Doug Brignole (1960 - 2022) R.I.P
Doug sacrificed his life in order to send the world an important message: DO NOT VACCINATE. It's not worth it. It could cost you your life.
Doug Brignole, former Mr America and Mr Universe winner, author of “The Physics of Resistance Exercise,” lecturer, educator and coach offered his life as a test case for whether the COVID vaccines are safe or dangerous.
The clear conclusion: the vaccines are unsafe. We were right.
Please let’s not have any more challenges like this. Doug died less than a week after getting the latest booster.
According to Doug, those who have been saying the “vaccines are safe and effective” should now admit that they were misled, tell the world who misled you, so that other people can benefit by ignoring those fear mongers.
See the tweet below:
Canadian doctor death update
80 Canadian doctors have now “died suddenly.” An interview with Dr. Makis is taking place Monday, Oct 17 at 9:30am.
Remember when it was just 32? Seems like only yesterday (it was a month ago).
I still haven’t heard back from the CMA on their comments from my earlier article on the excess deaths.
The weird delay before the fact check reporting his COD is very suspicious. They note no other cause on the public record:
He died on October 13, but the fact check didn't occur until the 28th.
Hi Steve, can you comment on this "fact check"?