I was exonerated in a peer-reviewed medical journal
... along with my fellow misinformation spreaders
Woo hoo! We’ve been exonerated in an article published in a peer-reviewed medical journal that talks about all the medical mischief that has been going on. Finally!
Here is my favorite part:
I have met and worked with a number of people concerned with vaccine safety and I can tell you they are not the evil anti-vaxxers you are told they are. They are highly principled, moral, compassionate people, many of which are top researchers and people who have studied the issue extensively. Robert Kennedy, Jr, Barbara Lou Fisher, Dr. Meryl Nass, Professor Christopher Shaw, Megan Redshaw, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Neil Z. Miller, Dr. Lucija Tomjinovic, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Steve Kirsch and Dr. Peter McCullough just to name a few. These people have nothing to gain and a lot to lose. They are attacked viciously by the media, government agencies, and elite billionaires who think they should control the world and everyone in it.
And this sub-headline priceless:
It’s a great read.
Note: I’ve written the author to let him know I’m not a doctor.
Here’s a new idea for how to red-pill someone for $25
Here’s the idea…
You get into an argument with your blue pill friends. You claim that they aren’t open minded. They say they are open-minded, but that they ONLY trust things in peer-reviewed medical journals.
You then bet your blue pill friends $25 that they are so closed-minded that they are unable to read and understand a simple article written in plain English published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
They of course will say you are wrong.
You give them that article.
They won’t be able to read past the first sentence and you’ll win the bet.
If they manage to read and understand the whole article, you’re out $25, but now you have a red-pill friend. It was so worth it, wasn’t it? You did in a few minutes what is normally impossible. If you don’t, you win the $25 since they clearly didn’t understand it.
See if this works for you.
Do it now before they force the journal to retract the paper.
Oh, it's Russell Blaylock. His cancer book was one of the first books I read on the subject. The information he gave me helped me survive chemotherapy. He noticed hospital patients were nutrient starved and advocated early in his career to add nutrition (vitamins) to the IV drips. To this day, hospital patients only get saline drips. And the AMA pubs tell cancer patients it's okay to eat ice cream. sugary foods and dairy products. Oncologists only tell you to reduce alcohol and fat intake; nothing else on nutrition. Standard of care almost never changes for cancer. They want us to stay sick and die. The jabs are triggering old and new cancers. More money for pharma. No thank you, is my response. I take care of myself and stay away from the sick care system.
I wrote this many months ago. The article made me pull it up. I stand by every "accusation". If any medical expert or Board wants to challenge me....bring it on. J’accuse (I accuse)
In 1898 the journalist Emile Zola published a letter to the French President in which he accused the French Army of perpetrating a false narrative to convict an innocent officer. The Dreyfus Affair remains a permanent stain on the French identity.
And similarly the manipulation, lies and incompetence of those that managed this epidemic shame our nation and devastate our people.
I accuse Dr Fauci and his sycophants of funding “gain of function” experiments and willfully covering of up the source of this virus even though it was clear from the outset.
I accuse these same individuals of shamefully attacking and trying to discredit some of the worlds leading epidemiologists because they advanced a scientifically sound and practical plan to protect the vulnerable and save our economies and protect our mental health.
I accuse our so called Medical Leaders of denying access to safe, cheap repurposed drugs that resulted in the unnecessary death of hundreds of thousands of my countrymen.
I accuse Pfizer of releasing an experimental genetic therapy without proper studies to assure that it was safe for mass use.
I accuse the majority of the doctors in this country of outright cowardice and a failure of moral courage in not calling out the enormous number of adverse events and deaths attributable to the vaccine.
I accuse the media and social media platforms of gross malfeasance and suppression of legitimate voices questioning the lockdown strategy, masks, social distancing, school closings and vaccine safety.
I accuse the politicians and political leaders of supporting an insane plan to destroy our social fabric, our economy, our children and our mental well being.
I am ashamed of the hundreds of thousands of physician collaborators who brought this upon us. I am proud of the thousands who would not comply.
I grieve for those who lost children, who lost loved ones or whose love ones were injured or disabled from the denial of live saving medicines and the predictable effects of mass vaccination with an unsafe gene therapy.
We demand a reckoning and accountability for this crime against humanity.