How I would handle the pandemic
Here's the short version of how I would have handled the "pandemic"
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
The whole pandemic response has been absolutely ridiculous and indefensible.
None of the things the CDC recommended were required and most all of them made things worse. Not a single one was ever needed.
Had we just promoted early treatment using the Fareed-Tyson protocol (which the CDC will never recommend because it would be an admission of failure), we would have had a non-event.
If we did just one thing from this short list, we can stop the train wreck that is currently happening:
Educate people on the benefits of early treatment.
Allow doctors and nurses to speak freely without fear of retribution
End the mandates for everyone. Treat every person the same.
Educate people on the risks of the vaccine.
End the liability protection of the vaccine manufacturers
Get rid of the corrupt people at the CDC, FDA, and NIH.
Here’s the longer list:
End all mandates, lockdowns, and stop all vaccines immediately. Only if there is safe, sterilizing vaccine that has been tested for over 2 years, and has efficacy even after the virus mutates, then that could be considered to be used.
End the liability protection for all vaccines now. Why should vaccines be a “protected species”? There is no basis in science for this.
No one should ever be coerced into taking an injection or doing anything else to their body in order to keep their job, avoid taxes, or walk into a business.
If you get COVID, verify with a rapid antigen test, then use a proven early treatment protocol. Problem solved.
Stop censoring doctors. Period. If you take away a doctor’s license, it should be based on patient outcomes, not what they say on social media.
Call a halt to the “emergency.” There never was an emergency. We’ve known about effective early treatments since March 2020. It was incompetence (but more likely malfeasance) at the CDC, FDA, NIH that caused the problem.
Get rid of the corruption at the FDA, CDC, and NIH. That would be a good start. Tony Fauci, John Su, Tom Shimabukuro, Steven Anderson, Cliff Lane should be the first to be shown the door. Anyone who couldn’t find the safety signals in the VAERS system should go.
The longer version of my list is here: The right way to handle the pandemic
Sorry, but Tony Fauci, John Su, Tom Shimabukuro, Steven Anderson, Cliff Lane should NOT be shown the door. They should be arrested & prosecuted for fraud at the very least as well as criminal malpractice.
You've read what the Israeli physician wrote? Savage. My MP and the PM will be getting a copy of this, noting that he speaks for millions of us. Damn. I'm 70. I didn't intend to spend these years being furious. I'd rather plant roses and walk the dogs.