You are wrong. The government knows the harm it's causing. Armed and highly-trained veterans are a threat to the Uniparty. This is a deliberate attempt to kill veterans.

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Kill shots in every arm....CDC's recent recommendations for 6 month olds.

The insane school schedule. Tired of people who naively portray this as being an oversight.

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Mr. Kirsch, the link to the data appears to be broken. Error code 526.

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I was REPEATEDLY told that I HAD to get vaccinated by the VA…

So I asked them ‘WHO believes that I HAVE to get vaccinated…WHO are they, give me NAMES?’

So, they brought in two more Dr’s to ‘make thier case’ - in addition to the one there already trying - and failing - to gain my cooperation.

At that point my patience was beginning to WEAR THIN. So…I informed them of the following.

“I HAVE a pair of Bachelors Degrees - separate DEGREES that is, NOT just a Degree with a Minor in another field - in Mathematics AND Physics. I also have an MS in Nuclear Engineering.”

“Now, having my degrees in Mathematics AND Physics I devoted myself rather naturally to APPLYING those two fields in a discipline called ‘Computational Mathematics’ which - essentially - revolves around determining WHICH Real-World problems CAN actually be solved on a computer.”

“Not all can…specifically there is an entire class of problems so complex that NO DIGITAL COMPUTER can ever solve those. PERIOD. That class has a name; that name is ‘NP Hard’…go look it up.”

“Amongst those problems are Weather Forecasting and real analysis of ‘Protein Folding’, the process whereby proteins interact with one another, just to name two.”

“In both cases any realistic attempt to ‘analyze’ either case would result in runtimes in excess of 20 Trillion YEARS IF you converted most of the Universe into computer hardware and subsequently used the remaining mass/energy thereof to POWER it.”

“YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT these shots WILL DO to people receiving them and do NOT even ATTEMPT to tell me OTHERWISE. PERIOD!”

At which point all three ceased any further attempts to aggravate me…on the subject.

The foregoing is a recounting - verbatim - of a real world situation I endured in 2020 at VA Columbia, MO aka, VAMC.



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My 68 year old Husband who suffered from muscle tiredness brought on by chronic fatigue in its early stages. Neurologists first had difficulty diagnosing it until multiple examinations indicated MSA, for which there was no known cure other than the prescription of levodopa medications, vitamins, and therapies. More advancements in breathing difficulties, before we made the decision to try different medications, which significantly enhanced his condition. He received Neuro X treatment for MSA at naturalherbscentre. com from the U.S approximately four months ago; since then, he sleeps well, works out frequently, and has become very active. it has improved his quality of life. .

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Their depopulating the planet.

GA GUIDESTONE MATHamatics population reduction murder one

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Lead with the penis resection to have the maximal impact.

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If you haven't read it already, everyone should read this superb book published in 2019: "Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health." It is pre-Covid, but I know what an update of this book would say about the Covid scam. The book is well worth reading, and an easy read. Sorry for the overly long link...I don't know where to shorten in.


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Edge is automatically set to shorten link names.

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Then that would be a VERY good start. Must be one of Obama’s implementers, following through on Obama’s intention to ‘Fundamentally Change America”. Trump’s Campaign should do an ad of Obama making that promise then cut to all the chaos, covid poison mandates on vets, Afghan pullout, BLM riots, HAMAS in our streets, people being attacked in broad daylight, crime gangs stealing from stores, cheated election comments, massive lines of illegal border jumpers, job losses, grocery/gas prices, rate of inflation etc. Seems Obama just finished his third term as Biden’s puppeteer and now he’s lined up Kamala so he can finish the job of destroying America. Susan Rice is still in the White house, taking his orders.

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It depends Sherry. While that ad can be impactful, its also a very negative message of divisiveness. Perhaps Trump wants to focus on positivity, hope, encouragement as opposed to blame, shame, degradation of the opposing side. Its harder to create unity between the political divide if you're saying 'LOOK WHAT THEY DID WRONGGGGGG!!!!!' These aggressive attack ads, I think are one of the issues in modern day politics.

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Given all your other work Steve, there can be little doubt the hokey-pokey is to blame. But does the VA data really show that? This sounds like just a simple correlation, which, I don't need to tell you, does not mean causation.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Statistically, there's a test known as the Bradford-Hill Criteria statisticians and data scientists use to determine the likelihood of causality. Specifically things like.

A. Dose effect response. If you increase the dose (Ie amount of mRNA in the shots, does the outcome effect (sickness) increase?

B. Inverse dose effect response. If you decrease the dose (less mRNA per shot, does the outcome effects (sickness) decrease?

These basically make sense. Its like if I put more calories (food) into your body and you get fatter. I put less food in your body you get thinner. Maybe there's a correlation between more calories (food) and weight that's casual....no? Likewise for refined sugar and rate of diabetes. This just kind of intuitively makes sense.

Moderna had more mRNA per shot in the first two doses and had higher rates of most-health issues associated with the shot. If you mixed the two, you got somewhere inbetween and if you did double Pfizer, you got the least mRNA and least chance of health outcomes. So this passes.

C. If you remove the stimulus, does the effect go away.

D. If you add the stimulus to a group, who didn't initially have it, does the effect start?

IE can you "reduce" diabetes or at least prevent diabetes from getting worse, by removing the sugar after someone has it? Yes, you can as it balances/reduces A1C/insulin levels. Will stopping giving mRNA mean the outcomes do not worsen? That's.... hard to say a bit. Some people think sudden deaths are still occurring from these shots. Some people think the body just keep producing spike proteins for forever and ever. However, it does seem like to me, if you stop the mRNA, new random health issues stop popping up as much like you won't have "Gee, I got a blood clot in my eye two weeks after my last dose..." if you stop taking a dose or the "dose" was a full year ago, etc.

Can you "induce" diabetes in someone whose never really ate sugar and seems healthy by giving a lot of it? or in this case, could I make an unvaccinated person sick by giving them a bunch of mRNA after they've been exposed to c-19 and had no bad health outcomes? Gee, its probably not the C-19 from two years ago then.... This one is hard to test though, as how many unvaccinated people today, would volunteer to take the shot to prove this? Most people who refused two years ago would also refuse today. Unless you pay me like $1M dollars or something per shot, I won't volunteer. I sure as heck would take every possible detox thing I could shove into my body before/after the shot and fast for a full two week or so =D.

The more of these 'tests' that pass, the more likely it is casual. Many people/statisticians have found that the casual test is/has been satisfied very well, with most data sets, when age-stratified, in the 0 to 39 age demographic. Somewhat well satisfied in 40 to 64. It becomes a bit more muddied when you get to 65+ as some 65 year olds with pre-existing health conditions, c-19 could have been harmful for.... so then you have to wonder if it was the c or the vaccine. Increasingly more muddled at 70+, 80+, 90+ etc.

It too becomes harder to even perform the 'dose effect response' b/c "its murder not to vaccinate my 80 year old ten times!" so there's such a miniscule control group and often those who were not vaccinated, were not, because their health was so so poor, they were expected to die soon anyways. So then, any 'unvaccinated' death is probably just related to natural health or preexisting conditions.

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Are you trying to say Steve looked at the VA data this way? He didn't say so in the post.

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Steve, What is the percent number column in the data? It should be possible to plot outliers in the data over the period of years for different diagnosis categories. I assume that the Accession / Rolls information is there to allow for scaling on a per member basis?

And what is the difference between Accessions and Rolls?


Does the PRCNT_NBR refer to the compensation disability rating?

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Sadly I don't think anyone is ever going to be held accountable for any of the covid vaccine evil. I have been waiting on Congress but the Uniparty is pulling all the strings. I do not believe they will do a thing.

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Yet we have all the annoited and fierce warrors on our side uncovering ALL THE HARMS, yet we're at square one. Leading us in circles it seems.

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I have sent this article onto several people. Great summary of issues with the jab. Unfortunately I cant use the email system on substack so miss rewards but am happy to spread such good material.

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My husband regularly uses the VA. They have never asked him to take the covid vaccines or have they recommended that he take it. His care has been excellent every time.

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Just for workers not patients

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Yes but it wasn't just the VA workers it was mandated for. All medical it was mandated for.

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Really ? I heard that it is offered and was widely promoted when the shots first came out .

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Maybe it was back then when it was widely promoted and and mandated everywhere. However the VA never mandated it like most most places did.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Same here. They have signs that it's available, but that's about it. They were more pushy when it all began, but he was never coerced and when he said no, that was it.

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Yes but you have to understand that with veterans are offered a treatment or intervention by their health care provider they assume it is for their betterment and go along with it . Many veterans don’t do their own research

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Just like many patients that weren't veterans didn't do their own research.

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Many people accept any medication suggestion from a doctor. They trust every sign at the doctor's office. They believe doctors won't knowingly inject them with a harmful substance.

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Knowingly is the key here, and that's Steve's point

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Thank You Feds 4 Freedom!!!

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To not only have such a dramatic increase in death and adverse health conditions, but also to do virtually nothing to figure out why is negligence in the extreme and speaks volumes. We see the same thing all over the world. The health authorities should be screaming bloody murder. Instead, they are silent. Their silence suggests they are complicit in the murders, and they know it.

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