In Australia, the only state that has ever produced outcomes by vaccination status was N.S.W until 31 December 2022. The evidence clearly showed the hospitalisations and fatalities increased substantially as the people received more boosters. Then the authorities fabricated an excuse to stop producing this evidence, claiming the data was "no longer relevant....". This appears to be conclusive evidence they took steps to conceal the harm they have inflicted upon Australian citizens.

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"Science" is dead in California. Schools haven't taught the scientific method in California for several years now. Instead, they teach CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning), in which data failing to support the claim is ignored. This is anti-science.

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In Brazil it´s evident that a simple model was applied in order to arrive at the "correct" number of covid deaths: EXCESS MORTALITY= COVID DEATHS .

This can be easily verified using the record-level data at https://opendatasus.saude.gov.br/dataset/sim were covid deaths are identified by the code B342 in the CAUSABAS field. Date of death is the DTOBITO field in ddmmyyyy format. For a simple expected accumulated mortality function I use the FORECAST function of excel from April 2015 to March 2019 (I ain´t no scientist).

It can also be observed that coincidentally, in January of 2021, the model is then abandoned. By then everybody was pretty much vaxed.

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So frustrating, I have an intelligent daughter that earned a PhD at 25 and is now a professor at an SEC university but she’s still taking the shot because a doctor she trusted told her it was safe several years ago. We will need to get these deadly meds yanked to break the trance on some of these otherwise smart people.

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Good to have a state representative to get questions answered. Some years ago the CDC would not answer my question about infants and fluoride. So I got California senator Barbara Boxer to ask my question. The director of the CDC himself answered the question, and that letter to Senator Boxer became well known. It revealed something the CDC did not want widely known - that infants 0-6 months of age get no addition fluoride benefit when they consume infant formula prepared with fluoridated tap water (a huge dose of fluoride) compared to infants who only get a tiny amount of fluoride from breast milk.

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I'm not sure I believe in "viruses" floating around in nature, just waiting to infect you. As far as I know, SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated or purified by any lab anywhere in the world. Growing a cell culture in a Petri dish, adding some chemicals, stirring it up and then proclaiming you've isolated a virus doesn't count! Where is this "virus" in nature? NOWHERE. Viruses are created in and only exist INSIDE the body as a defense against something that's not right INSIDE the body, like an acidic pH of the blood, caused from eating man's garbage, so-called "food" or the EMFs of 5G radiation. Wuhan installed 30,000 5G transmitters and look what happened! California went full0blown 5G and became a Covid hotspot.

During the Spanish Flu pandemic researchers tried everything they could think of to make people sick, in an effort to understand what was happening. They took swabs from sick people and placed them in the eyes, ears, noses and mouths of healthy people and were unable to make EVEN ONE person sick.

Virology is one the the least understood topics in the world. Imo Big pHarma knows full well that viruses don't exist on their own in nature, but hey! There are trillions of $$ to be made and that makes this scam OK!

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I´ve joined this club too, thanks to crazy people like JJ Couey. Trust the crazy people!

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It’s worse than that. No elected state official has the basic analytical skills necessary to question the BS their public health officials are soiling us with.

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Reality is the only thing that matters.

According to ChatGPT:

As of December 23, 2024, during the 118th United States Congress (2023-2024), over 19,000 bills have been introduced. This total includes various types of legislative proposals, such as bills, resolutions, and concurrent resolutions. It's important to note that not all introduced bills are actively under consideration; many may be in committee, awaiting further action, or have been tabled.

We can divide this number by two to get the annual work load and multiply that by 1000 to get a close idea about the number of pages and multiply that by sixty to get the number of lines and that again by twelve to get the number of words that the members of the USA Congress actually do vote on.

We can see that Congress votes on 200 thousand pages of Law every day they are in session. They are in session two hundred days per year.

In the past year, 2024, the Congress voted into Law some 82 significant legislative actions.

Not one person elected to Congressional office claims to have read any of it.

How do you propose we move forward from here?

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Some years ago I did some calculations about the bills in the California Legislature. I concluded that so many bills are introduced each year that a legislator working 70 hours per week for the entire legislative session and doing nothing but learning about bills would have just one hour per bill. They honest-to-God don't understand what they're voting on most of the time. Many votes come down to "If you vote for my bill, I'll vote for yours." And industry lobbyists act like they own the state government -- because in effect, they do.

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None variant of Covid-19 was dangerous. With Omicron appearing financial incentives for hospitals were withdrawn (in the same time), for placing Covid-19 on a death certificate. Otherwise a number of "Covid-19 deaths" would look "too funny" while it was so easy to get infected with Omicron

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Two things that bear repeating:

First, in California, a public agency's Facebook page is considered "public record." For a couple of years, I read the COVID propaganda posts on my California county's Public Health Dept.'s Facebook page, and posted (very polite, citation-filled) comments with "corrective information." (Dang, I did a good job!) My county's public health employees could neither delete my comments nor block me from commenting -- because the page was "public record." People on "our side" should use this "public record" feature to plague the propaganda posters with corrective comments, eh?

And now for a little haiku (technically a senryu) I wrote and posted as a comment on that public health dept. page:

public health people:

little clay soldiers

salute the absurd

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On the CDPH website, the screen display is overlapped, not just on this graph but on several. But here's an even bigger issue: Why the heck aren't the date points on the horizontal axis clearly defined by dots? Listing dates across the bottom of the graph with no dots makes it impossible to accurately interpret the graph.

On the CDPH website, this nasty little "glitch" is repeated in all the same graphs that show overlap. It appears that all these "date dot deficient" graphs come from the CDC.

Yesterday I watched a video of a "good guy" (a person on our side, so to speak) who misread several numbers even as he was pointing at them. I expected the first comments on the video to point this out. They didn't. Commenters plunged right into "political" comments. Skimming down the comments, I didn't spot a single one that pointed out the errors.

Has any other person commenting on this Kirsch article about CDPH pointed out the missing date points on the horizontal axis? I read a bunch of comments and didn't see any, but perhaps I missed some. Folks, this kind of "minor error" is neither minor nor an error. It's either deliberate muddling of data or yet another demonstration of the stupidity and incompetence of the CDC.

But the bigger issue is, why aren't people catching and confronting significant errors like somebody "on our side" misreading numbers in a video? Graphs with dates without dots? (I've seen other concerning examples of "missed mistakes" over the past months.) The devil is in the details. These "mistakes" must be caught and confronted.

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After all this time, medics are still baffled?

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For those of us that have always knew the truth or suspected something was not right .. Never stay silent - No Matter What!’ Keep pushing just like Sue Frost .. They want us to go away, to just swipe this under the rug -

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One possible reason for the uptick in the initial post vax cfr is that administration of the two shots are an insult to the immune system increasing the risk of getting sick and dying. I think the reason for the second shot and two weeks after delay before declaring a person fully vaccinated was to cover that up and make the case for a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The vaccine effectively increases the virulence of the infection thus the one year flattening even though virulence and cfr should have been decreasing. Another possibility is that vax injury was recorded as “covid “ ( unvaccinated even though they had the shot(s)) and this put them in the covid ward where they were euthanized.

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You hit the bullseye with your comment.

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Weren't they attributing every death to be a Covid death?

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