PROOF: Google does not want anyone to find out how deadly the vaccines are
Check out what happened when we tried to ask two simple questions using Google Surveys. In America, it seems you are no longer allowed to question what the US government tells you.
Executive summary
We tried to run a simple two question survey to find out just how safe or unsafe the vaccines are. Google refused to let us ask the questions.
Clearly, they don’t want anyone to know the truth. The only truth they want you to know is what the government tells you.
The two question survey
Here are the two questions we tried to ask in our Google Surveys survey:
Google rejected both questions
Here is why neither question was permitted to be asked. We were floored. We have asked these on other platforms with no problems.
Apparently, Google won’t let you ask any questions related to the COVID or the vaccines. Wow. Just wow.
So all we have to do is remove both questions, and we can run the survey. That would leave no questions.
In short, Google Surveys will not allow us to question the government narrative.
Clearly, Google doesn’t want anyone in America to know how safe the vaccines are. You simply are not allowed to question the government narrative.
Google executives: You are costing lives by not allowing safety surveys like these
We already know from other surveys we’ve run that the vaccines are not safe. Disallowing such surveys is a danger to society.
I can’t wait for the day when I hear a Google executive admit, “It was a mistake to censor this information and make it difficult for the public to learn the truth about how unsafe these vaccines are.” Will that day ever come? Probably not.
The Google code of Conduct says:
I think this isn’t right.
Will anyone at Google speak up?
Wouldn’t it be great if Google acknowledged the error and ran the survey and published the results?
Don’t hold your breath on that ever happening!
Nextdoor is just as bad as Google, maybe worse
I posted this survey recently and it lasted a little more than 24 hours before Nextdoor removed it.
It showed the vaccine killed more people than COVID. This is stunning since people on Nextdoor are all pro-vaccine. I’m considered an evil person there. But look what the survey revealed (note that you had to pick the first one to apply):
That does not match what the CDC wants people to believe, so Nextdoor removed the survey. Now all you get is this:
I guarantee you, I didn’t delete the post.
So there you have it. Censorship that prohibits you from collecting any data that MIGHT show the vaccines are unsafe (Google), and censorship shortly after the data doesn’t come in supporting the government narrative (Nextdoor).
That’s how science works in 2022.
Steve's brain writing substacks....*
Unfortunately, these severe constraints on learning or disseminating information aren’t limited to Google.
I’ve been deplatformed from all UK main media (though it’s ok for the lying BBC to spread venom about me....which they then deleted from the Listen Again facility when I complained, conceding it was lies); newspapers (I was a subscriber to the Daily Telegraph but they even shadow ban my comments on articles); Twitter (a permanent ban, for a post I knew to be wholly true); effectively by Google too (if you search for me, you’ll get dozens of fake stories, all bad); YouTube (I cannot post videos on covid19 related matters or, in comments, link to any interviews on other platforms, or make truthful statements which challenge the narrative); LinkedIn (I wrote a personal message to a former colleague, now head of Vaccines at one of the c19 Vax makers, and LinkedIn shut down my access. They’ll consider letting me in but only if I upload a digital ID, eg chance).
It’s almost as if they’re concerned that I might open the eyes of others if I could speak to them.