How to "red pill" your friends
I get hundreds of emails a day from subscribers...but this one stood out. Apparently, a few of my posts have "red pilled" people. Wow. I didn't think this was possible.
To red pill a friend is very difficult to impossible
Before I show you the email I received, here’s a little background about red pilling people (i.e., to snap people out of their mass formation psychosis that the vaccines are safe and effective).
I’ve talked to psychologists that tell me that to “red pill” someone can take days to weeks of extensive work and in many cases, no matter what you do, you will fail.
Parents will find that even trying to red pill their kids is difficult to impossible.
Of course, the good news is that once someone is red pilled, they never slip back.
I don’t know of a single case where a red pill person subsequently went blue pill. Do you?
The email I received from Linda
Dear Steve,
I am a subscriber from the UK —I just have to write to thank you for ALL you do and for the incredible tenacity that you possess.
I have sent some your newsletters to my friends in UK, people I thought were completely Lost to the Mass Psychosis - I had tried so many ways to wake them from their trance, sending them info from all the best thinkers and fighters, on our team, like Mike Yeadon, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, RFK, Mike Adams, Brian Ardis, Del Bigtree, Paul Alexander, Reiner Fuellmich etc etc you know all the greats who are batting in our team
BUT —- it was all in vain - my friends remained ‘Locked In “. As it were, UNTIL —— I sent a couple of them YOUR newsletters —
Something - just SOMETHING, in your newsletters, has started to penetrate through to a few of them….
Perhaps it the simple and direct way you put things - I don’t know, Perhaps them seeing the blanket refusal of anyone on the other side to take up you challenge of $1million to debate - I don’t know but whatever it is — Steve - Your newsletter has woken up a few friends - I know it is just a few but they I am sure will now try to wake a few more ….
Anyway - I know you are an incredibly busy person but I just wanted to say how much Everyone out here appreciates everything you do and that your Spirit makes a HUGE difference. You are getting through to people who have been really brainwashed and and I for one, wanted to write and thank you so much.
With all kindest regards
Linda —
My take
I don’t think I’m being pranked. I think this letter is legitimate because only a few of her friends were deprogrammed.
As you might imagine, I immediately wrote her back and asked “which article(s) made a difference?”
Have you had a similar experience? Are you able to “break through”? If so, what has worked for you?
Can anyone do this consistently? If so, please identify yourself and let us all know how you do it.
I was lightly hypnotized in 2020, from June through November 2020. I'm clearly in the middle ~50%. I was red-pilled in early December 2020 by a childhood friend, Robin. He didn't do it with data or evidence (I already had that in front of me!) He did it with a backhanded compliment. I already had the evidence at my disposal.
It was a text communication. I texted something blue-pillish and he said via text chat, "Bruce, you're a smart guy, I'm disappointed you'd fall for that deception." Well, I thought about that a bit. I realized I didn't want to disappoint my childhood friend. I wasn't sure how I had so I concentrated intently and thought about it. Perhaps 3 minutes later I felt the shift. It was like waking from hypnosis. I know, because I've previously been hypnotized. BAM! I was red-pilled.
That's how it happened for me. Note that I already had lots of evidence in mind. I had noticed that the FLCCC doctors were being censored and had looked into that. In my case, I realized that early treatment was being deliberately suppressed and that this could not be explained by anything short of democidal malevolence. Only someone wanting to make C19 WORSE would censor the FLCCC doctors. That was the realization that red-pilled me.
Thanks for listening.
I confess I do not know how to consistently red pill people.
I usually try asking the simplest questions.
Like “do you know that as recently as 2019, the WHO recommended against everything we’re now doing?”
Or my favourite, regarding mass vaccination with a new technology product that’s still in clinical trials, so there’s no long term safety data, there are three groups you wouldn’t risk giving it to:
-the infected recovered, because their natural immunity is strong & durable
-kids, because not a single healthy child caught this virus & died
-pregnant women, because we NEVER ever give experimental treatments to pregnant women, remember thalidomide? And they’ve not yet completed reproductive toxicology.
Does that make sense to you? If they say of course, ask them why EVERYBODY is being coerced into accepting these injections.
I don’t think I’m successful but hopefully I help others be so.