Help me analyze vax/COVID-19 death reports?
I have lots of death data, some were believed caused by the vaccine, others by COVID. You can view it all. If you want to help me analyze some select records, please register here.
You can now look at the death data reported by my readers
Here are 8882 reported deaths from my readers (deaths that happened after Jan 2020). These were reported on May 22, 2022 onwards using a Google form survey that was linked to my 10 question survey article.
The most troubling fact is that the number of deaths believed by the reporter to be caused by the vaccine is 2X the number of deaths believed to be caused by COVID (2222 vs. 930).
That’s pretty hard for anyone to explain if we can validate this.
Help us analyze the data?
I have full contact info and death details on:
500 people that the reporter believes were killed by the vaccine and
276 deaths that the reporter believes were killed by COVID-19.
If you’d like to help pitch in and analyze 10 or more of these deaths to see how accurate our reporters were, please register here. However, we now have plenty of volunteers so there is no longer a need to register.
Results to date show that it is likely that many thousands of people have been killed by the vaccine and we now have contact information for a lot of them in case anyone wants to verify it.
You can view the results of the analysis here. The names were redacted.
We started with just under 500 names and assigned 2 names per person to follow up with.
The point of the exercise as to assess of the 2,222 deaths that the reporters judged to be cause by the vaccine, how many of them could be reasonably confirmed? The answer was 70% were highly likely, and 20% were possible. Only 10% were ruled out as unlikely.
The point is this: on my own, I was able to find over 1,500 deaths that people believed to be were caused by the vaccine and are likely to be confirmed by third party analysis.
That’s about 1,500 more deaths than the CDC would like to admit.
But whether I have 1,500 or 150,000 of these reports, it just doesn’t seem to matter because nobody in a position to make a difference cares.
Where are the school nurse whistle blowers who are witnessing in real time what's happening to these kids now vs prior to getting cv shots, and especially after the boosters?
Please, please come forward!
If you send me the data in a spread sheet I will do my best to analysis it for you if you answer some questions about the data set you have.
I am an epidemiologist and biostatistician. Retire. This is not hard. You should have my email address.