Excellent SHORT educational videos on the COVID shots
The CDC should be distributing these videos because they help people understand how the COVID shots work and the science behind them. But I seriously doubt that will ever happen.
Videos for your friends
Here are two excellent videos to consider watching and sharing with your friends. In fact, the second video was so good that sharing it got Dr. Robert Malone banned from Twitter:
Stop the shots (15 minute video and slide deck)
I wish the CDC would re-distribute these videos so that the American public is informed as to how the shots work.
But as you know, they don’t want anyone to know that for obvious reasons.
Videos for you
If you’d like a better understanding of how the shots work, I recently ran across some videos from Wishcraft8121 who is one of my followers on Truth Social. He’s been banned from Twitter multiple times which means he’s telling the truth.
The material is excellent and the videos are both just a few minutes long (you’ll likely need to stop the video because it does go FAST):
Lethal by Design (3 minutes)
The use of PEG in the COVID vaccines (2 minutes)
Excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines (3 minutes)
You’ll need a Truth Social account to view the first 3 videos because Wishcraft hasn’t figured out Rumble permissions, but you can expand the screen once you start the video. The last video is a direct Rumble link. This is Wishcraft’s Rumble channel where you can also view his videos on both COVID and Ukraine.
I love the PEG video because we talked about this in the DarkHorse podcast video with Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone. PEG is required to get the mRNA into the cell. But the problem is that it gets it into cells everywhere in your body, including inside your brain (it allows the vaccine to penetrate the blood-brain barrier).
How did this happen?
We now know the FDA colluded with Moderna to bypass the normal safety checks. See Moderna colluded with the FDA to bypass the normal safety testing.
Are you surprised?
Thanks for featuring my video, Steve! Also, someone commented on my rumble channel that Dr. Mike Yeadon told them to watch Lethal by Design, but I haven’t been able to find where he mentioned it. Does anyone know?
The first 3 videos that should be on Truth Social are not found. Wonder why... Anyone else have the same problem? Were they taken down?