE SAID WHAT!!) with a brilliant song to explain https://www.bitchute.com/video/r620VzwMcY58/. Dr. Anthony Fauci. Once in a movie, on how dangerous it would be for an HIV vaccine, he said, "If you take it and a year goes by and everything is fine, then you give it to 500 people and a year goes by and everything is fine, then you give it to thousands of people and you realize that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose, and what have you done?” Gary Null's "The Myth of AIDS" (which I highly suggest you watch for perspective).For more perspective please join https://normanjames.substack.com/

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She actually writes a Substack, so you can find her on here. As for videos, I know that she's recently been on The Stew Peters Network ( Rumble ). You will be blown away by her knowledge, as she's worked as a Big Pharma analyst for decades ( worked for Pfizer ), and was referred to as " The closer " to help these companies from getting sued...

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Karen Kingston :)

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Of course.

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Not gonna happen..... In the very first part of the pandemic, I (retired RN) volunteered with the Idaho Medical Corps. This is a volunteer program organized through the federal government after 9-11 when medical people wanted to volunteer in NYC after the attacks, but there was no organization.

In my volunteer capacity, I worked in our local public health office on the telephone “hot-line” reassuring frightened people and arranging for the scarce PCR tests when a caller met criteria. I later did telephone follow up and contract tracing, until I recognized the futility and the scams. But the paid health department employee were in their glory. They LOVED the overtime, the sense of excitement of being on the “cutting edge”, the power. They were openly disdainful of the COVID “hot spots” in our community -- especially when the hot spot turned out to be the local Lutheran Church. “Those idiots had the choir singing right next to the air conditioner intake” I remember one man-bunned millennial liberal facist telling me. (He never occurred to him that I might be a practicing Christian, and realized how important faith was to believers during this scary time.)

So it ain’t gonna happen. Acknowledgement that the jabs are killing more people than the virus would necessitate some level of self reflection and modesty. Mr. Man Bun would never admit he was wrong.

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I'm also a semi-retired RN. I work with my husband who is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. We were reported to our local health department for not wearing our masks a week before our governor in Montana rescinded the mask mandate. I politely listened to the young man as he read me his spiel regarding masks and Covid until he stated "If it's just you and your husband in your clinic, you may safely remove your masks but you must maintain 6 feet social distancing." I was laughing so hard I could barely catch my breath! To that he replied that yes, it sounded stupid which I countered with "No young man, it doesn't sound stupid. It IS stupid." To add insult to injury, he advised the Covid vaccine was the most researched vaccine in modern history. Well, you sir, are the lab rat in this research. He promptly hung up.

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I work in public health as a RN and I have no idea the button you’re mentioning

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Go Aaron!!!🙏

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Demand for ‘Unvaxxed Sperm’ from ‘Purebloods’ Skyrockets


I am the UnVaxxed man in this video! Send help!


For my age group, old, retired and cynical I was assured Natural Immunity would protect me from Covid. .........It did.

I am 100% immune from the Fake Vaxx side effects because I did not take it!

Leave a message ladies!

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How does one prove the claims of men who haven’t been vaccinated? The reason I ask is because there is PLENTY of evidence showing that as soon as spike protein reaches the spleen, the vaxxed then begins to exhale spike protein like a gas. It’s known as “shedding” and only 30% of a population needs to be vaccinated in order to infect the whole population. The powers that be know this already so again, the question remains: How are those who make these claims of unvaccinated sperm being vetted?

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Do any of the COVID-19 vaccines shed?

The only COVID-19 vaccines that are currently authorized for emergency use are mRNA vaccines and viral vector vaccines. While you may have seen posts on social media about COVID-19 vaccines shedding, this is a myth. COVID-19 vaccines cannot be shed.

This is because none of the COVID-19 vaccines contain live SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The only COVID-19 vaccines that are currently authorized for emergency use are mRNA vaccines and viral vector vaccines.

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LOL!!! You're funny! There are plenty of people with medical degrees that will tell you all sorts of things that are debatable. So who can you trust? Perhaps you would take their word over the companies that are doing the actual research, conducting the trials, and marketing these mRNA vaccines. Is that the case??? If you can't trust the people who are developing and producing these mRNA vaccines, then who can you trust? Here's what Pfizer has to say on the subject:



When they say: "PLACEBO-CONTROLLED, RANDOMIZED, OBSERVER-BLIND, DOSE", they're referring to the Gold Standard of medical science.

Did you happen to notice the link???

On page 67, we find a warning about potential adverse effects of the vaccine. The term “study intervention” is used instead of the more common "vaccination". “Environmental exposure” means contact with elements of the vaccine other than by injection.

Warning of adverse effect: “A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:”

“A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.”

“A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.”

These warnings, from the vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer imply that women can be harmed by breathing in, or contacting by skin, the vaccine as it moves from person to person. Which is the definition of “shedding.”

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Someone put an audio of Turtles All the Way Down on Rumble. Fascinating to listen to!

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