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I agree with so many comments here, but while it feels good to hear voices in agreement with mine, sitting on our computers will really change nothing. We have to find a way to take action that will help others to change their opinion. I was reading the article about Ivermectin and what they are doing in Japan. It gave me an idea to make copies of some of this info and start walking around my neighborhood giving it to people. Maybe have an Ivermectin march. I live in CT and most people I know have swallowed the kool-aid. But sometimes I stand on a busy corner with a couple of signs to unmask our kids and I get a fair number of honks. It hasn't built to anything, but at least I feel I'm doing something. I was also thinking of buying a few copies of The Real Anthony Fausti and selling them on that corner. It would be great if we could create some kind of network. BTW, I'm 79 and still going strong! My whole family is in the dark, so it's hard....

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Like the Fausti pun!

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Susan, without wanting to sound like a doom and gloomer, I've spent many, many hours handing out stuff, sticking up posters and talking to people. None of it seems to work. The Covid Cultists cannot be reached by reason. These bouts of insanity that the human race periodically passes through only seem to end when they burn themselves out. Having said that, it important to act if only for our own sanity and conscience.

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Thank you for trying. What about signs and leaflets around hospitals reminding healthcare workers to report vaccine injuries/hospitalizations to VAERS which is required by law. In Louisiana, a nurse testified that most nurses don't know about VAERS.

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They will never change their position on Covid.

BUT - you might be able to fight Fear with FEAR.

Putting visuals like this in front of people might put them off taking more injections.

It won't work with hyper CovIDIOTS but possibly with the moderate and mild CovIDIOTS...


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That graph shakes me to the core everytime I see it, because I "see" the many people it represents in my mind. I feel their pain, I see them cry. I don't, however, believe for even 1 second that a Covidian sees anything other than a faked up graph. Pix of dead children might do it, but if they're not related to them or someone they know, I still think they'd feel nothing.

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Ideally one could find a damaged person in a wheelchair to hold up the sign... I do think it would have some impact on some people.

BTW - I am updating that visual - we are almost at 21,000 now!!! And loads are not being reported cuz doctors are telling people they have anxiety...


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Yes, someone in a wheelchair might get some attention and possibly get someone to think.

Doctors also won't report because, "They don't know how," "They don't have time," although they are legally required to do so.

If you're anxious it doesn't make you blind, dead, unable to walk, etc. They oughta ask for anti-anxiety meds. I bet the Drs would change their tune right quick.

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Since we have mass formation going on, I’ve heard logic won’t do anything. Possibly a bigger fear than their original fear will get through

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Start or join a local chapter of Childrens' Health Defense. Or create your own local Health Freedom group. Start doing demonstrations. Create a good list of resources for people to go to - since the censorship from BigTech and the MOCKINGBIRD media are suppressing the really important information. Globalresearch.ca and CHD's The Defender, along with this blog, James Lyons-Weiler's "Popular Rationalism", etc. will help people to see the truth, and build the numbers in the resistance movement.

Here in LA we're already beginning work along these lines. Don't be discouraged. Everytime you hear someone honk for you - that's a potential 'joiner' to your group, for the cause of health freedom.

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I spent 10 weeks knee deep in the Hong Kong protests.... they had up to 2M at one point .. and regularly hundreds of thousands - many engaging in violence.

That failed. Because they were up against a totalitarian regime that was willing to do whatever it takes to get their way.

We are up against similar beasts. They will shoot to kill if anyone does much more than march around the block chanting slogans.

This is a war --- and you are being crushed. Marching around the block is futile

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The Hong Kong Protests were ASTROTURFED by the CIA, USAID and NED. I think you may have compromised your 'cover' by that admission. https://thegrayzone.com/2020/08/08/hong-kong-western-media-yellowfacing-amnesty/


The alleged cause - was an attempt to get a Hong Kong extradition treaty, precipitated by a Hong Kong husband who had murdered his wife, while in Taiwan - not the mainland... The NeoCons were all up in that. The RIOTERS were trained by the CIA's OTPOR school... These are the same folks who were behind the treasonous 'Guarimbas' in Venezuela, and the 'Tranques' in Nicaragua. They teach 'color revolution'.

Peaceful NonViolent Civil Disobedient Resistance is the only path that the Totalitarian system can't deal with adequately. Violence is what they plan and prepare for. If you'll notice, until recently, lunch counters, buses and movie theaters were desegregated...

I think a that recent uptick in favorable court rulings, and retreats by the mandate demanders speak to the contrary, about your assessment. These things have a synergistic effect. When 5 to 10,000 cops and firemen showed up at City Hall - even the Corporatist MOCKINGBIRD media had to take note.

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Tell me truthfully, what had peaceful protest accomplished in Brazil, Canada, the trucker protest in the US, and protests ongoing in France? The totalitarians who’re still in power know to wait it out and eventually the protests wither on the vine. France is drifting into violence now, because peaceful protest failed.

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I lived and worked in Hong Kong for 20 years since 1991- I still have extensive business interests and contacts in the city and normally spend 4+ months there in a year.

The CIA did not precipitate these riots. Tiananmen Square did.

Since the 97 handover this has been brewing -- any time the CCP tried to violate the Basic Law the people lashed out.

Any attempt to puncture the freedoms of the people of HK have met with an immediate backlash - see the umbrella revolution of 2014.

Then the dam burst in 2019 with this extradition law - it had zero to do with a murder in Taiwan and everything to do with fear of being hauled across the border for any crime and prosecuted by a totalitarian regime.

I was able to get a press pass through a business that I own in HK and was at the front lines with the black shirts throughout the 10 weeks that I was there. On some days I followed them through the streets of Kowloon as they rampaged and destroyed banks and CCP-friendly businesses.

Most of them were uni students and they spoke good English. So I had plenty of opportunity to explore their motives... hatred of the CPP is one but another was the cost of living in the city where an apartment literally the size of a car park sells for USD500k. That was beyond the reach of even an uni grad (and who in the hell wants to aspire to a car park!). Most of them were living jammed into tiny spaces shared with 5 or 6 other people.

The people were at a breaking point. And they broke. The CIA did not instigate these riots... although I would not be surprised if they assisted with guidance (there is no evidence of that...)

The thing is...

Even if the CIA was assisting ... the riots have completely FAILED. The CCP eventually said enough is enough -- and they slammed the hammer ... throwing hundreds into prison.

Now even the slightest whiff of protest and you will be immediately arrested and jailed for years. The people live in a state of fear. Seems the CIA if they are involved... have been side lined. They failed.

And here we have a far more sinister global entity injecting billions with a deadly substance. This is beyond anything the CCP have done.

And what is the response? Typing 'I am aghast' on message boards. A few thousand marching around shouting 'freedom' from time to time. Believing your totalitarian masters will respond to this.

Are they responding? Nope. They are laughing at you. They are injecting your CHILDREN. And you march .. and you type ....

In HK they attacked the totalitarian masters with petrol bombs and bricks... and they lost... they maybe had the CIA helping them... and they lost.

The CIA won't help you. Nobody will help you. Because this is a global extermination plan - every single government on the planet is INJECTING.

I will not encourage you to rise up like HK did because you will be smashed to pieces. Everything is at stake here and they will shoot you dead.

We are running out of cheap energy - and no cheap energy = no civilization.

They are putting you down before we hit the tipping point -- if they fail then that means 8B people will be left in the dark - no electricity no petrol no food -- permanently.

And they will start ripping each others faces off. Nobody wants that.

Resistance is futile - they will stop you at all cost.

So feel free to continue clattering away on your computers... march around the block if it makes you feel like you are taking action... it's all futile.

This is what peak oil looks like... it's why they've fed you a steady diet of 'renewable energy' ... EVs... and new Earth-like planets... that was all about keeping humans hopeful... cuz if humans realize there is no future... watch out.

Well here we are -- the end of the road... This sucker is GOING DOWN.

And they are doing the right thing and exterminating us to prevent epic suffering.

Nice summary here:


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When people join together, rise up and refuse to be ruled...the system can't continue functioning. Civil Disobedience isn't just marching and clacking on keyboards. It can be a mass of bodies in the street, refusing to move. People desegregating lunch counters and restaurants, by refusing to leave until they're served.

The sun, wind and tide are everywhere. The end of Oil doesn't need to be our downfall.

It's funny that you think of the Chinese as being "Totalitarian" - for putting down a rebellion sponsored from abroad, and orchestrated by local billionaires, who have Marco Rubio on speed-dial. You live in the largest Police State on Earth. More Americans are in jail, than Chinese. Tell Alex Saab, Julian Assange, or Commander X about extradition to a Totalitarian country.

Your back story reads like that of a NOC case officer - but I suppose you'd in a Chinese jail, if you were. The US doesn't care about freedom - they care about monopolar hegemony. They and the British want the colonial toe-hold back. They whip up the resentments of anyone that they can, for that purpose. But to the best of my knowledge, that riot movement was never a majority of HK's people - hence the failure. Also - violent tactics justify Police violence.

You've adopted the outlook of your captors - Stockholm Syndrome...or you're one of them. The CIA is involved in this here, as well - they're Event201 partners. But they're going to fail - here as much as they did in HK.

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In HK they tried to clog the streets by driving slowly. That stopped in a day - they simply charged a few people with dangerous driving.

The people of HK could have used general strikes to fight back - not willing to go there.

But keep in mind the vast majority of HK people despise the CCP -- and yet they were crushed quite easily. Just throw a couple of hundred in prison for long stretches....

With Covid the vast majority continue to believe and support the governments and their lies.

Do you see mass uprisings anywhere? Nope.

There were TWO million out of 7 on the streets of HK at one point. And they lost.

I see a few thousand from time to time in various cities around the world. Marching around the block chanting slogans... and failing.

The propaganda machine is powerful -- all they have to do is throw up a few photos of people sucking air in an ICU and the masses are ready for another lockdown... so they can stay safe.

Easily manipulated because they are MOREONS.

Remember the Vietnam War? Most people supported independence... they were armed to the teeth by China and the USSR... yet it took them decades to get what they wanted... and millions died.

Again most people support the covid lie -- and see anti-vaxxers as the enemy. They'd snitch on them in a heart beat.

All governments are on board so there will be no Chinese/Russian support --- anti-vaxxers are on their own ..

Governments have decades of experience fighting the toughest terrorists on the planet .. they'd mop up anti-vaxxers who got a little out of hand in a day.

Buckle up ... and enjoy the ride. Nothing is going to disrupt the CEP.

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Stand at a busy intersection with this info (actually the numbers are much higher since I made this) with VACCINE DAMAGED HEARTS as the header https://pdfhost.io/v/pZig3jgly_VAERS_Heart_Damage_V2

This might discourage people from boosting ... if they don't boost they are unvaxxed and the mandates fail.

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Wouldn't the pigs arrest you?

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I have not tried this - yet... not sure.

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Or the Vaxx Nazis would run you down. <--- That's supposed to be a joke, but it wouldn't surprise me if some of them tried it. 😕

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MOREONS can get angry if you puncture their cognitive dissonance.

I did put this in front of a GP about a month ago -- she got rather upset insisting 'but there is no context' and speaking over me when I said sure there is -- look at the other years.... then she opened the door and told me she was not going to argue with me and that I needed to leave.

MOREONS are stupid beasts... but they are dangerous and they are a huge majority.

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I agree. They are VERY dangerous.

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God bless you!

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A lot of darkness these days

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Dec 28, 2021
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This demonstrates how easily people are controlled - therefore they must be controlled.

Freud was correct in Century of Self... MOREONS (the general public) are both stupid and dangerous

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Thx for keeping the faith & helping others to hang in there

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