As I wrote in my article on mass formation, there are basically 3 types of people:
Red pill: see what is really going on
Blue pill: see what they are told to see (“in the matrix”)
People “in between”
Al is a #3. He can be convinced, but requires “traditional” methods.
For example, he believes the Barda paper is correct but I said it was junk science due to Figure 3. It is IMPOSSIBLE for the vaccine to reduce your risk of many of these symptoms; there is no mechanism for that. Plus the VAERS data shows I’m right.
The VAERS data will never convince him. Instead, I have to find an error in the methodology of the paper, not just prove the paper is junk since the conclusions are nonsensical.
I suggested a middle ground where he issues a statement saying I’m not full of shit and there may be something to what I’m saying.
This would help advance our cause and get the parties to talk to each other.
Stay tuned…
Steve - I greatly admire and appreciate your work, overall. There's no question you're doing really important work. BUT...speaking to this guy, or getting statements from him, isn't gonna move the needle. He just isn't a player in the game, so to speak. So, what WILL move the needle? Galvanising large-scale non-compliance within or across states (or countries); and getting 1 or 2 people in significant positions of political / economic power to say NO WAY - THIS IS BS. And, we ain't havin' it anymore. As a Christian, I also believe that prayer is a key factor here - we are in a spiritual war, and this is about "powers and principalities," not just about politics, money or fleeting, human power. -STJ
Worked with and treated by many a similar doc. Chose to take my healthcare into my own hands. Never looked back. Dislike western medicine, always have for obvious reasons such as the beliefs of your guest who just regurgitates the same nonsense his forefather doctors did. No thanks, I believe in healthcare, not illness care, but how would these docs make their millions if we all took responsibility for our health?