Earn $5K if you can find someone who is willing to publicly show us how we got it wrong
Nobody wants to show us how we got it wrong. We are now offering a $5K finder's fee to the first person who can find someone qualified who will do this in a recorded call.
I know we are supposed to be mindless robots that follow orders and don’t question authority. Critical thinkers like Aaron Rogers are shunned in America today for daring to question authority. Instead, we are supposed to have “blind trust” in the profession:
Unfortunately, we, like Aaron Rogers, are critical thinkers and we “trust, but verify.” And the verification phase hasn’t worked out.
We don’t want to spread misinformation. We really don’t.
But nobody seems to be willing to engage with us in a recorded public forum to point out where we got it wrong. Even when hosted by a neutral moderator.
I know they are declining to do this because they feel that they would embarrass us and that would be impolite. But trust me, we are all big boys and we really don’t mind the humiliation. PLEASE let us have it. It’s for the public good!
This is really important since we are the top misinformation spreaders in the US. The best way to stop the misinformation is to show people that the misinformation spreaders can’t defend their work when challenged.
We asked people to challenge us on camera in a recorded discussion and show us where we got the science wrong. Nobody would do that. So we offered unlimited amounts of unrestricted research grant money directly to potential challengers on the VRBPAC and ACIP committees. “Name your price.” That did not work either. We are still lonelier than the Maytag repairman.
What kind of academic turns down an unlimited unrestricted research grant? Surely, there must be a very good reason for that, but we still have no clue.
So now we are desperate.
We are now offering a $5K finder’s fee to anyone who can bring to the table any qualified individual who is willing to show us how we got it wrong in a 2 hour scientific discussion that will be recorded and publicly posted. You only get paid if we agree the person is qualified, accepts the challenge, and participates in the discussion. You will be paid after the discussion is over.
Early bird gets the worm here. We guarantee at least one finder’s fee to the first person we accept. And we may accept more than one participant depending on the quality of the nominee. We’d love to pay out more. The more high quality participants, the bigger the impact. We are happy to pay up.
Pretty much everyone I’ve asked thinks it is important for the public to hear both sides of the debate on vaccine safety. But for some reason, the pro side refuses to defend their position. We just can’t figure it out. What are they afraid of?
So now’s your chance to do good and earn some decent money for your efforts.
A qualifying individual would include:
High visibility vaccine public advocates like Monica Gandhi, Eric Topol, Eric Rubin, Paul Offit, etc.
Any appointed representative of the FDA, CDC, or NIH
Any voting member of the ACIP or VRBPAC committees (these are the outside committees that approve the vaccine)
Dean of any US school of Medicine
Top talking heads for mainstream media such as Sanjay Gupta, Chris Cuomo, etc.
Any Professor of infectious disease or epidemiology of any US academic institution who has been quoted in the mainstream media recently in at least 5 articles
Any appointed representative of Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J
Bill Gates or any appointed representative from the Gates Foundation
Any appointed representative from the WHO
Any editor of any US-based medical journal with an impact factor of 1 or more.
The editor-in-chief of any major newspaper in America (like NY Times, WSJ, Washington Post, etc.)
The Governor of any state, especially Gavin Newsom (we’ll pay extra for him; we wanted to ask him why he couldn’t attend the UN Climate Change Conference via Zoom for even 5 minutes).
The US Surgeon General or the Surgeon General of any state enforcing vaccine mandates. Joe Ladapo is of course excluded since he agrees with us so it wouldn’t be much of a debate.
Any vaccine advocate with over 1M Twitter followers who actually understands the science
Karen DeSalvo and any other Chief Medical or Health Officer at any Fortune 500 company who is enforcing mandates for their employees
Any member of the US Congress who believes the vaccines are both safe and effective
Public health officer of a large county (e.g., Sara Cody in Santa Clara County).
Specifically excluded are:
People without a real name, face, and/or voice.
People who have not been acknowledged by the mainstream media as a recognized expert on vaccine safety (unless they qualify otherwise through nature of their position as expressly listed above)
Hi Steve,
I may have found a taker! He doesn't necessarily meet your criteria exactly however as the struggle to find any experts in their field willing to debate tightens I thought he might be worth considering. The echo chambers seem vast at this point and I for one am deafened by the lack of discourse on these matters. Dr Graham Bottley from the UK who runs incytometry.co.uk and delivers Flow Cytometry training to PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers and Academics across the UK and beyond. He has a PhD in Immunology and states he has trained many thousands in his field. He says he is willing to debate vaccine safety with you or your team. His position is that antibody dependent enhancement is IMPOSSIBLE with respect to SARS-CoV-2. His justification for this assertion is as there are no CD16/32+ cells that express ACE2 and are productively infected, ADE is therefore impossible with SARS-CoV-2. He confidently states that any immunologist worth their salt would know this fact. He states the vaccines are safe, speaks on the VAERs issue and that ADE hasn't been seen and won't be seen in future because, as previously stated, is 100% IMPOSSIBLE with these jabs? I just read an interesting review on ADE this very morning which raises all kinds of concerns, so to a layperson like me it seems Dr Bottley is perhaps overlooking or ignoring other factors but who am I to say; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8512237/
Either way I think this would make for an interesting debate with respect to vaccine safety and the overarching issue of ADE. Would you be interested in setting this up? I can't in any way vouch for Dr Bottley's sincerity, its not clear if he would genuinely take up the challenge push come to shove but we can but try, right? He talks a good game and appears to have very worthwhile credentials. He says he can be contacted via email here: admin@incytometry.co.uk
More importantly he claims he is up for this, which appears to be a rare thing these days! Let me know what you think, would be incredible if you can make this happen Steve. Please touch base with Dr Bottley and see what you can do. We are all desperate to see the experts sit across the table so to speak and see how big the daylight between respective positions actually is.
Many thanks in advance.
Hi Steve, I have an MD contact who might be open to this (depending on the opponent etc). He’s not someone who would fit on your hit list but he sends out emails twice a week (previously daily) on all things covid and vaccines and is very pro-vaxx. Let me know and if there’s any interest we can take this offline. Thanks, Damian