It’s a few years on and I wonder what happened to her?

Her website misinformationkills.org last noted article was Aug 23. She did have other pages and links but most seems to have disappeared and all the ‘misinformation’ on the main page has since been proved to be false.

She did start posting on substack but that has disappeared too and I can’t see her on Instagram either. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Just gonna leave this here…from@stevebray 12/7/22

“ Dr. Allison Neitzel isn’t licensed to practice medicine, and never has been. Her Linkedin profile doesn’t mention a medical residency, no state medical board has a record of a medical license under her name, and she doesn’t have an NPI number. In fairness, she does have a medical degree, though she doesn’t seem to have been a distinguished graduate of her mid-tier medical school. She has never treated a single patient as a physician, because she has never been licensed as a physician.”

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Any doctor who is unwilling to hear opposing views, and review data that opposes their dogma should have their license revoked. There are so many physicians who have sworn a dogmatic allegiance to big pharma they are blind to the reality of risk/ benefits and causing far more harm than good.

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I had covid on Aug 16, 2021. I had to beg my doctor for Ivermectin which I took 4 pills for 5 days. Had a low grad fever and after starting my ivermectin p, the fever left. Worse part was lost of appetite. I believe if people would keep a healthy immune system, this will not hurt you

I live in Texas and we stopped wearing mask or social distancing. We are living a normal life. I’m 83 years young!!

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I think the CDC is responsible for 99% of the deaths that have come from covid and their vaccines.

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Steve dont waste your time with such kooky people. She is the one in a cult.

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Feb 10, 2022
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You belong to a trade cartel. You're a racketeer, just like a lawyer.

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Feb 22, 2022
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Racketeer, your attempt to asign guilt by association is a feeble comeback, and I would add that your profession, like lawyering, is basically just a parasite devoted to feeding on society via the state. This makes YOU a lowlife. (And it's obvious that you're a stalker, too.)

P.S. Your Constitution begins with a blatant lie. You and Steve, however, are aligned by your shared faith in that fake law.

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"For every 10,000 people who got COVID followed my advice to use a proven early treatment protocol (like the Fareed-Tyson protocol) none died."

And how did you identify and track the ones that did?

Hospitals have a good way of doing it from pos. case to outcome, what's yours?

Oh! You don't have one? How can any number you provide be worth a sh*t?

"There are over 75M people who got COVID and followed the CDC’s advice and over 900,000 of them ended up dead. This means that following the CDC’s advice has a case fatality rate of 1.2%"


A good portion of them are ratlickers like you and your sheep that DIDN'T follow the CDC advice.

(but you know that, saying so would get you kicked out of the grifters club)

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Ratlickers? So did you want to disprove what he said about CDC advice killing people with facts and evidence, or are you just here to insult and ridicule?

What is it you want in the end? People to die or people to live? Why the blind faith in the CDC and other gov't agencies? Wouldn't you like to get to the truth, no matter what it is, so you know for sure? Because WHAT IF the gov't is wrong and Steve is right?

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This is very typical “all in” behavior. She’s literally the type to refuse to treat you (or to vent you on high!) if she finds out you are unvaxxed. These types of ppl have caused me to be less empathetic and unwavering in my convictions today. The older I get, the less effs I give about ppl like this. Funny how their toxic nature is so contagious.

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We consider ourselves well educated progressives well read in science related articles and books, we clearly understand that if we followed corporate-controlled CDC’s advice chances are we would die…SK, PM, RM have given us the information we need to thrive. Thank you

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What do I think? I think its all a bit speculative as it fails to take into account age , weight, poverty and other demographics. A working class, obese 80 year old man is less likely to follow your advice than a 30 something IT graduate who lives in the suburbs. Sorry!

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Hilarious! But scary to think their are crazed individuals like this gal that are responsible for providing medical care...

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Feb 9, 2022
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Ha. Ha. Please outline, in detail, how Steve is a “threat to democracy?” Or does speaking with someone YOU disagree with make YOU upset? You are silly.

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thanks to folks like you, Steve, more folks are beginning to wake up and smell the corruption...a lot of really smart people are being really dumb...oh, and when you say 'formerly trusted authorities', i have to wonder about that...they have been lying to me since before i was born...WMD, JFK, ad nauseum....critical thinkers think critically...keep up the great work, Steve.

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Please sue that stalker into a courtroom. Flip the script on her by showing that SHE is the person killing people. Organize your platoon of experts to testify. Bring in a mathematician—maybe someone with an impressive Erdós number—if you don't have one already to bury the defense with numbers, statistics, graphs, and equations. It doesn't matter that the pandemicists may relent long before your case goes to trial. The Covid-19 hustle is the big scandal of our times, and the pandemicists will be attacking people for years to come to smother discussion and awareness of what they've done. A prominent trial could blow away a lot of their smoke and fog, and maybe get a bad doctor out of doctoring for a few years of remedial cognitive therapy.

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But see also what Betsy McDonel Herr wrote a few comments before this one. There's something smelly about so-called fact checking.

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Feb 9, 2022
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Let your "concerned young doctor" prescribe ivermectin as a prophylactic or (gasp!) therapy for an infected patient. Then we will learn something important about your claim, "$0 from anybody".

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Feb 10, 2022
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You missed the point, then you threw a red herring off the trail.

It's probably true that your thinking about democracy isn't much better. Consider, for example, the problem of how to establish a democracy democratically. Must one do that through voting or not through voting? If democratically through voting, the founding fanatics will need a government to organize a plebiscite and to impose the results, but this organizing government itself isn't necessarily democratic. (Was it established by plebiscite?) This method of establishing democracy leads to the problem of infinite regress.

If, on the other hand, democracy is established democratically without voting, then we have no good arguement for picking democratic politicians by voting. And why call the affair democracy other than to avoid a word like anthropocracy? (A demos is a district.) We ought to learn, however, why the knaves of democracy pretend to care so much about voting. The dupes, of course, care about voting because it's in the nature of farm animals to believe just about anything a charming priest tells them.

Now, if you're an American, read Article VII of your Constitution carefully. Its one clause pretends to state the law about "Ratification" and "Eatablishment" before both ratification and establishment. Yet there there it is anyway, ready to do its work on the thoughts of natural born suckers, chumps, and useful idiots.

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Feb 10, 2022
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I had surgery scheduled during the "plandemic" last spring and it was cancelled because of it. I tried to reschedule it for this month, but when I checked into the hospital requirements for pre-op I was told that I Must have at least One of the jabs. Well, I've survived Covid without their shots, and don't feel the need to be given a vaxine for something I've already got natural immunity to. But, they want to stick that swab up my nose and jab me anyway. So I canceled the surgery AGAIN.

My level of trust for anyone government or medical has gone to zilch. They lie to fill their pockets with that $400 per shot and $40,000 for hospitalization. They don't care about the people they are supposed to serve (like the cops) they only care about Power and Greed. I'd rather suffer than walk into any hospital now.

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I feel the same. At age 60, I have been working w my AMAZING naturopath at balancing my hormones (estrogen, progesterone, thyroid and cortisol). Also dealing with blood sugar issues so she told me to stop eating all grains😫

BUT!!! The biggest, most amazing change has taken place this past month since no grains. I have gone from crippling pain in my right hip (as in I swore I needed a hip replacement) to now 90 percent improvement in pain/mobility. Today I walked up a giant hill that for the past two months I was unable to.

“Healing ourselves” and taking our power back is what they fear the most!

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So true.

Four weeks ago I crashed hard while ice skating. I landed on the left hip, was dizzy for about 5 minutes, and needed help both standing up and getting off the ice. The injury was so painful that I suspect a fracture somewhere. I needed two crutches for 3½ weeks, and still use one to go outside as I did yesterday for the first time since Jan 19th. That prior time had been my first (arguably premature) venture outdoors in 10 days since my fall. The first two nights were so painful that I slept no more than 4 or 5 hrs total. No regrets at all.

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The Pharmaceutical industrial complex doesn't make enough money off of your advice, and to many Dr.s are on the take. I wrote about this at one point.

"The FDA is not a Public service organization and they do not protect the public interest. The FDA did start as such and in the beginning they acted as a buffer between bad medicine and the public. That all started to change in 1992 when The FDA’s funding shifted from being 100% provided by the government to being provided by the big pharmaceutical companies that it is supposed to regulate. So much so, that today, 45% of the FDA’s total funding comes from the pharmaceutical industry and 65% of all funding for human drug regulating activities come from those who are to be regulated (here and here). However, it gets much worse. Frequently, the doctors who sit on advisory panels for drug approval are paid after the fact, lavishly and some times in excess of a million dollars by paying for such things as accommodations, honoraria, and consulting (here). Note, however, the post panel largess is only for those who vote to approve a particular medicine. In the realm of drug safety, we have entered a period where there isn’t any, and because of FDA approval and consent there are frequently few consequences for producing bad medicines. It is also interesting to note that most high ranking FDA officials with the power to control the approval process all come from a background in the pharmaceutical industry and nearly always go right back to executive level jobs in that industry after their “public service” (here, here, and here). Seriously, how is this not bribery even if it is after the fact. By this point doctors and government employees know the score. Approve our drugs and you get rich or don’t and get ostracized."

At this point I have to believe it is all about the money for the Medical industry and power fo rthe tax feeders... The other alternatives are more horrific, tinfoil hat, and seem more likely as time goes on.

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She is just a Twitter shill that lies and apparently doesn't like you. Acknowledging anything about her is not wort your time.

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Agreed…ignore the trolls, they’re a waste of thought and time and energy

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I also wonder if she is a lure and taking names for pharma. Go after Steve's followers, make their life hell too.

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Betsy, it's obvious that AN is a stalker, like Dr. Jekyll. Medical doctors can be like that, esp. when they belong to a state trade cartel used by them to inflate revenues and to marginalize medics outside the cartel.

Since democrats, too, are malevolent stalkers, it's a good idea to poke holes in their faith.

Consider, for example, the problem of how to establish a democracy democratically. Must one do that through voting or not through voting? If democratically through voting, the founding fanatics will need a government to organize a plebiscite and to impose the results, but this organizing government itself isn't necessarily democratic. (Was it established by plebiscite?) This method of establishing democracy leads to the problem of infinite regress.

If voting is unnecessary to establish a democracy democratically, then why do we need voting to pick politicians? The founding fanatics themselves were not chosen by a popularity contest, so they ought to be happy with a system of chosing legislators, executives, and judges without voting.

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Feb 8, 2022
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"Steve Kirsch and others making $$ on Substack"

How does that compare to having one's experimental injections subsidized by the state? Probably not so good, huh?

i see that you're posting stuff up and down the comment section, just like a cultish stalker would. Funny that.

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Allison, I wonder if you ever considered speaking with Kory or Marik about early treatment. Perhaps they would surprise you. You are in the position to help many people. There are many people doing noticeably better when they begin early treatment with IVM. It has worked on 6/6 high risk people I know. Maybe it's not a coincidence and worth trying.

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Feb 9, 2022
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Thank you for your response. The monoclonals are fine, but I'm afraid I have to disagree about the IVM. There are over 70 studies so if one happened to be fraudulent, it wouldn't negate the others. What I neglected to tell you was that I personally know of 6 high-risk individuals that took IVM when they got COVID and they all recovered well, including my 94 yr old father, with no residual problems. I was in a position to closely observe this. I am also far more interested in what treating physicians have to say, rather than the academics. RCTs are great when the protocols are good. However, I am rather partial to the population studies, where it doesn't take a week or more after symptoms begin to start treatment. It is hard to argue with the success in Peru and Uttar Pradesh - but like I said, I've seen it work, up close and personal.

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So then, please address the questions and concerns of the ppl. The science, as it were.

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