Thanks for featuring my video, Steve! Also, someone commented on my rumble channel that Dr. Mike Yeadon told them to watch Lethal by Design, but I haven’t been able to find where he mentioned it. Does anyone know?

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The first 3 videos that should be on Truth Social are not found. Wonder why... Anyone else have the same problem? Were they taken down?

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Surprised? No, never, not anymore.

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Criminal...all of it...I can't wait to watch tribunals.

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The video was on truth social. To access I must give them my cell phone number. I refuse, so no soup for me.

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Give them the # of someone you don't like. 😉😊😋

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Thank you all for sharing your eloquent messages. Here is one I am working on for my Government Officials. No stories, but excellent videos and slide decks Steve provided from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance. I hope readers will find this worthy.

Dear Government Official:


Please see the incontrovertible evidence and conclusions from Canadian Covid Care Alliance in the videos and slide decks linked below.

Summary & Conclusions:

1. Pfizer — and the agencies overseeing their trials — failed to follow established, high quality safety and efficacy protocols from the beginning.

2. Level 1 (Randomized Controlled Trial) evidence from Pfizer’s own trial data showed harm.

3. Any government that approved or mandated these inoculations *** knew or should have known *** from the available data that harm would be caused to its citizens.

4. Any government that approved this medical intervention for its citizens should have ensured that the trial had used the appropriate clinical endpoints and high quality safety science.

5. Any government official who possesses this evidence and continues to allow its citizens to be inoculated with a toxic agent is, at the very least, negligent.

References: Canadian Covid Care Alliance Videos and Slide Decks (courtesy of Steve Kirsch: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/excellent-short-educational-videos):

1. Stop the Shots video and slide deck (15 min): https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/fr/media-resources/stop-the-shots/

2. More Harm than Good video (39 min): https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/fr/media-resources/the-pfizer-inoculations-for-covid-19-more-harm-than-good-2/

3. More Harm than Good slide deck (51 page PDF): https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/The-COVID-19-Inoculations-More-Harm-Than-Good-REV-Dec-16-2021.pdf

Thank you, in advance, for addressing this urgent issue URGENTLY.

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We have a friend and neighbour whose bonny healthy 21 year old daughter has come down with multiple auto-immune problems and a flesh-eating necrosis post vax.

I know there are protocols out there for helping with Covid vaccine damage, but am damned if I can find them.

Can you help?

Please email me at jeremypoynton@pm.me if you or anyone here can help.


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I agree that the FLCCC is doing great work on this and coincidentally I just watched a video on this very topic last night. If you can stomach the first 10 or so minutes (I'll leave it up to you to decide on the intro yourself) this hour and a half webinar has some great advice for anyone concerned about the so called "vaccines" as well as for the none-"vaccinated" in terms of preventing and or minimizing their susceptibility to illness in general.


I personally have been intermittent fasting for 3 years and it's been very positive for me with respect to a number of health parameters going well beyond weight loss/maintenance. I'm sure it was helpful when I caught covid last winter and it only resulted in a 24 hour mild flu. For best results you need to also improve you quality of your diet and I also believe in supplementing with low does of a few miconutrients like Resveritrol and the usual suspects everyone is familiar with by now.

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Fasting, yup - allows the body to heal itself. I need to get back to it. My wife has been advised not to do it at the moment, and also that it is most effective when you stuff yourself for a couple of weeks then do up to 72 hours. Patient of hers (she's an Acupuncturist) struggling with an auto-immune condition and a carb based diet - pre-diabetic - has managed to do the odd 72 hour fast, and the pre-diabetes has gone, to her Doc's amazement. They don't know a ****ing thing. Insulin is the LAST thing a diabetic needs.

My wife and I went Carnivore a couple of years back and feel much better for it. My wife got Breast cancer in 2017, Chemo fucked her over and then diagnosed at the end of the year with terminal bone cancer. Refused further treatment, and diet and a nouveau, herbal ,shall we say, "off piste" medication (Rick Simpson oil) seems to have stopped in its tracks, to her Oncologist's amazement. She does have a bad Thyroid problem but is working with a YouTuber named Elizabeth White whose expertise in this area. Steak & steak fat only with Iodine and Thyroid supplements. We've completely abandoned the NHS which seems to be beyond repair.

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Thanks - have located 5 papers. I'm in Budapest till the end of the week, but have an FTP server (for my Grateful Dead archive) so was able to push them back home for my wife to print. Even one hair lass. Dear girl had one of the most spectacular heads of thick thick hair, perfect model for Shampoo ads, and it's all falling out.

I'm 70. I can't remember WHEN I have ever been so angry. Will watch the vid and forward the link to my wife. Who's also mad as hell, and not going to take it. We have to stand and fight.

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None of the links opened in Truth Social.

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You may need to update the app and sign in again.

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No trust social shows a 404-error instead of "you need to login" message if you don't have an account. Bad design ...

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Do you have an account? I do, but I kept getting all the error messages too. Then I updated the app and logged in again and suddenly the links worked for me🤷🏻‍♀️

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Well done 5 part series...scary is the truth

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The CDC doesn't want you to know how these shots work. You can't trust them anymore.

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They are compromised for sure

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Yes, but this would be a monumental understatement. Same for the NIAID, NIH, FDA, etc.

Same for EVERY big organization - start with the "mainstream" press. If you can name a large organization that's not compromised (except for Substack), I'll buy you a beer or a Coke - although Anheuseur Busch and Coca Cola are "compromised."

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So glad I avoid so many toxins- but they sneak in and one must remain so hypervigilant. Label reading...making own products, avoiding synthetics whenever possible. Back to nature as much as possible seems to be the best way......still gotta watch though! (It is easy to make one's own detergent...even from plants) Thanks Susan for your on depth summary!

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Thanks Steve. Those are some well done videos!!

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None of these videos mentioned that mRNA vaccines cause endogenous carbon monoxide poisoning. They do this by boosting the level.of heme oxygenase-1, the Universal Stress Enzyme that (when catalyzed by 3 oxygen and 2 NADPH) breaks down heme proteins into equal parts CO, bilirubin ferritin plus 1 part H2 and 3 parts water.

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Thanks, that's great to know!

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Good to hear this is coming out on Truth Social. When are we going to hear Trump apologize for Warp Speed?

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Yes, it doesn’t make sense. Truth Social—which is not available in Australia—is Trump’s site, yet Trump keeps doubling down on the brilliance of Warp Speed. There is something incongruous here.

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He is either a globalist or easily sells out to the highest bidder (Pharma). Neither is good.

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The Canadian slide deck and corresponding video are masterful. The presenter strikes the perfect balance between data, interpretation, and commentary. Some presidential hopeful should start relentlessly pounding the main points in simple terms everybody can understand because it's the gateway to exposing the Administrative State, and the Globalist/CCP Agenda. These are topics that we need to start becoming household words.

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