
Added more items. Now at 32!!

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My spouse currently "attending" as I write. Asking questions, not being answered, questions being deleted. So, he asked why his questions are being deleted. Response from the chat moderator: the speakers answered it. Nope....they did not answer it.

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The concept of trust in the CDC and FDA? As an ex-doctor I liked your proposals. Yet our conundrum continues. Some trust them to the point that if they said jump of a cliff and they would do it. Others like me have lost so much faith and trust that I just do not seeing myself trusting them again. Keep up the fight. These are crazy times. I wish had a better solution, but these institutions are deeply corrupt and have been for a long time. It won't happen but if I was President, I would abolish the CDC and FDA and return public health policy to the individual states.

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I agree with you 100%. However, I still have hope enough people will demand our “leaders” abolish those and other captured agencies (time to throw out the federal alphabet soup). And why not at least run for some local office? Someone with your capacity for critical thinking (I know this belief is based on scant info but I figure I know why you’re an ex-doc) is much needed at that level.

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I hope an addition included not to censor (condemning censorship is not enough). Bravo on the list!

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Forget about that. Those people at CDC and FDA need to be executed immediately after their Nuremberg trials are concluded. Someone has to pay for mass murder and mass injuries and that should be the actual perps.

We need to arrest Trump, Biden, Fauci, Gates, vaccine makers including UNC Chappell Hill employees, media, school admins, all the employers that mandated injections for working and all other that forced or coerced illegal experimental GMO injections for a fake pandemic that even with their fake numbers only murdered 1 per 1000. And it wasn't a virus that made them die, it was doctors and nurses that forced ventilators, Remdesivir, even morphine as treatment.

They must all be destroyed, but you probably won't get the chance since these tards also took the Sudden Death shots. They will get exactly what they deserve, anyway.

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Steve- when will you be present at GSU event? Thurs evening or Friday morning??

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Busy Busy Buys

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put practicing medics in charge of hospitals and have them supervise local (!!) care/health policies. compact, human scale-sized organisations.

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Steve and everybody here, the term bigpHARMa belongs to the community, and not to me. Please use freely and spread widely. Because quite regrettably, it is very true. Thank you.

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Hi Steve et al, thank you for all you are doing and writing. The problem with Congress reviewing a drug like ivermectin, is that then medicine is once again, centralized and controlled. It is time for decentralization at last, and doctors must be free to practice medicine, per their own judgement. Asking Congress to review a drug, is to ask the foxes to guard the henhouse. They are all paid off, by bigpHARMa.

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my Texas dr still supplies us from a compounding pharmacy for $50 a bottle.....

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023

If you want, we can DM and you can send me your address. I can still get it for $3/ pill in Mexico.

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Mines about 3 also. I get it in India. Have order several times. Got the link from the frontline dr.'s.

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SAD to read your news! Have you been to EarthClinic.com? They have a list of natural cures and testimonies from users. I personally do not take any drugs now and boy, I have had conditions to treat! You may wish to try taking Swanson Vitamins' Black Walnut Hulls capsules. This is really strong against parasites. I have no idea if it will work against malaria. However, it's dirt cheap like under $3.00 a bottle. I hope that you find a natural treatment that WORKS! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.

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The Red Cross participated in a Malaria study using Sodium Chlorite (MMS...Jim Humble). 2 doses resulted in 0 detectable disease. Afterwards, the Red Cross disavowed being part of the study. Ties to BigPharma?

I remember this from online research.

I was afraid of greed stepping in with Ivermectin. Or questionable product. The same with cheapened supplements, etc.

Food is our medicine...and look at the state it's in.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023Liked by Steve Kirsch

What about the most important one, which would do the job all on its own?

Tell the world that "4 killed for every 3 saved" was the overall mortality impact of the mRNA vaccines in the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials. The separate Pfizer and Moderna "gold standard" randomized clinical trials BOTH had a 15-17% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

Layman's summary of clinical trial results here: https://dailysceptic.org/2022/04/09/covid-vaccines-increase-risk-of-heart-related-deaths-by-up-to-50-lancet-analysis-of-trial-data-finds/

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i did have stop lying :), but maybe i have to add tell the truth.

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Not sure that telling professional bank robbers to stop robbing banks has much impact. Doubtful that asking for their word of honor will stop them from robbing banks either. As long as they are free and able to rob banks, and as long as there is money in the banks to rob, they will. But if they are relieved of the power to rob banks (incarcerated); if there is no money to take; if security were perfect*, they will be rendered inept *.

* As the old saying goes, nothing is sailor-proof and I am totally against government controlled digital currencies

Similar actions apply to technocrats, bureaucrats, and politicians. Remove their power by legislation and/or do away with their jobs to render them useless, ineffective, not worth bribing. Wherever possible the power must be moved closer to the people and rules revised to enable increased oversight by the people, instead of increasing the power of the federal government, whose denizens hate oversight. But nothing works without well-educated citizen voters, and we will never get a large population of well-educated voters as long as age and the ability to breathe are the only criteria for voting eligibility and they only vote for more for themselves. As long as voters strive for bigger and bigger government, the more exponentially will be the growth of waste, corruption and inefficiency of and by so-called civil "servants". Furthermore, the laws that are made need to include clear explanations of the foreseeable damage they will do, not just the benefits to a relatively few.

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Seems to be incredibly intentional

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The mainstream media would kill it as fast as they can.... if they felt the need to even acknowledge it.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023

But we don't need the mainstream media to acknowledge it (more and more people are losing trust in the media anyway, for good reason).

All we need is to show the world the clinical trial mortality results straight from the NEJM publications, along with a layman's summary as in the link below (but in a slightly less sensational and more scientific tone), plus a brief explanation why clinical trials are the gold standard in medical research.


It would be impossible for the media to "kill it" at that point, what could they say?

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I'm not against trying it, but I do watch the MSM as well as the conservative media and when the MSM doesn't like something, they spin against it, ignore it, mock it, or call anyone who mentions it a racist. Look at the Russian-collusion hoax and the J6 mess.... the MSM ignored every bit of truth because they do not believe in objective truth, In the USA we have a generation or two of dummies who believe only the MSM. They have been brainwashed, indoctrinated to the point where they can legitimately be called braindead. They are too engrossed in their mobile phones and Tik-Toks to take an interest in what is happening around an in front of them. They are not educated to comprehend what they read or to think about consequences. They parrot the lies of the left which controls all the major institutions like the federal government, much of the media, hollyweird. They are stupid enough to actually believe that global warming is an existential threat to the planet or they are making money of scaring other people into believing that nonsense. They believe that anyone who does not follow the communist party line is evil and should be killed, especially white males, because that is what they have been programmed to think. So, while it could be worth trying, as it might influence a few of them who have yet to become zombies, I disagree that the media cannot ignore it, since they can and do ignore anything and everything that does not follow their agenda, and truth is not on the menu.

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You just described most of the people I know. Sad fact indeed. Common sense is not common anymore.

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This would make a perfect flyer to hand out if someone happened to be on the public sidewalk nearby with a stack of printouts.

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yeah, O-bomb-uh, what a scammer! Hope and Change turned out to be Nope, NO Change. He fooled a lot of people, took advantage of identity politics, we're going to elect a Black President! It will be great for racial minorities. Except it wasn't. Biggest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the wealthy that had ever occurred (until covid). Mister "I voted against the Iraq War" ended up out bombing Bush by more than 50,000 bombs and expanded the wars into 3 new countries. He's the only US President to have the country at war the entire 8 years of his 2 terms. Ugh!

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"...Mistah O-bomma gon' pay mah moe-gudge!!!"

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He didn't run on the issues. It was his 'personality'. One of the most confused, dishonest creatures I ever heard.

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But you have to admit he spoke more eloquently than the likes of George W Bush. I was quite taken by the man at the time and often thought to myself this guy is more white than me.

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Eloquently? I heard a person who was so full of rhetoric, saying whatever it took to gain his Presidency goal, distancing himself from his comfort level Rev. Wright, or any other Marxist or Islamic long -term buddies, the vacousness of it was infused in his voice. He didn't even believe it.

If you have a brain, don't reduce it with Cocaine . Robin Williams wasn't just poking fun of Bush for his advanced alcoholic brain damage, he was asking wth from Americans. Yes, the Election Fraud/ Cheating games took place with Bush, before Obama ramped them up, and they've been pushed for years by money , crime and influence, but how do these poor creatures get to the Primaries? Money and cabal interests, but the lies people call gaslighting now, have to be swallowed.

Is it the lack of good men and women for leaders? Patriots gotten soft or just folding?

O btw, identifies as black because of how he was perceived by his skin color, his training or lack of it with an absent father and the liife experiences that people often use to create ' Attribution Errors', etc. IMO.

Boys look to their fathers for modeling. Abandonment affects self esteem, and creates a vacuum and vortex of negative trial/error and influence. O's sexual history also points to being groomed by white men. I'd suggest Kissinger was one of those men. People are a conglomerate, but can evolve or change at any moment of awareness. Their history or trajectory is like the slug. Yes, we did that. We leave a trail for bad or good. We are responsible, even though we were learning.

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A most percipient reply, and you'll be happy to know that I soon realized my poor judgment from first impressions.

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I would prefer abolition. How about we call ourselves neo-abolitionists.

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Restore trust in the CDC? You've got to be kidding me right.

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People who don't want to learn wreck it for those who do, I've seen it firsthand in inner city high school.

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So now the event organizers are doing it virtual only due to unexplained reasons. did they get wind of Steve coming and chicken out?

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Eliminate the HHS. However, if that is not feasible, at least make a law that all cabinet members who can legally make rules and regulations cannot sign a rule or regulations into practice unless the rule/regulation details the downsides as well as the benefits. IOW, if the rule or regulation is implemented, who will be harmed, how they will be harmed, what will cause the harm, and how long will they be harmed. The benefits of the law should also be spelled out in detail and the proposed rule/regulation should then be subject to the scrutiny of the people before it can be signed.

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Easy answer: COMPLETELY DEFUND, together w/ most of the other United SNAKES Corp, D[e]C[eit] "agencies" Especially the DOJ and its SS FBI - "Feral Bassturd Intimidators/Inquisitors/Insurrectionist"!

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That's nice that you want to restore trust in the CDC and FDA. I don't see any need for these agencies. I want them eliminated. Let the people exercise their right to sue for damages, and let free markets operate. The FDA is engaged in racketeering with the drug companies by demonizing powerful natural solutions. Solutions so cheap and so powerful that they cannot compete with them.

Even today, Christians are rotting in a prison outside the U.S. because they taught people how to make powerful remedies using natural resources. I can't begin to tell you how wrong that is. And it has nothing to do with protecting us from those powerful remedies, it's all about removing competition from their shared market.

If it were up to me I would ban all tax exemptions on scientific research. I would make all alternatives fair play for all. I would shut down every health related agency except for the NCBI library which is a resource we should keep.

Scientists should earn their money like the rest of us. No tax exempt, tax funded science.

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The trust in these corrupted captured agencies will never be restored for better or worse, but I say better. “Trust the experts” is a stupid concept. So is “trust the science.” These are for stupid people who cannot think for themselves. But I like your article Steve, thanks and please carry on.

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Silly rabbit! You write as if you think they care about being truthful and transparent.

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Like the cowards they are, the vaccine legal wall has decided they don't want us in the same room as them. They have made the conference online only. I was looking forward to being there in person.


Thank you for registering for Georgia State Law’s upcoming Health Law Symposium, March 23 and 24, 2023. We are excited to host this event and to have you join us either or both days. Please note this change: due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been moved fully online, and the agenda has been slightly adjusted to reflect this change. All registrants will be provided a link in advance of the event. We apologize if you have received multiple emails with this announcement and for any inconvenience. We appreciate your attendance and support.


Stacie Kershner, JD

Deputy Director

Center for Law, Health & Society

Georgia State Law"

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There is no restoring trust. They are pure profit driven. They burned that bridge.

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023

I would like to make a little edit to number 20:

Create special outside committees to recommend sweeping changes to the FDA, CDC, and NIH. These committees should be headed by and populated by experts who were calling these organizations out on their corruption, and the organizations' leaders beheaded by the committee heads.

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Steve, what are you thinking? WHY try to restore faith in CDC and FDA?

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I liked your suggestions for the GSU conference. If you didn't add these to your list, I'd include these impossible things: Cut out funding for (now, I'm not sure, I think it is the CDC) from any outside groups (read: Pharma). Why are these government oversight organizations even allowed outside funds? The figure I heard was that the CDC receives 64% of it's funding from big pharma (and in the UK, their equivalent organization receives more than 80% of it's funding from the same sources!) I'm pretty sure this amounts to bribery. And, the more impossible thing is career trajectory of former government employees into pharma. It would make sense if they were research positions - but they seem to be all going to overpaid positions of influence.

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