That's the Australian Broadcasting Company. It gives you some insights as to what happens when people in the news media want their network to cover what is going on.
Here is a web site that is exsposing what the monsters are doing to the human population and our country. Please be sure to look at all sites. This will blow your mind if you haven't been privy to it.
Yes the onus is on the news organisation to do proper investigative journalism by going to the sources of the data and breaking it down by comparing what the government or pharma companies say versus what the independent scientists and doctors say.
It isn’t our responsibility to come up with the evidence. It is the ones pushing the vaccine to show us the proof that it is “Safe & Effective” if they cannot prove it they are automatically guilty of lying, poisoning and murdering all who die from it. GUILTY!!!
The ABC news editor, with energy and intention, wants to enlighten other journalists. I looked for a video for him that would enlighten others in one shot. It is hard enough to enlighten one other person, no less several people. How each person becomes enlightened is a bit of a mystery! Some of us just know and others never learn. I doubt there is a single video is out there that will do the job. However there is a book that gives the underlying basics that then help a person interpret what's going on before their eyes. The book is Dr. Breggin's . . . COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey 📘
This is excellent and tragic all at the same time. The problem is that the algorithms have been censoring natural health, (natural immunity, natural lifestyle & natural medicine) for a lot longer than the last two and a half years. It's either been vanished in search engine results pages, or revised to present a more pro-allopathic tone, where possible. Those in natural health have witnessed an online wholesale attack on natural protocols since 2018, and prior to that, an insidious creep. Journalists just see discredited natural alternatives online these days, and professional suicide being committed by those who dare to stray from the mainstream narrative. We need to divest from the platforms which are skewing the narrative and use other methods of searching the web! Or else we just keep on investing in a future we do not want to see. Maybe the German Ecosia search engine is the way to go? Learn more here: Freedom Of Speech Is Dead, Long Live Medical Tyranny
I can tell you flat out that the ABC will never, EVER air anything that contradicts the COVID narrative. They have been pushing out fear porn since the scamdemic began.
sadly you are absolutely correct. i know people connected to the abc and there’s no sign yet of them either being interested in or allowed to explore covid malfeasance
It's so frustrating. Suddenly (or perhaps not so suddenly, given their form on many previous issues) they all seemed to have forgotten what journalism means.
I just use the screenshot tool on my web browser to capture the image, then either copy + paste it into the Substack post, or you can save it to your computer, then use the image tool in Substack to insert the image, and paste in the URL using the link tool.
Glad to help the effort and glad to know you are out there fighting this thing with me. Let's all keep in touch and keep sharing our ideas and our finds. I firmly believe that people acting together for good is God working to push back evil and the unnatural disconnection between us regular citizens is what let this b.s. in to begin with. God bless you.
i have witnessed award-winning journos shoot down discussion on the importance of early treatment drugs and the cautious approach re sideeffects of the mrna jabs. seems like even professionals used to investigative work can be hypnotised by the propagandised fear spewing forth from government health departments media briefings and the pharma-and-government -funded media. sadly the suppression of alternative health viewpoints and classical true science has been going on for years, so the soil was primed for the majority kowtowing to the pandemic narrative.
You can lead a horse to water but he has to be thirsty. I know because I have been blocked by so many family and a few friends. I guess they drink the cool aid to Quench their whatever.
Steve finally receives an invitation from a member of the media in Australia to share his findings and our knee-jerk reaction is to scream SCAM! I make no apologies for this but I'm aware of just how cynical I've become...
I miss the days of Nigerian email scams. At least they were harmless to most. Now everyone is suspect and our very lives are being jeopardized by a handful of delusional pricks.
aaah yes ... THEIR ABC... They won't present anything not deep green-left propaganda... The monkeys have run the asylum, at (massive) taxpayer expense here for decades... Until someone wins an election and stands up to the craven left, the status quo will continue... The "opposition" Party (Coalition) is never going to do that... read "controlled" opposition.... And "winning" an election here is as big a problem as it has been for you guys in the US.
I have personally witnessed supposedly "lodged" paper ballots spilling out of plastic cubes with lids with holes cut in them, with election "officials" taking them all HOME for "safe keeping".... You will need to free us once you are free, because this little "democracy" was , along with NZ, the most easily and rapidly Deep State captured in the World, and we are in thrall like you would not believe....
I hope you don't mind but I thought this was a great web site to pass on to our ABC curiuos x-news person.
Here is a web site that is exsposing what the monsters are doing to the human population and our country. Please be sure to look at all sites. This will blow your mind if you haven't been privy to it.
very good wrap-up re WHO players’ totalitarian power grab intentions
Yes the onus is on the news organisation to do proper investigative journalism by going to the sources of the data and breaking it down by comparing what the government or pharma companies say versus what the independent scientists and doctors say.
It isn’t our responsibility to come up with the evidence. It is the ones pushing the vaccine to show us the proof that it is “Safe & Effective” if they cannot prove it they are automatically guilty of lying, poisoning and murdering all who die from it. GUILTY!!!
The ABC news editor, with energy and intention, wants to enlighten other journalists. I looked for a video for him that would enlighten others in one shot. It is hard enough to enlighten one other person, no less several people. How each person becomes enlightened is a bit of a mystery! Some of us just know and others never learn. I doubt there is a single video is out there that will do the job. However there is a book that gives the underlying basics that then help a person interpret what's going on before their eyes. The book is Dr. Breggin's . . . COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey 📘
This is excellent and tragic all at the same time. The problem is that the algorithms have been censoring natural health, (natural immunity, natural lifestyle & natural medicine) for a lot longer than the last two and a half years. It's either been vanished in search engine results pages, or revised to present a more pro-allopathic tone, where possible. Those in natural health have witnessed an online wholesale attack on natural protocols since 2018, and prior to that, an insidious creep. Journalists just see discredited natural alternatives online these days, and professional suicide being committed by those who dare to stray from the mainstream narrative. We need to divest from the platforms which are skewing the narrative and use other methods of searching the web! Or else we just keep on investing in a future we do not want to see. Maybe the German Ecosia search engine is the way to go? Learn more here: Freedom Of Speech Is Dead, Long Live Medical Tyranny
I can tell you flat out that the ABC will never, EVER air anything that contradicts the COVID narrative. They have been pushing out fear porn since the scamdemic began.
sadly you are absolutely correct. i know people connected to the abc and there’s no sign yet of them either being interested in or allowed to explore covid malfeasance
It's so frustrating. Suddenly (or perhaps not so suddenly, given their form on many previous issues) they all seemed to have forgotten what journalism means.
It's this:
Thank you, that's an incredibly powerful compilation that I'm going to share widely, starting here:
Incidentally, how did you make that video appear as an image instead of just a link, in your article. I have not been able to do this.
I just use the screenshot tool on my web browser to capture the image, then either copy + paste it into the Substack post, or you can save it to your computer, then use the image tool in Substack to insert the image, and paste in the URL using the link tool.
Glad to help the effort and glad to know you are out there fighting this thing with me. Let's all keep in touch and keep sharing our ideas and our finds. I firmly believe that people acting together for good is God working to push back evil and the unnatural disconnection between us regular citizens is what let this b.s. in to begin with. God bless you.
i have witnessed award-winning journos shoot down discussion on the importance of early treatment drugs and the cautious approach re sideeffects of the mrna jabs. seems like even professionals used to investigative work can be hypnotised by the propagandised fear spewing forth from government health departments media briefings and the pharma-and-government -funded media. sadly the suppression of alternative health viewpoints and classical true science has been going on for years, so the soil was primed for the majority kowtowing to the pandemic narrative.
It's been a decades-long propaganda campaign, all leading up to this.
You can lead a horse to water but he has to be thirsty. I know because I have been blocked by so many family and a few friends. I guess they drink the cool aid to Quench their whatever.
This moderna patent contains the phrase "magnetic nanoparticle"
Look under "Magic Disappearing words":
Next, look at this:
Then, once you know what this shot is really about, examine what else going on world wide:
Let’s hope
The system is SO broken!
Steve finally receives an invitation from a member of the media in Australia to share his findings and our knee-jerk reaction is to scream SCAM! I make no apologies for this but I'm aware of just how cynical I've become...
I miss the days of Nigerian email scams. At least they were harmless to most. Now everyone is suspect and our very lives are being jeopardized by a handful of delusional pricks.
They are more than willing to kill.
I'm no expert, but that looks kinda cruise missile-ish to me.
Sure doesn't look like a plane. (convenient how it hit the precise office where 2.3 trillion were reported missing the day before)
aaah yes ... THEIR ABC... They won't present anything not deep green-left propaganda... The monkeys have run the asylum, at (massive) taxpayer expense here for decades... Until someone wins an election and stands up to the craven left, the status quo will continue... The "opposition" Party (Coalition) is never going to do that... read "controlled" opposition.... And "winning" an election here is as big a problem as it has been for you guys in the US.
I have personally witnessed supposedly "lodged" paper ballots spilling out of plastic cubes with lids with holes cut in them, with election "officials" taking them all HOME for "safe keeping".... You will need to free us once you are free, because this little "democracy" was , along with NZ, the most easily and rapidly Deep State captured in the World, and we are in thrall like you would not believe....