Just do like Amish, get immune by having everyone drink from covid patient's cup. Among thousands of Amish only 7 people died.

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Kudos for giving the jabbers a much needed reality check, Steve. For more Covid news, check out presscalifornia.com.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

It's the same in Canuckistan. Only 29 under the age of 20 have died in the last 2 years.

0-11 19

12-19 10

Good data for Canaduh.


Nobody has seen this data and the vile CBC and CTV won't report it.



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br14 made a similar comment below - I can't guarantee for England, but I listened to an American doctor explain that a death certificate should never list just covid on there. It should list all the items that caused demise e.g. (in non-technical speak) "patient drowned in his/her own body fluids... as a result of viral infection... as a result of sars cov 2". If that holds true for England then the comment about no risk unless you have a comorbidity is not actually a valid argument.

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How can parents not be awake to understand these facts and allow their children to be jabbed with an experimental drug to cure a disease they won't die from? Crime again children and humanity ... we have no idea how these jabs will impact our children's immune systems long term. With big pharma being the winner ... just sickening. It might sound crazy but I would literally move or home school if I had to if my children were school age.

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The Wuhan Boogeyman virus is just one of the many, many ways the human race has gone extinct since 1960.

The ice age, population bomb, end of oil, global warming, climate change, and now COVID 1984 were all manufactured fictitious crisis.

All for the purpose of establishing a de-facto dictatorship with emergency powers. (And to redistribute wealth to the politically connected of course.)

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Covid-19 has mutated (several times), so it begs the question why are they vaccinating people with a useless vaccine?

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They DO have a solid justification for injecting everyone.

It’s to force a cutover to digital ID for everything.

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Lídri asi všetkých štátov vo svete sú podplatení za očkovanie čo najviac ľudí. NWO a zločinec B. Gates chcú znížiť populáciu na zemi. Ten vrah Gates sa tým ani netají. Pred pár rokmi písali na internete, že viac než polovina ľudí na zemi je napadnutá nejakým vírusom, od ktorého sa osprostieva, Ako vidieť, asi to bude pravda.

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In New Zealand, a sad forgotten few islands in danger of sliding off the bottom of the world, life is slow and leisurely. There is gossip about introducing new fangled technology-autos and computers and such like. Yet the govermint were on top of this virus thingy, locked us all up, told us to stay home and wear a mask in bed. It didn't fool the cat but the dog flew out of the window. No statistics were available to assess how effective the jabs they introduced were amid a relentless barrage of propaganda ads on steam radio and flickering cathode ray tube. Even the written media got involved and painted a rosy picture of our heroism- assisted by a few million dollars of tax payer largesse doled out to the compliant. Now, finally, a few dusty old professors have heard on their CB sets that the rest of the planet is ill at ease with the new marvel jabs. They repaired to the vaults and found a dusty old electron microscope. The janitor showed them how to turn it on and lo! Pictures of strange and wondrous things appeared. It seems that after discussions that perhaps they need to query what they observed, they pedalled down to the castle of Princess Adern to seek audience. Apparently it was after 4pm on Friday and parliament building was grey and silent. The "health authorities" refused to attend their meeting since no cream buns were on offer. Rumblings of discontent were heard. Independent reporters came along ( all three of them ) and the whole thing was filmed on a really high tech camera- a 'phone. Now it seems that New Zealand will place a tentative step into the brave new world. A small step for a nation, a giant step for education.

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You mentioned "Tale of Two Cities". Madame DeFarge with her stitches secretly knits a register of the names.

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I was trying to post on FB the data from the ONS website. There was a warning from the fact-checker, which is insane! I know these data cannot represent the whole story, and we cannot draw any definite conclusions from them. However, this is very interesting!

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Found on another forum, thought it describes the situation well:

Let's say you want to renovate your home, and bring it up to current code for safety. You call up the biggest and most popular construction company you've heard of, and one of the first things the contractor requests is blanket immunity from legal proceedings for anything to do with their work, and they refuse to provide a warranty, and they insist on using products that haven't been rigorously tested or met full industry standards.

Now imagine that this contractor also already has the worst reviews of all the available contractors.

You likely wouldn't hire them would you?

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Please don't use the phrase "which begs question" to mean "which raises the question". "Begs the question" used that way would never have arisen had there not already been a long established phrase, "to beg the question" with a specific meaning: an argument which assumes the conclusion--or, basically, circular reasoning.

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It's not quite that straightforward. The UK reports deaths from conditions triggered as a result of Covid differently from deaths directly attributable to Covid. Since most Covid deaths are because of co-morbidities - even in older age groups, the data is a little misleading. Covid is simply a factor in the death.

So the number isn't 2 deaths. But it's still very low. Perhaps 50 or 60 (as stated mostly with co-morbidities) in a population of probably 20 million. Less than would die from the vaccine in all probability.

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