A note from an ABC TV News Editor
That's the Australian Broadcasting Company. It gives you some insights as to what happens when people in the news media want their network to cover what is going on.
Hi Steve,
I’m a TV News editor and have watched your Interview with Maria Zeee.
I have been following the COVID lies closely over the past 2 years and have personally been affected by the Western Australia vaccine mandates when I myself refused to get the COVID vaccine. I have been an employee of ABC for 20 years.
Since our government mandates have dropped and I have been allowed to return to work, I have been emailing some journalists suggesting that they report on the thousands of vaccine injuries. I have sent them peer-reviewed studies, etc but with no response from our ABC journalists. I have been waiting for more hard evidence to present as everything else has so far been ignored.
If you have legitimate video then I feel I can present this to my peers or at least send it to specific investigative journalists or my managers. I am still unsure, but they may take this on.
Regards <name withheld by me to protect the source>
It surprises me that so many of the commenters on this site have been so unquestioning about the bona fides of this request from someone who claims to have worked at the ‘Australian Broadcasting Corporation’ (the ‘ABC’) for 20 years. The ABC is a fully-owned entity of the Australian Government and is the most powerful voice in the Australian electronic media. Ideologically it is far to the Green-Left of any media outlet in the U.S. and is probably on an ideological par with its Canadian equivalent, the CBC.
Most of the people commenting on Substack seem to be Americans, and like most Americans, they seem to be unaware that Australia had a radically different history to the U.S. and is therefore culturally & politically very different. American cultural assumptions do not apply. Please don’t get burnt.
In recent years the ABC has been aggressive in advancing a woke Green-Left ideological agenda and has used its considerable power to target conservative politicians and public figures to shape public perceptions in order to drive its victims from the political stage. Some of the stories have been ruinous for the individuals who are so targeted. Amongst these was the former conservative Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, who was removed by his party as PM in 2015 after just two years in office, following a vicious ongoing media assault that was stage-managed by the staff collective that actually runs the ABC.
There may be some ABC staff who don’t agree with their employer’s agenda of political persecution and the official narrative about the mRNA injectables being ‘Safe & Effective’, but it seems unlikely to me that they would have any sort of influential job, such as a ‘news editor’. For such a person to attempt to oppose the official narrative would invite ostracism or even dismissal. I suggest the Steve Kirsch should get someone on the ground in Australia to conduct a thorough inquiry into the bona fides of the person who has made the request before responding. I may be doing the individual a grave injustice, but something just doesn’t add up about this request. It has the the smell of a stitch-up to me.
Hi Steve, I, too, am from Australia, and I smell a rat with this letter!!! I WISH it was not the case and the media would cove this story. But I highly doubt it. I would strongly suspect this is a journo from the ABC looking to write a stitch-up story on anti-vaxxers etc. and US influences etc. If they were serious about Australian writing a story, they would have sought out Qld Federal; Senator Gerard Rennick, he is easy to contact and has posted numerous stories of Australian with Vax injuries and just yesterday posted a speech from the senate where he spoke about someone with an AZ injury. He posts speeches from the senate, questions the Health Dept. TGA etc. They are probably looking to write a story ditching Maree or Senator Rennick. He has spoken on Maria’s show. If they were serious, this person would have seen Maria’s interviews with the retired QC Julian Gillespie and the outcomes of AVN’s (Australian Vaccine Networks) judicial review case in the Federal Court. I am sure they could have found a way to contact the AVN and Julian. The media has not reported a single thing about that case etc. if they are an Australian concerned about Mandates, they would be aware of Doctors without Mandates and probable the Altman report. They can contact this organisation through their website etc. They are holding a conference this weekend in Melbourne with some important international speakers, Nomi Wolf and Dr Pierre Kory.
I would suggest they are looking for info to use to write a negative story.