As a full-time critical care physician, who is 10 years out of training and has been treating COVID since the beginning of the pandemic, I believe my first-hand experience has given me a good deal more insight than most. These are only my thoughts and opinions, take them with a grain of salt.
As a full-time critical care physician, who is 10 years out of training and has been treating COVID since the beginning of the pandemic, I believe my first-hand experience has given me a good deal more insight than most. These are only my thoughts and opinions, take them with a grain of salt.
Fist, I do think the "vaccines" (novel biologics) likely had some short-lived efficacy in preventing severe disease and death from COVID, at least for the native strain and in vulnerable patients. Keep in mind, the number of truly vulnerable patients is quite low. And, I do believe there is pressure for escape variants with mass use of these biologics. Deploying them to non-vulnerable patients has likely been a very, very big mistake.
Second, the protection afforded by these novel biologics comes at a cost. Hence, physicians have traditionally utilized a risk-benefit ratio when making a recommendations to patients about their therapies. No drug has a zero risk. However, to provide an adequate picture of the risk-benefit comparison in a particular patient we MUST HAVE ACCURATE AND TIMELY DATA on the effects of the therapy. Neither of these have been provided during this pandemic, likely intentionally. And my gut instinct is that the published data which paints such a glowing picture of these biologics is highly suspect and skewed. Pushing these biologics on patients with near zero risk from COVID, having absolutely ZERO information of long-term effects (which increasingly appear to be very real and quite serious) is reprehensible and morally bankrupt.
That being said, the risk of potential adverse events from the biologics was probably NOT outweighed by the benefit in patients with advanced disease states and limited lifespan who are at very high risk of death from COVID. The same can certainly not be said for the remaining 99% of the world population. I am astounded by my profession's complete abandonment of this principle of risk vs. benefit. It is absolutely surreal to me to hear those who seem to be relatively informed, level-headed clinicians claim that "everyone should get vaccinated to stop the pandemic." It is an absurdity and flies in the face of both common sense and basic human physiology.
In the same vein, HCQ and Ivermectin are not without risk. However, there are small trials which have shown some benefit in both early and late treatment of severe COVID. Granted, one must dig through the backwaters of the internet to find these data, they are certainly not published in the mainstream medical journals. I wholeheartedly believe patients and their families should be offered the opportunity to utilize these agents if the risk and benefit are properly presented and disclosed. It is morally sound and is governed by the same principle as the "Right to Try" legislation which many of my colleagues seem so supportive of. Why that principle has been completely disregarded in the case of COVID leaves me dumbfounded and frustrated. If I order ivermectin for a patient, my hospital pharmacy has been instructed by the administration to cancel the order and inform me that I am not allowed to prescribe it. This seems very much like practicing medicine without a license, and I hope will one day be adjudicated with the hospitals held to account.
The vaccinated vs. unvaccinated question is also a troubling one. The data from the US should probably be completely disregarded. At my own facility, and those of my colleagues with whom I have had discussions, the documentation of a patient's vaccine status is abysmal. If hospital documentation is being utilized to determine these numbers, it is probably highly inaccurate. What I can tell you is that I work in a low vaccine-uptake state. I have a single patient with COVID on the ventilator at the moment, despite being at a 400-bed level 2 trauma center. And, that patient is confirmed vaccinated. Anecdotal, but true nevertheless.
Finally, I would also share my experience of treating COVID for 2 years. This is a disease that primarily causes severe illness in the obese and unhealthy. This is rarely discussed, and I'm not sure why. I would estimate that 80+% of my ventilated COVID patients over the pandemic have been obese or morbidly obese. All of the Vitamin D and Zinc in the world will not prepare an unhealthy, morbidly obese body for the onslaught of this virus. Because no studies have been done targeting this population, I have no way of knowing for sure - however I suspect that HCQ and ivermectin would have limited utility in these patients as well, certainly in the late stages of the disease. We are a nation of unhealthy, fat, inflamed bodies. And no quantity of statins and ace inhibitors, beta blockers or insulin will fix that. Pills do not provide health. They suppress disease, to a point, and may mask symptoms. But only diligence and work, an active and intentional seeking of health - mediated primarily by both diet and lifestyle, brings about true protection from any number of sinister pathologies waiting to strike.
What has happened here is sick. My profession is sick. The American population has lost faith in their healthcare system and providers, and I count myself among those who no longer put any degree of trust in the major institutions and watchdogs that stood guard against our current debacle. You are right to be angry and disgusted. Medicine has abandoned its core tenants and joined in the mass hysteria that has taken such an abrupt hold on our nation and the world. Reason and thoughtfulness have disappeared, replaced instead by snap judgement and knee-jerk reactivity without any real data or science to support them.
I have been granted a vaccine exemption by my own facility, out of sheer desperation on their part. The pandemic has left us dramatically understaffed and loss of another physician would likely have dire consequences to maintaining daily operations. I will remain unvaccinated and I quietly tell patients my own views on use of these biologics and their potential risks. At some point, I expect "they" will come for my head as well.
To the American public, please accept a sincere apology for what my profession has done here. A small number of us are mortified and embarrassed. I can only hope that the public can begin to trust their doctors again, though I fear that day is a long, very long way off.
Second comment, it is not you responsibility to apology for the fools in your profession. They will have to apology en mass, by name, as step one. Most will never do that so, yes trust is "is a long, very long way off."
The paragraph that starts with, "What has happened here is sick. My profession is sick." is the most important paragraph I've read in the last 20 months. I have lost respect for doctors, hospitals or healthcare professionals, unless they are speaking the truth. The truth would be something like what is written in the rest of that paragraph.
The loss of trust is a serious issue for our society. How will the medical community gain it back?
I think the reason many people want high vaccine uptake is that they believe it would bring R (the reproduction number) down, possibly even below 1. As far as I know, this seems possible, but quite some distance from the certainty many are taking it as. I've seen one study mentioned that suggested that vaccination reduces the number of additional people one infected person is likely to infect by a factor of 6 to 10. I'm skeptical of this claim for a couple of reasons, but if it _were_ true, it would be a valid reason, I think, to encourage vaccination. Another study found only about a 30% improvement. So I think the truest thing one can say is that we don't really know; yet a lot of people are acting as if we had solid data.
A proper vaccine would provide a high degree of sustained immunity which these currently don't have; they are all leaky. What we seem to be seeing is the vaccinated are being infected and are unknowingly spreading the virus. For the unvaccinated often the disease is so mild they too have been spreaders but given so many now vaccinated in ordinary terms we should have achieved some degree of herd immunity. With a reliance on these leaky expiring vaccines, we may never achieve herd immunity. Worse, if there is some OAS, the re-infections won't lead to immunity in the vaccinated.
Your point "truly vulnerable patients is quite low" is well made. I remain astounded that we do not seem interested in really understanding who and why some are vulnerable. We also know that some people are quite immune intrinsically from being affected. Their immune system readily can cope as seen by couples where one gets ill and the other doesn't. That was first seen from the Princess cruise ship in the very first days of the pandemic. Given couples generally share the same biome something in their immune system is quite different and certainly a topic for study, yet there seems to be none. It seems like we put our complete faith in vaccines despite clear evidence they don't always work as well as we thought. The big WE have decided and that's that. Giving the vaccine to someone who was never at any risk and claiming success produces awkward data.
Thank you for your honesty. It's a travesty what is going on. We know these injections are quite dangerous, yet big pharma and their whores are pushing all this as safe and effective. There are alot of people getting serious injection injuries and some even dying. I just went to a funeral of a man that died 2 weeks after getting the booster shot. He had a heart attack. Ofcourse, they will never tie the heart attack to the booster so it goes unreported. Probably hundreds of thousands of cases like this. It's all soooo sad.
And I do feel there are more honest and ethical physicians, scientists and nurses out there who probably want to say what you've just said. It's having the right platform and courage to say it. It feels a lonely place right now though doesn't it?
I have listened to JF Kennedy junior a few times and I am also keen to read his book. But I think what many of us want to know is what can I do to make change? We all operate in a different field, no pun intended. Mine is a very tiny field compared to your own but the message from JFK Jnr is we pretty much can all do the same thing. We keep moving our knowledge on, however we can. He advocated doing 3 things each day which changes the narrative. I've done 3 today, maybe 4.
l. I keep reading. Knowledge is power. And knowledge and power will make change.
2. I have conversed with like minded people, who know many truths, maybe not all yet but much of the truth.
3. I helped plant a seed of doubt about my daughters friend getting a booster. She is a student nurse who was told, no jab no placement will have you, so sadly she had the first 2. Her father is a consultant gastroenterologist and he told her the jabs are fine. I want to weep for this young girl, the damage that may have been inflicted upon her disturbs me deeply. But she already had doubts about the booster but I have given her the tools, the platforms, some names to go away and research. I didn't want to frighten her but I did at the very least want to help empower her.
My achievements are tiny compared to the influence you can give but however small the achievement it still chips away. As JFK says tell 3 people and they tell 3 people and so. Is it similar to a business model, pyramids?
Your account was very moving, it seems like you need the support of other professionals especially doctors. Do you use Telegram at all? It's a private platform and lots of groups and importantly messaging etc. I follow, British Alliance for Nursing, Health are Unite UK. I live in the UK but I read what is happening all around the world because we have a profile of being human unlike the maniacs running this agenda and we are all suffering the same oppression at present but can share our many strengths.
Another amazing group including Dr Peter McCullough who I listen to a lot is The World Council for Health. I'm sure if you reached out to this group you would soon find like minded professionals easily. I know they were recruiting the last time I visited their site.
I use Rumble and Bitchupp, it needs to be filtered but even in the short time I've been viewing I have seen quite an increase in people from all backgrounds speaking out but especially medical professionals. I listened to an American Obs and Gynae consultant today through Rumble, you both have parallels of views and experiences with this agenda.
I may have over stepped the mark with what I have said but if there is a snippet of info which is helpful then I have done 4 things today to make change
Thank you for what you shared because I felt more optimistic after knowing there are professionalsout there who want to escape the shackles of corruption but don't know how. And I have no idea how long it will take to put the very crooked system straight but I guess it's one step at a time. So you did 2 things today!
Was either a typo error, auto correction or human error. But you knew I was referring to Robert Kennedy which is good. I thank you for your correction.
It must be difficult going into the hospital each day as an ethical physician surrounded my mass psychosis and evil. You are probably saving more lives than your colleagues especially if you aren’t initiating remdesivir. If your colleagues wake up they should feel deep shame and regret. When will that happen? This certainly cannot continue indefinitely.
As a full-time critical care physician, who is 10 years out of training and has been treating COVID since the beginning of the pandemic, I believe my first-hand experience has given me a good deal more insight than most. These are only my thoughts and opinions, take them with a grain of salt.
Fist, I do think the "vaccines" (novel biologics) likely had some short-lived efficacy in preventing severe disease and death from COVID, at least for the native strain and in vulnerable patients. Keep in mind, the number of truly vulnerable patients is quite low. And, I do believe there is pressure for escape variants with mass use of these biologics. Deploying them to non-vulnerable patients has likely been a very, very big mistake.
Second, the protection afforded by these novel biologics comes at a cost. Hence, physicians have traditionally utilized a risk-benefit ratio when making a recommendations to patients about their therapies. No drug has a zero risk. However, to provide an adequate picture of the risk-benefit comparison in a particular patient we MUST HAVE ACCURATE AND TIMELY DATA on the effects of the therapy. Neither of these have been provided during this pandemic, likely intentionally. And my gut instinct is that the published data which paints such a glowing picture of these biologics is highly suspect and skewed. Pushing these biologics on patients with near zero risk from COVID, having absolutely ZERO information of long-term effects (which increasingly appear to be very real and quite serious) is reprehensible and morally bankrupt.
That being said, the risk of potential adverse events from the biologics was probably NOT outweighed by the benefit in patients with advanced disease states and limited lifespan who are at very high risk of death from COVID. The same can certainly not be said for the remaining 99% of the world population. I am astounded by my profession's complete abandonment of this principle of risk vs. benefit. It is absolutely surreal to me to hear those who seem to be relatively informed, level-headed clinicians claim that "everyone should get vaccinated to stop the pandemic." It is an absurdity and flies in the face of both common sense and basic human physiology.
In the same vein, HCQ and Ivermectin are not without risk. However, there are small trials which have shown some benefit in both early and late treatment of severe COVID. Granted, one must dig through the backwaters of the internet to find these data, they are certainly not published in the mainstream medical journals. I wholeheartedly believe patients and their families should be offered the opportunity to utilize these agents if the risk and benefit are properly presented and disclosed. It is morally sound and is governed by the same principle as the "Right to Try" legislation which many of my colleagues seem so supportive of. Why that principle has been completely disregarded in the case of COVID leaves me dumbfounded and frustrated. If I order ivermectin for a patient, my hospital pharmacy has been instructed by the administration to cancel the order and inform me that I am not allowed to prescribe it. This seems very much like practicing medicine without a license, and I hope will one day be adjudicated with the hospitals held to account.
The vaccinated vs. unvaccinated question is also a troubling one. The data from the US should probably be completely disregarded. At my own facility, and those of my colleagues with whom I have had discussions, the documentation of a patient's vaccine status is abysmal. If hospital documentation is being utilized to determine these numbers, it is probably highly inaccurate. What I can tell you is that I work in a low vaccine-uptake state. I have a single patient with COVID on the ventilator at the moment, despite being at a 400-bed level 2 trauma center. And, that patient is confirmed vaccinated. Anecdotal, but true nevertheless.
Finally, I would also share my experience of treating COVID for 2 years. This is a disease that primarily causes severe illness in the obese and unhealthy. This is rarely discussed, and I'm not sure why. I would estimate that 80+% of my ventilated COVID patients over the pandemic have been obese or morbidly obese. All of the Vitamin D and Zinc in the world will not prepare an unhealthy, morbidly obese body for the onslaught of this virus. Because no studies have been done targeting this population, I have no way of knowing for sure - however I suspect that HCQ and ivermectin would have limited utility in these patients as well, certainly in the late stages of the disease. We are a nation of unhealthy, fat, inflamed bodies. And no quantity of statins and ace inhibitors, beta blockers or insulin will fix that. Pills do not provide health. They suppress disease, to a point, and may mask symptoms. But only diligence and work, an active and intentional seeking of health - mediated primarily by both diet and lifestyle, brings about true protection from any number of sinister pathologies waiting to strike.
What has happened here is sick. My profession is sick. The American population has lost faith in their healthcare system and providers, and I count myself among those who no longer put any degree of trust in the major institutions and watchdogs that stood guard against our current debacle. You are right to be angry and disgusted. Medicine has abandoned its core tenants and joined in the mass hysteria that has taken such an abrupt hold on our nation and the world. Reason and thoughtfulness have disappeared, replaced instead by snap judgement and knee-jerk reactivity without any real data or science to support them.
I have been granted a vaccine exemption by my own facility, out of sheer desperation on their part. The pandemic has left us dramatically understaffed and loss of another physician would likely have dire consequences to maintaining daily operations. I will remain unvaccinated and I quietly tell patients my own views on use of these biologics and their potential risks. At some point, I expect "they" will come for my head as well.
To the American public, please accept a sincere apology for what my profession has done here. A small number of us are mortified and embarrassed. I can only hope that the public can begin to trust their doctors again, though I fear that day is a long, very long way off.
Thank you for your sentiments and perspective. There is a way back through physicians like yourself.
Second comment, it is not you responsibility to apology for the fools in your profession. They will have to apology en mass, by name, as step one. Most will never do that so, yes trust is "is a long, very long way off."
The paragraph that starts with, "What has happened here is sick. My profession is sick." is the most important paragraph I've read in the last 20 months. I have lost respect for doctors, hospitals or healthcare professionals, unless they are speaking the truth. The truth would be something like what is written in the rest of that paragraph.
The loss of trust is a serious issue for our society. How will the medical community gain it back?
I think the reason many people want high vaccine uptake is that they believe it would bring R (the reproduction number) down, possibly even below 1. As far as I know, this seems possible, but quite some distance from the certainty many are taking it as. I've seen one study mentioned that suggested that vaccination reduces the number of additional people one infected person is likely to infect by a factor of 6 to 10. I'm skeptical of this claim for a couple of reasons, but if it _were_ true, it would be a valid reason, I think, to encourage vaccination. Another study found only about a 30% improvement. So I think the truest thing one can say is that we don't really know; yet a lot of people are acting as if we had solid data.
A proper vaccine would provide a high degree of sustained immunity which these currently don't have; they are all leaky. What we seem to be seeing is the vaccinated are being infected and are unknowingly spreading the virus. For the unvaccinated often the disease is so mild they too have been spreaders but given so many now vaccinated in ordinary terms we should have achieved some degree of herd immunity. With a reliance on these leaky expiring vaccines, we may never achieve herd immunity. Worse, if there is some OAS, the re-infections won't lead to immunity in the vaccinated.
Thankyou for sharing your opinion/feedback!
Your point "truly vulnerable patients is quite low" is well made. I remain astounded that we do not seem interested in really understanding who and why some are vulnerable. We also know that some people are quite immune intrinsically from being affected. Their immune system readily can cope as seen by couples where one gets ill and the other doesn't. That was first seen from the Princess cruise ship in the very first days of the pandemic. Given couples generally share the same biome something in their immune system is quite different and certainly a topic for study, yet there seems to be none. It seems like we put our complete faith in vaccines despite clear evidence they don't always work as well as we thought. The big WE have decided and that's that. Giving the vaccine to someone who was never at any risk and claiming success produces awkward data.
Well said.
Thank you for your honesty. It's a travesty what is going on. We know these injections are quite dangerous, yet big pharma and their whores are pushing all this as safe and effective. There are alot of people getting serious injection injuries and some even dying. I just went to a funeral of a man that died 2 weeks after getting the booster shot. He had a heart attack. Ofcourse, they will never tie the heart attack to the booster so it goes unreported. Probably hundreds of thousands of cases like this. It's all soooo sad.
Thank you for your honesty
it is refreshing and very welcome.
And I do feel there are more honest and ethical physicians, scientists and nurses out there who probably want to say what you've just said. It's having the right platform and courage to say it. It feels a lonely place right now though doesn't it?
I have listened to JF Kennedy junior a few times and I am also keen to read his book. But I think what many of us want to know is what can I do to make change? We all operate in a different field, no pun intended. Mine is a very tiny field compared to your own but the message from JFK Jnr is we pretty much can all do the same thing. We keep moving our knowledge on, however we can. He advocated doing 3 things each day which changes the narrative. I've done 3 today, maybe 4.
l. I keep reading. Knowledge is power. And knowledge and power will make change.
2. I have conversed with like minded people, who know many truths, maybe not all yet but much of the truth.
3. I helped plant a seed of doubt about my daughters friend getting a booster. She is a student nurse who was told, no jab no placement will have you, so sadly she had the first 2. Her father is a consultant gastroenterologist and he told her the jabs are fine. I want to weep for this young girl, the damage that may have been inflicted upon her disturbs me deeply. But she already had doubts about the booster but I have given her the tools, the platforms, some names to go away and research. I didn't want to frighten her but I did at the very least want to help empower her.
My achievements are tiny compared to the influence you can give but however small the achievement it still chips away. As JFK says tell 3 people and they tell 3 people and so. Is it similar to a business model, pyramids?
Your account was very moving, it seems like you need the support of other professionals especially doctors. Do you use Telegram at all? It's a private platform and lots of groups and importantly messaging etc. I follow, British Alliance for Nursing, Health are Unite UK. I live in the UK but I read what is happening all around the world because we have a profile of being human unlike the maniacs running this agenda and we are all suffering the same oppression at present but can share our many strengths.
Another amazing group including Dr Peter McCullough who I listen to a lot is The World Council for Health. I'm sure if you reached out to this group you would soon find like minded professionals easily. I know they were recruiting the last time I visited their site.
I use Rumble and Bitchupp, it needs to be filtered but even in the short time I've been viewing I have seen quite an increase in people from all backgrounds speaking out but especially medical professionals. I listened to an American Obs and Gynae consultant today through Rumble, you both have parallels of views and experiences with this agenda.
I may have over stepped the mark with what I have said but if there is a snippet of info which is helpful then I have done 4 things today to make change
Thank you for what you shared because I felt more optimistic after knowing there are professionalsout there who want to escape the shackles of corruption but don't know how. And I have no idea how long it will take to put the very crooked system straight but I guess it's one step at a time. So you did 2 things today!
Good luck.
It, not Bitchupp (lol). Also, JFK Jr is dead. You're referring to RFK Jr.
Was either a typo error, auto correction or just plain human error but you knew who I was referring to. Thank you for the advice.
Robert Kennedy is the author, speaker, and investigator on the vaccine front. JFK and his son JFK, Jr. are both dead.
Was either a typo error, auto correction or human error. But you knew I was referring to Robert Kennedy which is good. I thank you for your correction.
Bless you Doc, thank you for the insight!!
May I inquire about the risks of ivermectin?
The studies are easy to find:
It must be difficult going into the hospital each day as an ethical physician surrounded my mass psychosis and evil. You are probably saving more lives than your colleagues especially if you aren’t initiating remdesivir. If your colleagues wake up they should feel deep shame and regret. When will that happen? This certainly cannot continue indefinitely.