If you are a British citizen or UK resident, act on this NOW
If you're not in the UK, here's how the UK government is trying to take away the rights of UK citizens for "the greater good."

Just one day left if you live in the UK
If you are a British citizen or UK resident, you have just one day left to comment on the Human Rights Act Reform: a Modern Bill of Rights.
Here is the background on why they want to take away your rights in favor of the greater good:
There are two ways to object:
Email: HRAreform@justice.gov.uk (the fastest way); just say you oppose the bill for the reasons articulated in this article.
Fill out this online form (it will take a LONG time)
Comments close on March 8, 2022 (tomorrow), so do this now!
A second UK bill
On a related note, the UK has drafted an Online Safety Bill that strengthens its thoughtcrime laws. :
If you are a British citizen or UK resident, please sign the online petition to urge the Government to remove provisions within the Bill which specifically target lawful expression. This bill has bad provisions which you can read by clicking the “Read the response in full” hyperlink on the petition page.
It needs 100,000 signatures before Parliament will consider it for debate, and it’s currently just over 33,000.
Please sign and share this petition widely so we can get it to 100,000.
I'm in a cube and the walls are closing in. I can't speak, because I'm censored. I can't breathe, because of the mask. I can't socialize, because I'm locked down, I can't travel, because I don't have a vaccine passport. I can't have a private conversation, because of mass surveillance. I can't peacefully protest these things, because I'll be arrested without due process. The walls are, indeed, closing in.
I have sent to every British source I know.