The weird delay before the fact check reporting his COD is very suspicious. They note no other cause on the public record: https://mec.lacounty.gov/case-detail/?caseNumber=2022-10791

He died on October 13, but the fact check didn't occur until the 28th.

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The other thing is that he died in his home. From Covid? We all know people go to the hospital for it once they get very sick, and that usually takes days. Very suspicious.

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Hi Steve, can you comment on this "fact check"? https://www.techarp.com/facts/doug-brignole-covid-19-death/

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Wow, first 32 dead doctors, then only a month later 48 MORE ARE DEAD! ??

Question the motives of those benefitting from their investment in this deadly experiment in genocide!

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Those random coincidences just keep on adding up ... sort of like tossing "heads" 80 times in a row! ;>)

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Wow. Doctors are really necessary to have in a functioning society, so maybe the elites thought that only the unwashed Walmart shoppers would die off. WTH?

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Wake up People's!!!!!

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Are you for fuckin real!!!!

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Broken Record: Local mortuaries are doing really well. How well is your mortuary doing. Knock on the door. Start a conversation and see if they tell you anything. Business can get a little nervous if you ask too closely.

My local mortuary doubled their cooling capacity. There were cremating < 1 body per day before the pandemic. Now they are having to do two ... They could handle between 4 to 8 in a pinch depending on body size. Their capacity isn't being taxed. But they are doing really well on revenue. Two Mortuaries in my area... Sounds like more.. But people get a little closed lip on the subject.

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Just came from another funeral after a “sudden death”, number eight in my network, and had the chance to informally say to the employees at the funeral home “ You guys must be really busy these days with so many “sudden deaths”. One immediately said business has kept them very busy. “ Wait when you start seeing younger and younger victims. “ We are already noticing”, replied an employee. “We had over a dozen children months”. I replied, “incredible the newspapers show nothing, no obituaries. I hope you are aware what is causing these sudden deaths. “ Oh, yes. We are aware!”

I was also glad to meet a couple of people in their mid- thirties now aware of the nonsense… after three shots. Unfortunately, their little daughter received one before we started thinking clearly.

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It is hard because the path of the vaccine WAS the clear path. It has been the clear path for a long time (70 years)? I started getting ancy about vaccines only in the last 10+ years. I have always been opposed to the anti-vaxxers, but then I started looking at the data. Pertussis is really telling. When the vaccine came out, the case rate dropped like a rock. Then it started creeping up year after year. There is not spike. Just a slow steady increase. The story is the anti-vaxxers are causing this increase.

Then I read an article about a doctor that was seeing an increasing number of cases.. His short analysis was the vaccinated parents were the vector. It wasn't the vaccination that was causing the problem but that the vaccine effectiveness was decreasing over time. I got boosted when I had kids.

Then Jenny McCarthy Body Count started posting numbers. When I looked at the numbers, I told the author "You don't have all the numbers".

He replied "That is all that is available!"

Vaccine preventable deaths? Were they? The numbers excluded information about vaccination status.

A friend of mine is a pathologist. The increases in vaccine preventable illness and death seem to have ties outside the country walking through the border rather than anti-vax people causing problems.

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Based on his statement, “We’re all in this together, *so let’s do our share to beat it.* I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research, to get it done.”Brignole clearly *didn’t* understand the science did he! Sadly he’d fallen a victim of the mainstream propaganda narrative. The so called “Fact Checker” article is nonsense and nothing more than an opinion piece written by someone, who like Brignole, has fallen victim to the brainwashing and is likely profiting nicely from perpetuating the lie.

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I have to wonder if these fact checkers really believe the crap they write.

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I am happy that he died. I am always happy to hear about vaxxed people deaths. Honestly, fuck all vaxxed with a vengeance, at this point.

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I feel sorry for the users who are groomed by the pushers to try a shot and then become hooked on boosters but have no sympathy for the pushers

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I have sympathy for those with their backs against the wall who took it under coercion.

The pushers and sympathisers can all rot.

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I sympathize even though I am far from happy.

This might be the first time in history when everyone was given an informed choice and so many people chose evil.

I am not talking about the vax info (it was all lies) but about the behavior of govt and media.

Govts behaved like mobsters, treating people like slaves for a year. After that they use blackmail: do you want more psychological torture OR you take the jab.

And most people complied even though we ALL know since high school that giving in to a bully means they will never stop.

That is why I think that whatever the consequences, this was an informed choice. People that gave in to the bully are cattle-minded so they deserve to be treated like cattle.

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Well, this proves nothing. there's been no cause of death announced. Whether his death was a result of his vaccine or not remains to be seen. That does not meant that others have not had harmful side effects, because they have.

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Am gonna have to disagree.

It's the way and manner of his death and its close resemblance to other jab deaths that proves a lot indeed. Right now, we know the coroner will likely come back with an undetermined or unknown cause like other deaths so waiting for cause of death is simply a waste of time in my view.

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You are correct. Logically if the cause of death is truly unknown, it makes more sense than not that the jab killed him. The “fact checkers” are well documented as nothing more than paid schill, useful idiots. This guy is a useful idiot troll.

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Interesting! I will read and tend to agree already.

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There are many angles to what has happened and why. I try to remain open to everything attached to noting, but one thing is for sure, it was crime.

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go Doug … no better way to prove one’s ignorance. RIP? fuck that. he judged the unvaccinated like the nazis judged the jews … i hope he burns in hell forever!!!! to all those reading this, i’m not hateful or spiteful. i grew up in communism and lived in apartheid for 3 years … i’m not a stranger to discrimination. i do not condone it!!!! and i will not tolerate it!!!! Doug was a fucken idiot … now the world can see his ignorance and his sense of entitlement. good thing he did his “research” … maybe if he had gone to school with Steve Kirsch he might have learned to do actual research instead of gobbling up MSM crumbs and repeating them claiming “the science” like a dodo bird. good ridance. many more coming up … the cancer wave is really taking off in the vaccinated. i’m shocked that nobody is talking about it on this side … stage 1 to stage 4 in three months??? this is going to be a long winter

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NPR isn’t research! You’re right.

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How many jabs did he have? When was his last? DID HE DROP DEAD OF HEART FAILURE?

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Almost all of the suddenly and unexpectedly are heart attacks or stroke

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Died at 62yrs. Sad. And the Authorities are still want the V. in every person

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Local restaurant owner here in the kc area in his 50s died this past summer supposedly of cardiac arrest day or days after his booster...

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With data like DR PETER MCCULLOUGH: BEFORE THE VAXX , 4 IN A MILLION MYOCARDITIS CASES, 25,000 IN A MILLION AFTER, staring at us, the clot shot might be the highest cause of mortality even in Doug's age group. 20 million death anecdotes outweigh studies. Proof of frauds and mendacity clear.

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Don't be rude to Pfizer rep, but please don't prescribe anything from Pfizer.

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