A note from an ABC TV News Editor
That's the Australian Broadcasting Company. It gives you some insights as to what happens when people in the news media want their network to cover what is going on.
Hi Steve,
I’m a TV News editor and have watched your Interview with Maria Zeee.
I have been following the COVID lies closely over the past 2 years and have personally been affected by the Western Australia vaccine mandates when I myself refused to get the COVID vaccine. I have been an employee of ABC for 20 years.
Since our government mandates have dropped and I have been allowed to return to work, I have been emailing some journalists suggesting that they report on the thousands of vaccine injuries. I have sent them peer-reviewed studies, etc but with no response from our ABC journalists. I have been waiting for more hard evidence to present as everything else has so far been ignored.
If you have legitimate video then I feel I can present this to my peers or at least send it to specific investigative journalists or my managers. I am still unsure, but they may take this on.
Regards <name withheld by me to protect the source>
I hope you don't mind but I thought this was a great web site to pass on to our ABC curiuos x-news person.
Here is a web site that is exsposing what the monsters are doing to the human population and our country. Please be sure to look at all sites. This will blow your mind if you haven't been privy to it.