I've added a new section at the end of the article responding to the comments. Before posting a comment here, please read that section.

Make sure you answer the questions starting at question 10 if you disagree with me and you want me to take your comment seriously.

I'm tolerant of people here who have an honest different of opinion, but not people who are dishonest. That may get you banned as Bjorno just discovered.

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No 14: So my question is why are they so afraid to debate my two experts on any conditions?

I haven't yet seen an offer that didn't start with and end with it being about debating you.

I suggested it before, will do so again now. If this is a search for truth, take yourself out of the discussion, you have no credentials any of them would respect.

Have your experts discuss it with say Poornima Wagh, you're not a necessary part of the discussion. If you make it about it, and they believe you're more of a social media bully, why would they get involved?

This isn't about you, or at least, it shouldn't be.

Steve, in 1986, by age 29, my semiconductor company was doing $360 million (1986 dollars) a year and had 3500 employees worldwide. I designed ICs for everything from toys to spacecraft. We designed, wafer fabricated, tested and assembled four of the six chips in the first three generations of the Bosch anti-lock brake systems in every Mercedes, Ford and others.

I know many people like you, people who believe their success entitles them to liberties most would not take outside their sphere of expertise.

The reason people are losing respect for you is that although you're on the opposite side of most liberals on this issue, you still act like a self-entitled leftist and treat others with that sort of nasty disdain. Who wants to deal with that? You're losing your support. You don't need sycophants, you need to step back and let your experts do this.

You've lost the plot. You spend your days arguing with trolls and people who have no ability to sway anything of importance. You're out of your depth. I hope you find your way back..unless this is who you always are. In which case...no, in any case, I'm done following you. There's no pay off.

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Steve has some good ideas.

Maybe you should try to find the good ideas and forget who the source is (especially the politics of the source).

Ideas are worth having.

Never forget the truth inherit in folk sayings. A good one is "knowledge is power." I like that saying a lot. Note that it doesn't say "money is power."

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"you still act like a self-entitled leftist and treat others with that sort of nasty disdain"

-I've been following Steve a long time. I literally read every post, and watch most interviews. I have never seen him do this. I hate to see people turn this into a left/right issue. I also hate to see people get lost down irrelevant rabbit holes about whether viruses exist.

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I put in publicly yet again in this article that it is between my two named experts. But no matter how many times I do that, people like you don't notice. You should stop following me.

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The great reset is a weapon being used against citizens in part, with money you gave to anti-American globalists in the Democratic Party in support of their policies and goals.

We find ourselves in this terrible situation because arrogant elitists like you, believed those people were worthy of support. You could not have been more wrong.

I wasn’t subscribed to you here, but I did follow you on gettr. That ended with my prior comment as I said it did. I will turn off notifications for this thread to save time for myself from you, and the sycophants who feel the need to stand up for you.

You've caused enough harm for more than one lifetime. You, are not our savior.

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"This isn't about you"

I'd have guessed that most people visit this substack precisely because it's about Steve and what he's up to.

"You're losing your support."

Any evidence for that statement? Other, that is, than....

"I'm done following you "

You forgot to leave the link to your own substack where you battle tirelessly on behalf of the rest of us.

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I understand your question… why wouldn’t they debate you or take your money.

Also, Sam Bailey addresses your question 10 in her video. She says it clearly and I’ll default to her eloquence. Settling the virus debate

But I think it goes much deeper. to unravel decades of programming will require openness, humility and curiosity….

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#10 is where I can accept the Isolating the virus challenge and win 1.5M Euros.

Where can I do that?

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Steve, I really appreciate the article and the opportunity you give for multiple very interesting comments. I too have serious questions about all those you named as well as many others and I understand why you want scientifically provable answers in these debate challenges. I also respect that you want comments which answer your legitimate questions. I have even stronger concerns and questions tho about the so called 'experts' who have orchestrated this entire mess. But that is neither here nor there in this particular discussion.

Most of us, especially I think, the medical and science types, are completely overwhelmed and stressed at this point by the constantly changing, inconsistent and unscientific mandates and flood of contradictory information and disinformation from the 'experts' on multiple sides of the fence. A good friend who is the head nurse for our local underfunded school system has had less than three weeks total off from her job in three years and she still cannot keep up with all she is required to do. I believe we all have Covid PTSD at this point. Completely provable 'pure' science (if there even is such a thing), can only take us so far. In my lifetime, so called 'absolute' science, has been reversed and revised many many times. At this point frankly I am much more concerned about the overriding human misery caused by this mess than I am with whether this is a 'real' virus or whether viruses even exist or not. I think there are many intelligent folks out there who just don't care whether the talking heads prove or disprove that. We just want this nightmare to end.

I want actual health enhancing workable treatments and frankly I think the alternative crowd has done a better job with that. You don't have to 'prove' anything. Therapies that cause no harm are certainly worth trying and hey some of them have sure worked for me and many I know. Niether my unvaxxed husband nor myself (both over 60) have had a single sign of getting covid. We have many friends who use alternative therapies that can say the same. We have all been exposed mutiple times in multiple ways. Those of our friends who did get sick were all vaxxed and/or they had significant co-morbitites. The few unvaxxed healthy folks I know who got sick, just had mild flu-like symptoms. So the proof is in the pudding for me. You can call this ancedotal. Fine. But that is how humans have actually lived and thrived for hundreds of thousands of years; ancedotally. Sorry, but science really cannot compete with that evolutionarily proven track record of success.

So again while I appreciate your points, I do not think a debate over this is what we need. We need healing on multiple human levels right now. Those at the top do not seem to understand this. Our entire society is falling apart and we are headed down a very dark path. We have been pushed over the psychological edge. Two years plus of isolation and fear and punishment has left us all wounded and bleeding and living on adrenal overdrive.

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Yay, science by spectacle & debate with prizes, yay!!!!

There are no pictures of viruses, as if that would prove they cause illness and are transmissible (it wouldn't).

The electron microscope images taken from abused, highly adulterated tissue samples merely show little grey blobs, indistinguishable from exosomes.

If I showed you a blurry black & white picture of a bridge in Florida would you buy it?

Maybe you're confused by the shiny colorful artist's imaginings of what a virus would look like if anyone could see one? (they can't). You know, the sexed-up drawings that artists make up out of whole cloth, and that the media obligingly plaster everywhere you look to brainwash the masses?

Virology: smoke & mirrors

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The last time I looked at toxic purified protein it was in liquid form, not much to see under a microscope. That is probably why it cannot be isolated. It is nothing more than decomposed liquid from rotting cells.

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there were pictures of viruses in the last article with an OPTICAL microscope. Yay!

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Was the photo from a cell culture?

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We've gotta have a talk about that bridge, I can get you a great price!

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I've added a new section at the end of the article responding to the comments. Before posting a comment here, please read that section.

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Aug 23, 2022Edited
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Beat it clown. Go play in your delusional 'no virus' Substacks.

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It seems there are CIA agents who run around pretending they believe viruses don't exist. Apparently, it's what they do for a living.

Are Cowan, Kaufman, Rappoport such agents? I suppose one can't really just come out and say, "I think so-and-so is a CIA agent." For one thing, who is to say which agency (or branch, or what-have-you) they work for? The average citizen can't really know. However, he/she might suspect. And, he/she might be correct!

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Or they seriously believe in what they are saying.

Maybe some are plants to try and make conspiracy minded people sound crazy but no way is it all of them.

Anyway, the people who push the virus idea are also telling us the vaccines are really safe.

I know who I would rather trust lol even if they are wrong.

My position is I don't know if a virus is behind any disease. I don't know if the exist - if the pictures we are shown mean anything. Cool a little blob. What am I suppose to make of that?

What I do know is that it doesn't matter. The health of the individual matters more than the potential of any virus.

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I agree. Health is what's important.

It might be that some (even the CIA) believe what they are saying sometimes.

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The question is what is the reason for the operation? What is to be gained? Control is always a motivating factor in human behavior. Control over others, or control over ones self. Primary training for agents is never be compromised or never lose personal control, that is the spy vs spy game. Psychological warfare and a game of intelligence. All people would be better off realizing the rules of the game, and become conspiracy theorists, as all humans conspire for control. The winners just learn to predict probabilities best. My personal experience is that viruses do in fact exist as toxic protein poisons that are created by dying cells. The game of deception is in the definition which is easy to miss. The slide of the hand. It is about control, he who knows the truth has control. Terrain theory says keep the cells healthy and they never produce poisons, toxins or virus. Are the doctors pushing terrain theory doing it for personal empowerment against the system, or are they looking to gain control over others. That is the question that will identify motive. Follow the money. By using the system they are pushing, I have personally stayed extremely healthy and maintained independence from the pharma system for decades, It has allowed me to survive and thrive in high risk environments, where one has to be at the top of their game and cannot afford to have any physical limitations. Let food be your medicine is independence. But I can only share my personal experience.

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Even healthy cells have to detox, though. Detoxing is very important.

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"It seems there are CIA agents..."


Do you make up this nonsense for fun, a living, for the CIA?

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Your comment is fun! :)

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Every time I say something about the CIA, there are a lot of responses. It seems that a nerve is hit, somehow.

Either the people in the CIA have touchy egos (which seems altogether possible--they do seem to take themselves way too seriously), or the element of "truth identified" in calling a spade a spade elicits a reaction. Not sure which it is (maybe both...)

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Aug 23, 2022Edited
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Name calling is way more effective with correct spelling. 😂

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The majority seem to have voted down your process.

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What do you expect when the New Agers start infesting Steve's Substack on every 'no virus' thread? Bunch of losers and cowards.

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the majority think vaccines are safe. My process is fully negotiable. If I took a position the earth is flat and offered $1M to anyone under the same terms, I would be inundated with offers. Do you want to bet on that one?

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95% of parents didn't get their under 5's the shot. 99% didn't get more than 1 dose.

Surely that suggests people know the vaccines aren't safe at this point?

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Aug 23, 2022
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The monkeypox shots also have Cipro in them. Go read stories from people who got "floxxed" they are nightmare fuel!

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I've added a new section at the end of the article responding to the comments. Before posting a comment here, please read that section and answer the last few questions.

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Re your claim that people have no reason to believe the virus does not exist: I posted this earlier today: Search rumble for a video with this title: Virologist Poornima Wagh tried to isolate SARS COV2 and here is what happened.

From the video:

Poornima Wagh has 2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology and a 20 year career as a Lab researcher and scientist. Here, she explains what happened when she conducted an experiment to isolate SARS-COV-2 from a patient sample and then tried to publish the results.

Spoiler Alert: Her team could not isolate #covid19 and the FBI raided their lab and confiscated everything....then, two suicides of team members

To be clear, I believe the virus exists, but I post this to show why some people may believe it does not exist. Clearly, it is wrong to claim they have no reason for believing it does not exist when there is a person who claims twenty years experience as an expert in virology.

Perhaps you should have Ms. Wagh speak with your experts. Let them battle it out.

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I believe viruses exist and make people feel sick but the question is do they cause disease or are viruses or protein toxins and poisons the result of dis-ease. The experience of those who cure disease is the later being true, toxic terrain caused by stress is the cause of viral illness. Those who can only treat and manage illness believe in mainstream viral theory that the poison comes first and then the cell gets sick. Whereas my experience tells me that stress causes illness and that illness causes toxic viral proteins.

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Anecdotal experience is not the scientific method, though it should be noted.

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That’s not 100% true. Clinical observation leads to positing something. Then one sets up an experiment to attempt to prove it. The clinical observation leading to a theory is a part of science.

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Poornima Wagh refuses to be interviewed by me. All these people run and hide when challenged. I got her correct contact info from Lee Merritt who interviewed her.

Explain to me why she's now camera shy.

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Maybe she is Kirsch shy, not camera shy.

I think you two should have a friendly conversation.

It's a pity she doesn't want to.

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she clearly will talk to people who won't challenge her.

I've NEVER seen her talk to ANYONE who will challenge her.

This is not about me.

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Yes maybe have a discussion off the record for starters, explorational. No recording. If you learn anything interesting it would be a service to all!

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If getting a response is the goal, perhaps, don't make it about you.

Have your experts contact her for a discussion. Keep you and your ego out of it.

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Aug 23, 2022Edited
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really? when did SHE say that?

So she won't talk to McKernan or Lyons-Weiller either?

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Beat it clown. Go hang out in your delusional 'no virus' Substacks.

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Aug 23, 2022
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Why are you even here if Steve is a 'manipulator'? Why the unhealthy obsession? If you don't like what he has to say then GET LOST, CLOWN.

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First basis, define virus. If you use the traditional meaning from pre allopathic medicine, it simply states that it is a poison or toxin. Pre William Rockefeller (the snake oil salesman) the word described the toxic proteins created as the cells became sick and died from high pH conditions. As I read all your postulates from a pre allopathic perspective, all are true yet have a completely different meaning than what is understood by the authors of the argument. One cannot nor should even try to argue that toxins or poisonous proteins (virus) are not existing in the body. The question is cause. And as I stated earlier, a true theory works. A false one does not. I can rapidly help cure viral conditions in the body by using ions in chemical or mineral form as many did in the beginning of the pandemic. The key is alkalinity. So the argument needs to be put your money where your mouth is, show us cures. Two doctors, one using the covid mandated treatments designed to maim and kill and another using ionic therapy of his choice. That should be the only meaningful discussion and the one that has been suppressed from day one.

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see my pinned comment

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Steve, viruses are sold as infective rogue nucleic acid fragments that cause epidemics like polio, COVID, influenza.

But virology has no foundation because it omits confounding factors such as pollution.

You can't win.

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Epidemics are 99.999% a political issue.

Why are doctors and scientists talking about politics?

The short answer to that is: because they are human.

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Please accept my bet and take my money!

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I'm debating you NOW. And you're using money as a distraction.

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You are avoiding answering my simple questions. If you want a response answer my questions first. Thank you. See the pinned post

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Steve, you declare in the pinned post: "I couldn’t find any commenter that offered a superior set of “fraud tests.” No alternatives were proposed at all. If you don’t like my list, why not tell us the correct list?"

My "correct list" is one test, which is universally agreed upon by scientists: Studies must control for confounding factors (such as pollution).

Virology fails that test.

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that's silly. that's not how science works.

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Aug 23, 2022
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You'll need to show proof of funds.

If you don't, I'm going to ban you and remove all of your comments.

People's lives are at stake.

When I make offers, they are all serious.

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Simply accept my bet with the revised terms.

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Aug 23, 2022
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No. You need to answer my questions in pinned comment. Why can’t u do that?

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Sad but predictable.

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If SARS-CoV-2 exists, then it means that at least 1 specific action taken with respect to SARS-CoV-2 must yield a result which is in some way unique to SARS-CoV-2. That is, it must be shown conclusively that the action taken would not rate to yield a similar result for any other known or unknown (non-DNA-sequenced) respiratory virus.

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there is.

would you like to accept my bet?

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Because they're deluded fools and they know you'd mop the floor with them.

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Aug 23, 2022
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see my pinned comment. waiting for your answers here. thanks!

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Go troll in your 'no virus' Substacks with your $1,015 New Age shower heads and $1,000 New Age peat moss blankets you fool.

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On another question yes (whether any 1 detected virus rates to be anywhere near as impactful as the total of all other non-detected viruses in a human body) - but not on this specific question for 2 reasons:

1) I’ve reached no firm conclusion on the answer to this question.

2) Even if SARS-CoV-2 is a new virus as determined by a unique DNA sequence, this may still be only of nominal significance. This is because there is no way to prove that the total of all other non-sequenced (and so, by definition undetected) viruses in the human body aren’t more impactful on human health than any 1 detected virus. For example, it could be that even though Covid treatments have a reliable effect on Covid symptoms and SARS-CoV-2 PCR test results, the nature of Covid could be that it’s caused by a collection of hundreds of viruses in operation simultaneously - which are all similarly squelched by the proposed Covid treatments.

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This is also my thinking. If you find any logical responses, please let me know. Even the Sars-Cov-2 PCR test fine print said it was not specific to SARS-CoV-2 and that it should not be used alone as a diagnostic tool.

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did you want to accept my bet?

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I just got around to reading your term sheet. I see an Achilles heel: only 3 judges. The problem with that is a completely unresolved question has a whopping 25% chance of winner payout. For illustration, suppose at the beginning of the debate, person P in attendance flipped a coin and hid the result, and the debate question was “Did P flip heads or tails?” You can see that if 3 judges are each required to render their own definitive judgments on this event, there is a 25% chance that they would agree unanimously on what was always an even proposition. If you increase the judges to 6, you’ll reduce the probability of an even proposition being decided as a win down to 3.1%.

Also, what is your definition of “Covid” for purpose of these bets? Originally, Covid was generally defined by public health authorities as being indicative of severe respiratory distress. But the goalposts have moved so far that now common cold symptoms - or even just a positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 - is routinely referred to as Covid.

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Of course they won't. They all cowards and science flunkies who prefer to anonymously troll away with their New Age bullshit.

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Aug 23, 2022
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I've added a new section at the end of the article responding to the comments. Please read it.

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Aug 23, 2022
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Seriously?!? So you are camera shy like they are right? Can I interview you?

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Aug 23, 2022
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I'm talking to you. Bjorno. You seems to be the expert. You haven't told me when my two people can have a discussion with Cowan et al. Why don't we stick to one question to keep things simple since I found your 12 answers non-responsive to my questions.

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Hey Bjorno - did you see my post on the New Age/Quack cures Dr. Cowan and Dr. Kaufman are shilling on their websites? Any thoughts? Or are you laying on your $1,085 Peat Fiber mattress topper after showering with your $1,065 Platinum Crystal Vortex Shower Head? My guess is if you had any money left from the millions you supposedly pissed away (you a multi-millionaire? LOL, don't make us laugh), you probably would. 'A fool and his money are soon parted'

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Aug 23, 2022
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So you made your millions speculating on big brother bitcoin and then pissed it all away? Smart. And now you're conflating those who believe viruses exist and can cause illness with pro-vaxxers? Pathetic. Your logic is sorely lacking. It sounds like you went down the wrong side of the rabbit hole and fell into a psyop. And you still haven't addressed my specific questions regarding the scientific data on the ridiculous quack (and ripoff) New Age panaceas that Dr. Cowan and Dr. Kaufman are shilling.

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Aug 22, 2022
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You didn't read the termsheet. It's a neutral mutually agreed upon process.

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Maybe they don't debate you because they see it as a waste of time because they see you don't have an open mind. You still hide behind virus and vaccine dogma. Y still believe that some vaccines are safe. Look up Dr. Brian Hooker and the vax vs unvax study that shows all vaccines harm children. Further, viruses don't make people sick. Poor diet, lifestyle factors, and environmental toxins are the cause of disease. If viruses were the cause then we would all be sick or dead. Viruses, like germs, bacteria, and pathogens are our allies. They help create natural immunity. Germ theory has been debunked even by Louis Pasteur. Lean into terrain theory and trust God's design for your heath. Lastly, what if everything we have learned about viruses is a lie. follow the money and how viruses, germ theory, and vaccines have become a cult with its orthodoxy. What is what we think and see as viruses are actually toxins, especially with how many toxins we are exposed to annually through our food, our medicines (i.e vaccines, chemo), personal care and cleaning products, and others. There are over 80,000 chemicals in our environment. Most of which have never been studied on their effects to our health and many are linked to cancer, autoimmunity, infertility, hormonal and other problems just to mention a few. Approximately 1/3 of diseases are caused by these toxins. It is these toxins coupled by the factors mentioned above. Is why viruses if do exist attach to a healthy host in the first place. Just look up how Louis Pasteur never was able to prove his germ theory until he manipulated it in a control climate. In live settings, healthy people simply didn't get sick from those that were sick. So, again, lean into terrain theory and trust God's design for health. Not pseudoscience, political science, junk science, and cult science. Follow the money and you'll see how everything we have been programmed to believe about germs and viruses are a lie.

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Usually the guy who censors others (like Jim West) and refuses to answer the central question is the liar. That's you, Steve.

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You haven't explicitly mentioned terrain theory in here at all, which could just as well for instance explain transmission person to person...it's the same space with the same poisons. Or the same diet/water source/exposure to radiation waves etc.

Virus materials as found could be symptoms or byproducts of the body reacting to this poisoning instead of the cause...

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Hi Steve, Have you seen this? https://apocalypticyoga.substack.com/p/derrick-broze-confronts-del-bigtree I watched some of the video but not all. It seems to me they are jealous of Del? I'm not a doctor, I'm a jazz guitarist who has an interest in all of this. Seems like things are getting out of control.

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dear Steve Kirsch good-guy & tireless truth teller, please "make nice" and shake hands with those other good people with whom you disagree. It's a pretty big couch, room on it for everyone.

We are all on the side of good--no more forced jabs, let people have access to whatever treatment they want, no censorship or cancellations. I don't know Madame Waugh from Adam but Tom Cowan, Sam Bailey, Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman, Jon Rappoport have all been around a long time and are the real deal, doing their best.

Virus or schmirus matters not in the grand scheme of things. Smart adults can disagree. You're doing your best too. Please make nice--it helps the other side if this one falls apart bickering so let's not hand that to them on a platter. Instead, Let's Keep Together (like Haley Mills in The Parent Trap) as I'm now sounding like my grandmother insisting that everyone get along with each other. Thank you for all you do.

ps I'm gonna past this on the newer post from today which is where I meant to put it :-)

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It does matter whether the virus is real or not, whether it is new or not, and if it is really a virus or something else... e.g. 5G, flu, and many other things.

Why does it matter? Because saying it's real justifies more of this medical surveillance state that has become the 'new normal'. All roads lead to Rome.

There is no world in which these provisions should be justified regardless of how real a disease is, but saying it's not real, is the strongest argument, because people will not listen to "muh freedom" when they are drowned in fear of death.

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I see your point but I still'll stick to mine. A real virus everyone can get over with Ivermectin, zinc, vit. c, d and other things low-cost should not justify a pandemic nor should a fake virus. It's all a con and nobody should be in fear when there are nice folks like Dr Kory and the late great Dr Zelelenko who have protocols that work. Maybe it's not a virus but a "something else" and it's real and just a flu. Whatever it is... and the folks who get into the real nitty gritty talk about such high fallutin' ideas in their petrie dishes, we humans can all get over it (real or fake) without a globalist nightmare hellscape lockdown forced injection scenario , it's all unjustified and a con. Folks need to know they are played. So I still say everyone on our side--that of freedom, needs to make nice with each other, shake hands, and share some pine tea (or chicken soup).

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I thought I did answer your question, sorry;

I cannot explain what I do not know; All I could [can] do is speculate and I don't know how that would help anyone seeking an answer to your question;

I do not have any evidence, nor have I witnessed any evidence of Kochs or Rivers Postulates being applied to discover "bio [non organic] substances;

We do know however that the postulates you speak of involve isolating "living pathogens" [viruses] from Pure Blood samples

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Sep 1, 2022
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It seems to me that "they" who say Covid is indeed a "virus" never demonstrate ANY evidence that the thing exists yet INSIST the onus of proof that it doesn't exist lays with those who question it;

I have yet to see any evidence that "Covid-19" exists as a stand alone "virus"; Yes, we've all seen the pretty pictures of what "it" looks like but pictures do not demonstrate scientific evidence; I've seen pictures of Big Foot too;

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Steve you don't care whom you upset. This is not healthy for you or your supporters.

"Vanitas Vanitatum et Omnia Vanitas"

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So what you're saying is that what the world calls SARS-CoV-2 is in actuality a patented bio-weapon manufactured in lab. Explain why the Koch’s and River’s postulates are unable to find this manufactured bio-weapon in a COVID-19 dead body.

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You can't require people to prove a negative. If you claim something exists, the burden of proof is on YOU. When people tell me that no covid virus has been ever isolated, I point out to a site where they can buy an isolate. I don't ask them for any proof, this would be, indeed, me avoiding proof from my side.

Covid skepticism and agnosticism are wide spread among people who lived their lives normally and use natural medicine. One reason is that they didn't observe anything different from previous flu seasons. Another one, unlike allopathic medicine, they don't have to invent new special diseases every time and apply new or repurposed drugs. Existing remedies work very well for flu, any flu, and you don't need the concept of viruses to boost the immune system. They don't use fraudulent, questionable covid testing, given there is no single FDA approved test exists (EUA means they may or may not work), and they all are "tested to work" using PCR testing.

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"I point out to a site where they can buy an isolate." How does that prove that viruses exist? I have bought "unicorn droppings" and "leprechaun gold" in a store. Does that prove unicorns and leprechauns exist? You have to find out the steps that were taken to get that "SARS-CoV-2 isolate" into the vial they sell for a few thousand $.

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Yeah, somebody must've sold me a fake pineapple. Semantics is super-important.

Ironically, you just demonstrated what's called "unfalsifiability", yourself proving that your theory isn't rational and scientific. It doesn't matter what somebody says, you always invent an argument "it can be something else". Just go away. This is not science, this is obsession.

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Interesting response. DO you know how they get the substance they put in the vials sold as "SARS-CoV-2? If not, how do you know what you would be getting? Or, if you have bought that product, how did you test it to see what was actually in it? You can readily see a pineapple, and use your unaided senses to tell if it's real or fake; How do you test that if you can't use unaided senses, as with a virus that can only be imaged by an electron microscope, and otherwise can't be detected directly?

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God. Please, keep repeating unfalsiability over and over and over and over and over and over. How do you know that the content of your head isn't cottage cheese? How do I know you're not a lizard?

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Sep 1, 2022
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repeat it 100500 more times, super duper smart

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Steve, we had a tete-a-tete, and I checkmated you with my simpler and superior Fraud Test:


I still await your response.

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Sep 1, 2022
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Yes, and you found a way to say this very well: "...rather than offering us money to disprove the existence of something which doesn't exist."

The best way to win expensive court case is on a technicality, and that's apparently what Lanka did. It is disgusting that he even had to go to appeal to defend his case.

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Sep 2, 2022
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I read stuff like this:


That ref makes since Lanka structured a bet where he knew he would face an authoritarian (not scientific) judicial process. So of course he would ensure that his requirement would be for a single study, not a mix-mash of studies that would require a brain-washed PhD to interpret.

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Love your stuff Steve.. Have you done a newsletter regarding PCR and other Covid testing.. Stew Peters and Jane Ruby believe the PCR test are completely unreliable.. So I would like to see a newsletter from you discussing the PCR and Covid testing currently being used..

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