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Worked with and treated by many a similar doc. Chose to take my healthcare into my own hands. Never looked back. Dislike western medicine, always have for obvious reasons such as the beliefs of your guest who just regurgitates the same nonsense his forefather doctors did. No thanks, I believe in healthcare, not illness care, but how would these docs make their millions if we all took responsibility for our health?

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Dec 28, 2021Edited
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I can see you’re very frustrated and angry as many of us are . I don’t think you’ll be curing any diseases by harboring such hatred in fact just the opposite. Could it be that people are victims of this psyop? Brainwashed people don’t know there being brainwashed that’s the whole point. I hope you can find some compassion for your fellow man. The last thing we need is more division. I can only speak for myself but you certainly didn’t pick up a subscriber from me. In the meantime I’ll pray for you

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