Exclusive: VA whistleblower exposes the official VA medical claims data showing the COVID shots are a healthcare disaster
The VA strongly recommends the COVID vaccine and doesn't warn veterans about the safety signals it knows about. Not giving veterans informed consent on the shots is not a problem for them.
Executive summary
Yesterday, I received the official VA health claims data for the last 20 years from Sonny Fleeman, a signatory of the Declaration of Military Accountability and a member of Feds For Freedom.
In this video, Sonny explains how Veterans can get compensated for their injuries.
In this article, I’ll be releasing the data for the very first time so you can see for yourself whether you think the shots were helpful or harmful.
I’ll also show you conditions that were elevated by 50% or more from 2020 rates and I’ll go into detail on a few of them.
The VA is ignoring all these safety signals and not warning veterans about the possibility the shots could be unsafe. Instead, the VA is blindly trusting the CDC and ignoring their own data. They should be held accountable because by refusing to look at their own data, they are killing people. Too bad nobody in Congress will bring this data to their attention.
The data
Dowload it here (your browser will silently download it to your downloads folder) . The summary data is on the last worksheet (2020 vs. 2024).
What the data said
I compared VA claims in 2020 vs. 2024 but you are welcome to pick other years or averages over a multi-year range.
Over 75% of the claim types were elevated over baseline.
Here is a partial list of the key benefits that come at “no extra charge” with your “safe and effective” COVID vaccine
Elevated by 5X or more from baseline rates:
7009 - Bradycardia (slow heartbeat)
5244 - traumatic paralysis, complete
9312 - Dementia, Alzheimer's type
7520 - Removal of half or more of the penis
9918 - Neoplasm, hard and soft tissue, malignant
6061 - Anatomical loss both eyes
7630 - Malignant neoplasms of the breast
6604 - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
7007 - Hypertensive heart disease
7000 - Valvular heart disease
The following adverse events were elevated by less than 5X over baseline:
7002 - Pericarditis
6260 - Tinnitus
6276 - Complete loss of sense of taste
9901 - Complete loss of lower jaw
9310 - Dementia, unknown etiology
9913 - Loss of teeth
6042 - Retinal dystrophy
7020 - Cardiomyopathy
6354 - Chronic fatigue syndrome
7006 - Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
8004 - Parkinson's disease
7099 - Heart condition - general
7523 - Complete atrophy of the testis
7626 - Surgery of breast
An example
There were never any Bradycardia claims in the VA system before 2022. Zero.
In 2024, there were 134 claims.
I wonder what affected the heart of so many veterans. It would have to be something very powerful that was injected into a large number of veterans. The VA is of course baffled as to what it could be. It’s a medical mystery of course!
No doubt, the people running the VA know they are harming our veterans by strongly recommending they take the COVID shots. But they don’t care. And they won’t even warn the vets by telling them about all the “fringe benefits” that they get at no extra charge when they take the jabs.
The VA leadership is completely ignoring all the safety signals in their own data and blindly trusting the CDC that the vaccines are perfectly safe. They should be held accountable by Congress.
Maybe someday.
If the last few years of covidcon weren’t shameful enough… to see our veterans treated like this… those who gave EVERYTHING for America… sickens me beyond description. Thank you for continuing to expose this crime, Steve.
What has been done to our military, nation, and the world is sickening. This is all by the Globalists design. Thank God many have woken up to these crimes against humanity. My heart goes out to all our military, vets, and citizens who were lied to and continue to be gaslit by these dark forces. We must all pray that more people wake up so we can try to find a way to help and support our vax injured, and remain free!