Yep… IVM horse paste (apple flavored if I remember correctly) had a very bitter aftertaste that was hard to get rid of. But it worked 👍🏽

After this, I found Bull Pharmachem from India. I got my ivermectin pills from there on… I was able to also get some budesonide from them.

The guy in charge of the company is Rakshit Jain and i’ve always had good results going through him.

+91 98702 44268 I believe this is his text number…

BTW, my family and I never got the coof again. Extended Family, friends and acquaintances that got “shot up” with the rat poison seemed to have Covid over and over and over again. Go figure… 😵🙄

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How many are now totally cynical about the medical industry?

Steve says doctors & others in that industry need to ask how many lives they saved by suppressing the research.

IMO, for most of them now, patient outcomes hardly figure in their daily lives.

After all, how many hospitals or doctors changed the protocols that were killing patient after patient, year after year, with remdesivir & ventilators?

Tragic to say, but my belief now is that most in that industry only ask themselves how much money they are making and that usually depends on how much their hospital is making.

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I heard that FLCCC is creating their own medical journal and wonder if this paper could be submitted to them. Here's the link to their recent article: https://flccc.substack.com/p/flccc-alliance-announces-launch-of

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Nothing like seeking the truth, when the government is involved, there’s too much money to be handed around. Follow the money. They want you dead.

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Think about this for a moment. If Dr. Mike Yeadon is totally incorrect about the virus, how come no one has challenged him or proved him wrong?… I mean REALLY proved him wrong. Maybe because they actually have a stake in the virus story! Money always talks!!…. Hmm something to ponder

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'Instead of publishing their results in the legitimate peer-reviewed scientific literature..' Yea right, this guy does not seem to get the memo about how illegitimate those peer-reviewed literary journals are anymore. I would suggest those are 'Peer witch-hunting journals'. What a mug that guy is.

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Outstanding post, thank you.

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In retrospect, COVID was handled as a deliberate health attack on the American public. We can talk all we like about what could have been done. But what was done was DELIBERATE.

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Dr Brian Tyson - Early Treatment Always Saves Lives

November 6, 2021 Florida COVID Summit.

pandemichealth, posted Nov 07, 2021


[Hat tip: Call Me Jack's https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-brian-tyson/]

DR. BRIAN TYSON: I'm an outpatient urgent care doc. I had worked for an ER for about 14 years. Found my niche, we stared an urgent care in El Centro. California, in the middle of the desert, right on the border. Small town, but large population just on the other side. A lot of retired individuals there.

So when covid was coming around, I knew we were going to be in trouble because there were two and a half million people in Mexicali, we're in the middle of a desert, and the biggest tertiary center is 90 miles away. Ninety miles. We had two small community hospitals, so like many of us, I took it upon myself to do my research. My treatment protocol came out right around the same time Dr. Zelenko came out with his.[1]

And the hydroxychloroquine protocol treatment started with the 2005 SARS chloroquine article that was published, where it said, chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of the SARS corona virus and its spread.[2] That's where we got our basis.

The protocol developed through the year, and so I'm going to tell you what I used and how I, I address these patients.

Number one, we saw everybody in person. So I got see them face to face. I'm a face to face doctor, I'm not a telemedicine doctor, I have to see this disease for myself. So those who presented with basically just upper URI[3] symptoms, cough, not really cough but more runny nose, headache, fever, those patients got hydroxychloroquine. We started them on 400 milligrams twice a day on day one, and then 200 milligrams three times a day, day two through five. That's number one drug. Number two, we gave them Zithromax or Doxycycline. And number three, we gave them zinc. And the zinc was either the zinc sulphate, the 220, or just regular over-the-counter zinc, 25, and we gave that to them twice a day. We also used vitamin D3, 5,000 units a day, vitamin C, 500 milligrams twice a day. And we started using N-acetyl cysteine, NAC. OK? 600 milligrams a day.

That was the foundation of our treatment. That's when it started.

If patients had pulmonary symptoms, if they had the chest pain and they had a shortness of breath, we did chest x-rays. We found early on that the chest x-rays were positive for inflammation. So what did we do? We started treating the inflammation. So we gave them of 6 milligrams of Decadron and we started them on inhaled budesonide in the nebulized form. I didn't, I wanted to stay away from the systemic treatment because I didn't want to really suppress their immune system, but I wanted to treat the inflammation, so that's why we went to the nebulized budesonide form.

And amazingly, what happened was, we found in 2 to 3 days, 99% of our patients were better.



Wow. Right? We brought them back and, and, and it's something that I've always done, I bring patients back every two to three days, until they're better. So day 2, day 3, they're coming back, chest x-rays are improved, oxygenation saturation's improved, fevers are now gone, headaches are now gone.

Then we did the standard, you know, it was initially 14 days, come back. And we added these little serology tests that we were able to purchase and we proved that they had IgG or IgM[4] at the time, and we said OK, your symptoms are gone, it does look like a true positive covid case. And we, we let them go back to, to society.

That's been replicated now 7,000 plus times between me and Dr. Fareed.[5]


When we looked at those patients who started treatment before day 7, we have a 0% mortality with one hospitalization. If we started treatment after day 7, we've had 4, I think now maybe 5 people have passed and we've had 8 hospitalizations.

But what we've noticed is, because we're the only treatment center basically in our area, we started getting sicker and sicker patients. So the treatment also needed to go and be extended at times. So my providers, I want you to understand, it's not just a 5 day one and done. Sometimes you have to extend treatment. Sometimes you have to reevaluate people. Sometimes they're going to need oxygen. Sometimes they're going to need additional medications.

You saw from the list from Dr. Kory,[6] there's a ton of medications we can use, and one that's not been talked about I don't think here today is Singulair. So Singulair being a leukotriene inhibitor,[7] and we use that a lot with asthma patients, OK? With those pulmonary symptoms I started using Singulair at night, 10 milligrams, OK, and that also showed a significant improvement in their oxygenation and pulse oximetry.

Aspirin is a standard that I think everybody should be taking. So aspirin I think was, I forgot to mention that, everybody gets [inaudible] if you're an adult, 81 milligrams if you're a teenager. Yes, I'm giving aspirin to teenagers. It's a little, you know, against practice, per se, but it's not. Reye Syndrome[8] in teenagers basically doesn't happen.

So the moral of the story is, look at the symptoms, treat what you see, and use appropriate drugs for those treatments. It's not a diagnosis of covid, it's a diagnosis of inflammation, it's a diagnosis of pneumonia, it's a diagnosis of hypoxemia, it's a diagnosis of a febrile illness, it's a diagnosis of nausea, and sometimes vomiting or diarrhea.

Hydration. Getting people IV fluid has made a big difference.

Getting people monoclonal antibody early in treatment is, is, is also recommended, and has been shown to have a huge improvement.

So I've seen from 2 months to 102 years old, I've seen unvaccinated to vaccinated to even booster-vaccinated positive patients, but the one thing is, they all respond to treatment. And I think that's the biggest lesson that I want to make sure everybody hears. Early treatment is so crucial and they need to stop blocking us from saving people's lives.


Thank you.




#   #   #

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Thank you for this. I have tried to buy Tyson-Fareed's book as an epub, as I don't own a Kindle, but can find only the summary, which isn't detailed enough. Do you know where the book can be bought as an epub?

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Hi RL Max, I don't know the answer to your question, however I can tell you that you do not need a Kindle (the reading apparatus) in order to read Kindle ebooks. When you purchase the Kindle (I mean the book itself) on amazon, amazon gives you the option to start reading immediately it on the cloud. So again you do not need to purchase any machine nor download an app in order to read Kindles.

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"Brian Tyson, MD, is a board-certified family medicine physician at All Valley Urgent Care, providing high-quality health care to people of all ages in Brawley and El Centro, California."

— Source: https://www.allvalleycares.com/tyson.html

Dr. Tyson is co-author with Dr. George Fareed of Overcoming the COVID Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients, 2022


[1] Dr. Vladimir Zelenko died of lung cancer on June 30, 2022.

"Board Certified Family Physician Vladimir Zev Zelenko, M.D. Dr. Zelenko graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. degree with high honors in Chemistry from Hofstra University. After receiving an academic scholarship to attend S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo School of Medicine, he earned his M.D. degree in May 2000. Dr. Zelenko completed his family medicine residency at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, N.Y. in May 2004. Since then, Dr. Zelenko has practiced family medicine in New York’s Hudson Valley. He has been described by his patients as a family member to thousands of families, and is a medical adviser to the volunteer ambulance corps in Kiryas Joel, New York. In March 2020, Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide, while he was fighting recurrent and metastatic sarcoma, had open heart surgery, and aggressive chemotherapy. He has also persevered against unrelenting defamation of character from the media, and threats against his person. Dr. Zelenko is an observant orthodox Jew, married with 8 children, and has authored two books called Metamorphosis and Essence to Essence."

— Source: From his website https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/about/

The Zelenko Protocols (one for covid patients and another for prophylactic treatment) are described on Dr. Zelenko's webpage at: https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatment-protocol/

[2] I believe the paper he refers to may have been this one:

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Vicncent, et al, Virol J. 2005; 2: 69.

Published online 2005 Aug 22. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69


The authors state that "chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage."

See also:

"Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale University Epidemiologist, Calls Out the FDA's HCQ Fraud"

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/144814.html

from: Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable, COVID-19: A Second Opinion

Streamed on January 24, 2022


[3] Upper respiratory infection.

[4] "Immunoglobulin G (IgG) accounts for around 75% of all antibodies in the human body. Depending on the antigen, IgG can either tag a pathogen so other immune cells and proteins will recognize it, or it can activate the complement system to directly destroy the microorganism.... "Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is also one of the first antibodies recruited by the immune system to fight infection. IgM populations rise very quickly when the body is first confronted with an infectious organism, and then they plummet as IgG antibodies take over. IgM is also produced by B cells and, when bound to a pathogen, will spur other antibodies and immune cells into action."

—Source: https://www.verywellhealth.com/antibody-isotypes-3132614

[5] George Fareed, MD. See: https://www.allvalleycares.com/p4.html

[6] Pierre Kory is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin. View his CV at: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/FLCCC-Alliance-member-CV-Kory.pdf

Dr. Pierre Kory Website: https://drpierrekory.com/

FLCCC Website: https://covid19criticalcare.com/

Dr. Pierre Kory On Substack: https://pierrekory.substack.com/

Dr. Pierre Kory's Book: The War on Ivermectin https://amzn.to/3r3gVEH

See also:

Dr. Pierre Kory Calls Out Big Pharma's War on Cheap and Effective Ivermectin

COVID-19: A Second Opinion , Streamed on January 24, 2022


Transcript: [1:07:32 - 1:18:03] https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/146409.html

[7] "Leukotrienes are chemicals your body releases (for example, when you come into contact with something you’re allergic to)... Leukotriene modifiers, also called leukotriene receptor antagonists or leukotriene synthesis inhibitors, are medications that block the effect of leukotrienes or stop your body from producing them."

— Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/14278-leukotriene-modifiers

[8] "Reye's syndrome, also known as Reye syndrome, is a rare but serious condition that causes swelling in the liver and brain. Reye's syndrome can occur at any age but usually affects children and teenagers after a viral infection, most commonly the flu or chickenpox. Symptoms such as confusion, seizures and loss of consciousness need emergency treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment of Reye's syndrome can save a child's life. Aspirin has been linked with Reye's syndrome, so use caution when giving aspirin to children or teenagers for fever or pain."

— Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/reyes-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20377255

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Seems like the medical community care more for their Pharma masters than actual people, and are serial breakers of the Hippocratic Oath. Utter scum.

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I'm curious about the protocol. Has anyone posted the basics on it where I could read it (without getting the book)? '

I "Suggested a Purchase" for Doctors Fareed and Tyson's book Overcoming the COVID Darkness to the Phoenix Public Library. In the past, I have had good success in getting them to purchase my requests. They sent me a reply saying they would not purchase it. I sent them a reply asking why and they said: "Based on the publication date and subject matter, many things rapidly changed with covid-19 over the years. We look for the most up today publications on evolving subjects like that." They haven't a clue but I'm wondering if there is a "don't buy" list that the library has...

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See my transcript of Dr. Tyson's talk, posted above.

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Apparently history is of no value to them. Or, alternatively, censorship is alive and well. Perhaps both?

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The thousands of patients who were cured and the thousands more who read their book and followed their life-saving protocols could give a rat's arse about IRB and other nonsense. The medical mafia can't handle the truth when it contradicts their harmful and often deadly "best" practices.

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This is a great book, all three authors are to be commended. It's fun to read in the medical waiting room, then lay aside in plain view while being treated or tested.

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Who many lives were saved you ask? Wasn't the point of the bioweapon attack to take lives? If you wanted to save lives all it would have taken is to recommend the public take about 4,000 to 5,000 units of D3 daily. It's really that simple. Get your D3 up to 100ng/ml and you virtually will never get sick again. Why is this treated like Presidential level classified information?

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Grayson Murray, two-time PGA Tour winner, dead at 30"

The PGA TOUR has grief counselors available at the tournament site, you can't miss it, it's right by the Covid booster tent. Go past the concession stand, take a right at the Tdap booth, left at the MMR shot tent, straight past the Pneumococcal conjugate shot kiosk, continue between the HPV2 and HPV4 pavilions, it's on the right. If you are at the H5N1 bird Flu tent, you've gone tooooo far.

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Apparently he took his own life. At least that's what I read.

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Many who took the shot did exactly that.

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