I'll pay you $50K if you can explain to us how we got it wrong
I'm hoping someone qualified is willing to spend a couple of hours to show us on camera how we got it wrong about the COVID vaccines. In return for your time, I'm willing to pay you up to $50,000.
Executive summary
If you are a doctor, professor of medicine, epidemiologist, or public health official anywhere in the world who believes that the vaccines are both safe and effective and are willing and able to show us on camera how we got it wrong by answering the questions we have, I’m willing to pay you very generously for your time.
Use the Contact Me form and tell me your qualifications.
There are many members of the medical community who think that the COVID vaccines are both safe and effective. They also think I’m a menace to society for “spreading misinformation.”
Unfortunately, none of these people who say we got it wrong will take the time to explain to any of us how we messed up. They all walk away when I ask to see their data. One person said she couldn’t talk to me because I’m “persona non grata” due to my “beliefs” about the COVID vaccines.
It’s not just me that they don’t like. I’ve asked other fellow “misinformation spreaders” and they all have had similar experiences.
We see the following problem:
If the public health authority decrees it, the medical community doesn't just go along with it, they actively promote it. No one dares think and act for themselves.
I’ve also reached out to Carol Crawford at the CDC. She’s tasked with conspiring with the social media companies to censor people like me (which is unconstitutional, but they don’t seem to be bothered by that). She didn’t want to talk to me either or do anything to face us directly.
Clearly, censorship is the preferred approach when you don’t have any data backing your narrative. That’s why our Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, calls for censoring people who disagree with him.
As a result of the other side not showing up to challenge us, vaccine hesitancy has increased over time.
Misinformation is killing people. Isn’t it time to put a stop to this?
If you are a doctor, professor of medicine, epidemiologist, or public health official anywhere in the world who believes that the vaccines are both safe and effective and are willing and able to show us how we got it wrong, I’m willing to pay you very generously for your time: up to $50,000 which you may choose to keep or donate to a research institution of your choice.
All you have to do to win the money is show how we got it wrong on all our points of confusion. What could be easier?
I’ll even pay you $1,000 per point if you can convince us only on a few points.
Use the Contact Me form.
I messaged our local talk radio morning show host requesting he contact Steve Kirsch for an interview about this. Tucson just got hit with a lawsuit by the state AG for vaccine mandates - perfect timing.
Steve, great news: Today, the paper "Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults" you already reported about was published in the journal Vaccine. When you wrote about it, you expected it will never be peer reviewed. But now it is.
This is another proof that they cause more harm than good.
"In the Moderna trial, the excess risk of serious AESIs (15.1 per 10,000 participants) was higher than the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group (6.4 per 10,000 participants). In the Pfizer trial, the excess risk of serious AESIs (10.1 per 10,000) was higher than the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group (2.3 per 10,000 participants)."