There is an updated Cleveland Clinic study dated August 2024 to further support the 2023 study by the same author.

Effectiveness of the 2023-2024 Formulation of the COVID-19 Messenger RNA Vaccine

Risk of COVID-19 was lower among those previously infected with an XBB or more recent lineage and increased with the number of vaccine doses previously received.


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During the Covid fiasco, hospitals received a substantial financial incentive to report a death as due to Covid 19. To the extent that deaths due to Flu almost disappeared.

Do your calculations account for this bias which should result in even more vaccine related adverse events?

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The disappearance of Influenza is due to the primary test used around the world. The SARScoV2 RT PCR. It was purposefully formulated to have no ability to differentiate between Respiratory viruses. No Specificity. The test could only detect the presence of viral genetic material in the respiratory tract. All purposefully attributed to SARScoV2. Down to very minute quantities that had no ability to cause pathology. High sensitivity. See the professional peer review of the testing protocol at Corman Drosten Review report. Online. Concluded the test was so flawed it had no value as a medical diagnostic test. PU.

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Sooo juicy Steve. Hope you can keep us posted with every part of that process.... Popcorn ready!

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I don't know what we would do without you and Dr. Malone. THANK YOU SO MUCH

Take good care of yourself -- WE NEED YOU DESPERATELY

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A perceptive assessment, and I'm sure your assumption about the lower lethality of mutated covid explains the lower CFR during the spike and later increases in cases in 2022 (orange line much lower than case line). The graph needs a 3rd y-axis for CFR so that you can show the CFR trend which decreases as the virus mutates. You don't need to worry that people will think that the decreasing CFR is due to the vaccines because the earlier trend in late 2020 and early 2021 shows that the vaccines did nothing. But all of this needs to be explained with annotations and arrows pointing to the parts of the graph to which they refer.

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Few years in, and this is how the world actually works.

I guess they don't teach this at college, do they?

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Promising indeed!

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Dr. Naomi Wolf’s book “The Pfizer Papers” (Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity) just came out. Amy Kelly with 3,250 volunteers went through 450,000 papers of Pfizer internal documents that detail the clinical trials. You can buy the book on Amazon - it’s expensive but it’s worth it - they put so much work into this. Dr. Wolf wrote the introduction - it’s incredible. The amazing thing is that the FDA didn’t want the information released for another 75 years but they were lucky enough to to get an honest judge that said to give the information now.

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Now why on earth would the FDA want to hide the information? Were they paid off by Big Pharma? Who does the FDA work for? Obviously not the people. Fortunately, Naomi Wolf and crew did all they could to save millions of lives. Our freedoms are our best treasures, and she did amazing work to help us maintain some freedoms, while industry wanted to sell us out for the sake of their profits.

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Finally, someone else is confirming that Covid Vax is next to useless - but highly likely to depopulate the planet. I've become a staunch Conspiracy Theorist since 2020. I've learned to distrust everything I hear from Big Pharma, the Media, doctors, politicians, etc, even the majority in the medical profession.

Since 2023, I've been sending information, data, evidence of medical malpractice in the form of the involvement in promoting and administering DEADLY injections of mRNA based Covid jabs! This has caused them to try and distance themselves from me, but not 'terminate' their medical responsibility for my health and wellbeing. I've been 'warned off' but I insist the medical profession has a responsibility to listen to all 'evidence' put in from of them. The battle goes on as I have agreed to limit my evidence to one email per week - along with three important topics in each email.

Unjabbed mick (UK) We'll all live longer by avoiding corrupt medical interventions.

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God bless you Steve! Please don't get tired and stop looking for a way to REALLY make ppl and our politicians wake up to what has happened. There has to be a way to make regular ppl (like all my dumb family members who are still listening to their doctors and getting the wonderful flu/rsv/COVID-19 shots for this terrible..scary flu season coming up) wake up and realize what the hell has happened in the last 4 yrs and make them realize to STOP this stupid crap. Why in the hell don't the majority of people realize that we were born with a awesome immune system that will do it's job every single time we have a health issue IF we take good care of it...I mean just the basics...clean water...open your windows everyday for a short time and filter your house....actually eat fruits and vegetables and take a multivitamin for a little boost and go outside for a 30 min walk several times a week. I'm 66 yo and rarely EVER get sick. I'm on NO pharmaceuticals and either is my husband. We don't have ANY friends and family members who DON'T take some kind of drug! It's crazy...I started asking many ppl when this whole thing started and did my own survey to find out that no one I know is not on at least 2 or 3 different drugs! It's making me so sad...why are we so stupid?! Why are we so lazy? It must come out tho...on main stream media and be talked about for years...like when they finally couldn't hide what cigarettes did to us and how many ppl they killed...but how long did that take? So many years of corruption and they KNEW just like the FDA and CDC and Pfizer....know right now but they won't take this crap off the market! Just ask yourself how many years did it take for ppl to wake up and listen and stop smoking? It's tragic how many ppl died from cigarettes. And all along the commercials showed how happy handsome ppl were smoking and looking so youthful and cool. I pray for you, Steve that you won't give up for all of us ordinary ppl who don't have a voice anymore. THANKS!

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So can’t the “experts” throw this back in our faces and say- see, the vaccines aren’t deadly so just shutup?

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Hello I went into reading this trying to debunk the antivax side for myself but low and behold the evidence is overwhelming in favour of your side. I'm now a young man and at the time of Covid I was more or less told to get the vaccine by my parents as they fully believe that it was safe and effective. I think Ive had 2 jabs and multiple vaccines at childhood.

I come from a very medical family. After reading your evidence I'm concerned for my health. Is there any way to detoxify my body from these metals. Perhaps theres something irreversible. But I want to live as long as possible. For instance I heard that fasting for 3 days can help mitigate the effects of the vaccination is that true.

Thank you for your work

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Watch Broken Truth

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20

short easy answer, most are slaves to our narrowed specific jobs, skills, and financial stability. Loss of financial status quo forced the majority to comply. Through potential loss of salaries and future pensions built over decades, 70% of the population complied, public and private sector,. The B-H regime overtly pressured and tried to mandate it on us all. Some of the most intelligent people in my life I now view as sheep. The shame placed on me and loved ones for not complying i will never forgive. Strangers with severe regret are the only ones to acknowledge this. Friends and family REFUSE and downplay what happened. i am forever disgusted, and pray people wake up soon.

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I can't stand this anymore. 30,000 seniors died after being forced to be jabbed. The demon satanists doing this will never tell you the truth! They lied to Jesus and had him killed! why are you wasting time on this! Broken Truth put this out a few years ago and has studied, dissected the vax, witnesses, victims, etc. More ppl will get jabbed and vote for demons destroying humanity! My cats are smarter than this!

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It's extremely strange. I believe these doctors have been threatened to speak away from the narrative.. .

I've known my doctor for 16 years. He still won't meet my eyes when talking about the vaccines. He was promoted to an academic position towards the end of Covid. The academic hospital received funding for a new Genome Research facility.

RFK JR published the first book on Fauci, Gates, and Big Pharma role in Covid pandemic. Many death and complication statistics were reported erroneously to cover up the side effects.

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get a new doctor or stay away from them.

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these doctors and nurses were threatened with loosing their license if they didn't do what they were told! The rest quit so as not to take blood money! WH threatened everyone, even facebook, who are satanists anyway, to shut down any resistence or "misinformation" re the jabs. just like ivermectin which cures so-called covid and hydroxychloriquine which Trump had gotten for ppl but they scoffed and attacked him and anyone who said it worked. They want big money and depopulation. Read about what WEF says and Gates and all the nice ppl who care about you! maybe hellary can explain it you, and bill her perv hubby, pizzagate and pedophilia is real. so is adrenochrome!

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I've been a conspiracy theorist since 9/11. I've gone to.many rabbit holes but the Podesta files (many many thanks to Julian Assange) is one rabbit hole.that scared the bejeezuz out of me. Its that one rabbit hole that I refused to dive in since I felt I may never be able to go back. Desecrating children is pure evil.

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but it is nothing new. The globalists are freemasons and satanists. They love children and so does satan. Pedophiles. Adrenochrome to keep them young they say. Mutilating children to be trans, drag queens reading to kids in a library. why parents would think that is acceptable is an enigma to me. The demonrats think all these liberal polices and unGodly things are wonderful. Read research on foster care and how if you disagree with "them" they will lie about you and take your children away and put them in foster care where they are sexually, emotionally and physically abused. There are horrifying stories from survivors that lived through the hell and witnessed ritual satanic torture and murder of others. The satanists are alive and well and taking over.

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Every doctor has a price.

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