//These people have nothing to gain and a lot to lose.//

The other way around in Steve's case.

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Unfortunately the Blaylock article has too many references that could be dismissed out of hand on account of their source. I'd like to see a credentialed medical professional produce such an article using only official stats and those peer-reviewed articles that slip through the censorship and retraction cracks. What's really needed is a medical journal that is actually scientific.

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Really these people have nothing to gain? How about all of them have books out on the subject. They are all opportunists trying to make a quick buck. All you have to do is run statistics. 6 billion people vaccinated. How many maybe injured are dead because of it? .000063%. A bunch of knuckleheads.

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Wow, how much blood money did you earn for that garbage hit piece?

You'd compare books to the billions the 'immunity to liability' pharmaceutical companies have earned? I notice you invented a percentage - pulled from your rear end, no doubt, along with your pharmaceutical paycheck - and claim 6 billion have taken the shot, but have no evidence for that.

Which manufacturer?

How many doses?

Using what adverse injury reporting system?

I know you can't answer these questions shill. You and your ilk run away from simple questions, resorting to ironically 'knucklehead' insults calling people 'knuckleheads'. You're unprincipled, and your lies result in murder. Go home and think about what you've done, liar.

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blaylock is the subject of numerous smear articles some of which were sent back to me by blue pilled deniers of everything in the article because of those articles.

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The old smear tactic. When you can’t look at the possibility that someone is saying something that may destroy your belief systems, you look for what the fact checkers have to offer. And you’ll always find plenty of nonsense and unfounded attacks to give you a reason to avoid looking.

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Pay no mind to the 'debunk' brigade...

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Fantastic interview with dr. Russell Blaylock, the author of the referenced article, here:


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Congratulations! Now to get the word out that these same villains are trying to sell out all the countries of the world to the WHO

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The *journal* may be peer reviewed, but this is an editorial. Are those peer reviewed?

Also, I would be tempted to send this to my Covidien friends, except using phrases like "our cognitively impaired President" (I don't disagree! I even voted for the guy) would make it harder for them to swallow the other arguments. What I am interested in is trying to insert a niggle of doubt into the minds of true believers. Raising their defensive hackles hinders that goal.

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Additionally, Because Blalock speaks to Bannon and others on the evil right, my besties who are buying the FDA/CDC mainsstream media nonsense would never give this a chance. It might be helpful for those few who might be in the middle.

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One part of that article seems....counter-intuitive. Specifically:

"Vaccine-induced myocarditis (which was denied initially) is a significant problem and clears over a short period."

Are we sure, the myocarditis is cleared over a short period? Some cardiologist says heart damage never goes away. That dead or damaged heart cells become scar tissue.

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Can someone give me some links ? I need to stop a mom from vaccinating her 5 years old boy

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Steve, have you seen the Highwire video interview with Geert Vanden Boosche and/or his related article on Trial site? If Vanden Boosche is right, and he has been consistently so since the beginning of the Pandemic, the. We won’t have long to wait for the pandemic, which is far from over, to reveal the extent of the catastrophe unleashed by those in power. For those unvaccinated the message is to stay so. For others it is to not get boosted and to not vaccinate your kids, for everyone it is to get healthy and boost your immune system with exercise, sleep, balanced diet, Vit C and D, and Zinc. Above all it is to put pressure on the call for focused protection and early treatment regimens ASAP. You must watch the video below. Steve I live to hear your views, if you at the Better ways conference with Geert please talk to him and tell us what you think.



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Latest news yesterday--Dick Durbin trying to pass legislation to limit our access to vit D, which would likely be the first of many restrictions on supplements that keep us healthier!

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that's incredibly dark, sinister! impressed

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And yet doesn’t seem concerned about what’s in the experimental vaccines 🙄💀

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Avoid Fauci's poison death shot.

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🙏Thank You, Steve! 🙏

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Why am I not surprised?

Just as long as you keep the, "virus", alive, you're on the team, wittingly/willingly or not.

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Wow Steve!! Thank you so much for your efforts. They are highly appreciated 😊✔️

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