Do 0 deaths in 2 years justify a vaccine mandate?
Apparently so! We live in very strange times, don't we?
A FOIA request in the UK revealed that there were almost no deaths in the age group under 24 during the period between 1 February 2020 and 31 December 2021.
The risk-benefit analysis supporting the FDA’s EUA for the vaccine in 5 to 11 year olds was based on assumptions, rather than real data, and the only adverse event considered was myocarditis.
While policymakers in the UK recently walked back Vaccine Passports and other restrictions, policymakers in parts of California are ramping up mandates as well as seeking to close the personal belief exemption loophole.
Credit to UCSF Professor Aditi Bhargava for bringing this particular UK FOIA request to my attention. I haven’t seen it anywhere else, so I thought I’d share it with you in case you missed it as well.
The request was:
​Please supply deaths caused solely by covid 19, where covid is the only cause of death listed on the death certificate, broken down by age group and gender between feb 2020 up to and including dec 2021.
Here is the most interesting part of the full response which covered nearly two years since the very start of the pandemic: the number of young people in the UK who died solely from COVID:
Your chance of being killed from COVID is basically 0 if you are under 24 years old.
Therefore, based on this data, if you were a policymaker in the US, you’d want to mandate the vaccines for anyone under 24, right?
0 deaths in 2 years, yet vaccines are mandated for young people in schools and universities.
This is how insane these mandates are.
How can 0 deaths justify a state of emergency applied to people under 24? How can it justify mandating a vaccine?
As far as I know, not a single one of the 3,143 public health officials in the US has spoken out against vaccine mandates for people under 24.
FDA math
Want to know how the FDA justifies the vaccines?
Did you ever read the risk-benefit analysis FDA did for 5 to 11 year olds? It was based entirely on assumptions (not data), assumptions of incredible efficacy at preventing all sorts of covid-19 related harms, and on the adverse event side of the ledger, just one single AE (myocarditis). That’s it. No other risks.
And no use of actual data, because trials provided zero data on any of all the endpoints (benefits and harms) that they thought were important.
See PDF p.39 (section 9.5) of the FDA’s EUA memo on 5-11 year olds: https://www.fda.gov/media/153947/download.
Congress totally trusts the FDA no matter how bad their analysis is.
If you want to see a more realistic risk-benefit analysis, see Dr. Toby Rogers’ analysis. Want more proof? Read this article.
A tale of two cities
In the UK now, we have: masks gone, social distancing gone, work from home gone, care home restrictions gone, travel restrictions gone, VACCINE PASSPORTS GONE and the Coronavirus Emergency Act will not be extended.
In Santa Clara County, we mandate masks, vaccines, etc. for everyone who works for the County.
Same virus, different policymakers.
Dr. Richard Pan introduces bill in California to close the personal belief exemption loophole
The very worst people in my opinion are the policymakers who actively force every last human being to take the jab by eliminating exemptions. For example, Dr. Richard Pan and his California State Senate bill to keep schools safe which is supported by:
Los Angeles Unified Board President Kelly Gonez
Los Angeles Unified Interim Superintendent Megan K. Reilly
San Diego Unified Board Member Richard Barrera
California Medical Association President Robert E. Wailes, M.D.
Nowhere in that article do you see any mention of a risk-benefit calculation. Never does he mention the number of lives he’s going to save with his bill. Never does he compute the number of deaths. It’s all fear-based policymaking with no math.
Which begs the question: Is there any policymaker with a working brain in the United States of America? Please identify yourself.
For those who are being bombarded with the shocking real news about the vaccines and Covid, it is easy to conclude we have a bunch of idiot bureaucrats running the show all around the world making really, really stupid decisions.
No. These are not stupid people. These aren't stupid decisions. It is important to avoid thinking this way.
A very well thought out plan is being executed. The plan began about 2002, and final touches were added about 2015. 2,000 patents were filed during this period for genetic sequences and and drugs. Patents for the "vaccines" in fact were filed BEFORE patents on the virus.
The scam has been cracked open, and the truth is waking people up. The people responsible for millions of lives lost, and the destruction of billions of human's health, must be held accountable. Not idiots, but selfish elites, greedy spineless doctors, and mainstream media complicity have wrecked this world. Let's first end it, and then let's not forget to convict and punish them so it never happens again.
Richard Pan started down this dark 9th Amendment/Freedom of Conscience violating path, more than 8 years ago... The justification, then? There were a few cases of the measles, originating from the on campus nursery, at Santa Monica High School. A staff member caught it - despite being vaccinated. It was an early example of "Vaccine Failure"/ "Breakthrough Infection". And the source appears to have been a child too young for the MMR Vaccine. But this and a few cases traced to Disneyland, was used to advance the Gates/GAVI goal of forcing mass vaccinations upon our entire society, and the rest of the planet - without regard to the actual levels of risk, or any appropriate risk-benefit calculus for individual patients... The rationale was that because SOME small number with compromised immune systems can't be vaccinated - it is society that must live inside a "plastic bubble" - and not the occasional John Travolta figure. It's peak insanity.