25 years working as a Board Certified Sonographer in the following specialties; Vascular as well as Ob/gyn, as well as Abdominal Sonography. I am the canary in the coal mine. I've been looking inside bodies for over one quarter of a century and up until the vax, have never seen adolescents with; gallbladder disease, and life threatening…
25 years working as a Board Certified Sonographer in the following specialties; Vascular as well as Ob/gyn, as well as Abdominal Sonography. I am the canary in the coal mine. I've been looking inside bodies for over one quarter of a century and up until the vax, have never seen adolescents with; gallbladder disease, and life threatening blood clots in their legs (DVT's), and irregular menses, like I am now. I'm horrified frankly.
People and their friends and family members are odd, they don't want to admit their mistakes, even after horrible morbidities and nortalities. I told the World, and they didn't listen. So sad 😞.
This is going to have to get far worse before people wake up. I say that because where I live and worked (retired from my healthcare job end of 2020 but still in close contact with co-workers), there have not been any sudden deaths or injuries in these folks. And I have been watching closely. So among my neighbors (I know about 50 of them), my co-workers (approx 30), and members of my church (I know about 50 of them well), none have died or showed any sign of injury from the COVID vax. Out of all of those people, I can only count 3 who are not vaccinated. And this does not even include all of my extended family living in other states, all of whom are vaccinated for COVID. They are fine, so far. No deaths, no known injuries. Yet. This is why they don’t believe. It has not become personal yet.
I doubt what you’re saying. Im not accusing you of lying. But, in that many people you might easily not have a death. And it would be less likely but possible not to have a major injury. But I doubt five to ten are not injured. For example a neighbour came to my house to get her dog whom we had been caring for. We dog-sit her pet as they travel often. She called to say they’re back. I said I would be outside waiting. She drove up, got out of her car and DIDN’T recognize me! She is late 50s. She is very pro vax. Been vaxed four times. I see lots of people who seem to have aged ten years in two. One guy has one arm Atrophying. The doctor said it is because ten years before he had broken his thumb on that arm. He also is very pro vax. A death in that many people? Questionable. A major injury would be more likely. But major injuries growing? Unless your whole cohort got saline for the first couple of doses it would be very unlikely for none of them to be showing signs of damage.
There are batches that perhaps were rendered ineffective due to poor handling. My son and DIL got jabs and did not even have a sore arm. I am praying. My niece , less than 40, got a pulmonary clot and blamed it on hitting her shin on the bedstead. She’s a vaccine freak and would not even go see her folks till they were Vaxxed.
We have family who would not see us for 2 years because my cousin who is a doctor convinced everyone we might kill her parents (my aunt/uncle). She’s eased up recently.
My job has been an excellent control group study for the vax. Even though I haven't seen anyone die from the jab, I have seen the erosion of the immune system in perfectly healthy mid 40s and younger adults who are now chronically sick. I've worked with these people for years, they aren't obese or having any health issues prior to the jab campaign. Those who were very pro vax were quite vocal about it and boasted proudly when they got their booster, or two. We pretty much knew everyone who chose to remain unvaccinated. All of us got Covid once and we are doing well. Everyone who got the third, or forth shot, have been having respiratory infections of some kind almost every 2-3 months. My supervisor is the worst case so far out of work again right now: had Covid four times, three times with pneumonia in the past year and a half, and now currently supposedly has this RSV junk of some kind I'm hearing about that is circling around with the jabbed.
Im Seeing the same thing. At one point there were 40 young guys on my job site. 25 were off sick. All jabbed. The 16 not off were about 90% unjabbed. I had six office staff. Five were off sick. All jabbed. The one guy not sick? Not jabbed.
Oh that’s interesting and so sad for your co-workers. All of my vaccinated friends and family have had COVID 2 times, a few of them 3 times. We are unvaccinated and we have only had it once so far. Hoping it has conferred some longer term, broader immunity on us.
Honestly I’ve been baffled by what I have observed up until now. I live in a small town so it hasn’t been that challenging to monitor. I had expected to see some very obviously injured people by now in my small world but I haven’t. But you may very well be right - people may be injured but I just covering well.
I suspect it is 1 in 30 severely injured. I also suspect 1 in 150 dead. Numbers say if you know well 60 people or 90 people 2 or 3 would be badly hurt. However, numbers never evenly distribute. Someone might know 7 or 10 while a few others not know any. Also where i live the real results didn’t show until the third shot. If your cohort got AZ first shot, with half getting saline, then Pfizer only after the second shot it might take awhile. I am not saying AZ is better but the negative effects are cumulative to each brand. Getting one AZ and then one Pfizer is arguably better than two of either. Possibly.
agree - injuries definitely not evenly spread and not everyone i know well got a third shot. i did read a while back from dr yeadon that in the US the majority of injuries had been linked to around 10 percent of the batches. my belief (or maybe just hope) is that there have been placebo saline shots, or that the vaccines were improperly stored, possibly causing a degradation of the contents, thus making them ineffective.
When I review data from my area there is an exponential uptick on the booster. One shot and unjabbed show little difference. Two shots and differences show. Three shots is where the ‘rubber hits the road’
My experience. Is the older the cohort the less noticeable the effect. Their eyes start to go. Their energy wanes, they get dozy. But they’re already old. I notice a slight sag to their faces. One side droops ever so slightly. Younger people seem to virulently respond. Negatively.
I had to place my Mom in a LTC residential facility in September, 2021. It was a nightmare for us. We could only visit with her, OUTSIDE, as we were not vaxxed. She was there for 16 months before she passed (NOT Covid!), and even when I was sitting at her deathbed while she was in Hospice care, the idiot owner of the facility demanded I wear a mask. As soon as she left the room, I removed my mask. So ridiculous!
I’m glad my sweet Mom is no longer in this world. 💔
I know what you mean. Depending on where you live in US, it is absolutely crazy how some family members are unwilling to see the jab campaign as a mistake. They watched people die in the beginning from what they believe to be Covid when it was terrible protocols in LTC facilities and ventilators in hospitals with Remdesevir. The same people who complied are now seeing sudden aggressive cancers and strokes but won’t see the jab as the culprit. I’m speaking about my mother in law who is so terrified of Covid that she took jabs while undergoing chemo because her oncologist said it was ok. She developed severe myopathy and can’t walk without a walker but it’s the chemos fault not the jabs. The chemo didn’t even work on her cancer after all was said and done.
On a recent visit she told a sad story of someone who died of Covid after someone else said, “Covid is so mild that it’s like a cold.” Then she said that she knew of a recent Covid death but he also was STAGE 4 LUNG CANCER, as if that is the afterthought! I said nothing because I’m the in-law, but I just shake my head. There’s no getting through that brainwashing unless I want to be hated.
10 years ago, l lost a good friend to ALS. He fought the good fight for close to four years and was in his early 40s when he passed. In the end, he got a cold and because of the muscle atrophy, he couldn't fight it and it turned into pneumonia.
At that point he had a feeding tube, he had not drunk water by way of his mouth for a couple of years (water was thin and it made him choke). They wanted to put an air tube and at that point he was done and refused it. While pneumonia was the technical cause of death, ALS is what killed him because without it, it would just have been another cold he would have shrugged off in a couple of days. No one - NO ONE - says he died of pneumonia. I have to wonder though had he lived to see our present shitshow how they would have classified him. Because I know there would be a contingent of people wringing their hands about CV. Uh, no. It still would have been ALS that killed him and if you think otherwise, then you are lying to yourself.
I’m seeing the exact same thing as you with family and Friends, and I worked on Covid unit in a LTC, and did not experience the death like they projected on MSM. Yet extended family will still believe MSM over my real life experiences
Yelp, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Substack, Healthcare Influencers, Politicians, Members of; Congress, and The Senate, World Health Organizations, Wuhan Lab Scientists, Celebrities, Governors, Presidents, neighbors and friends. However I did not tell all of my HOA Board Directors for some reason. 😁😄🤭
and this is not the complete list by any means, include pilots, virologists, immunologists, Molecular Biologists, City Council members, Attorneys, former NIH directors, World renowned Atheletes, the list goes on. I sung big time.
Are you wondering how much people actually are speaking out? I know I stopped for a bit after everyone had been jabbed. What was the point? Once the boosters rolled out I started again. But by then most people had stopped talking to me. I’ve wondered how many I actually spoke directly to.
One guy wrote a piece for Newsweek (I think) stating those who chose to be unvaxxed must have had inside information that helped in deciding not to get the jab. He was actually accusing us of withholding info! I just used my common sense and said it was a no go for me. I went to city hall and all my friends to sound the alarm. No one listened. So there ya go.
25 years working as a Board Certified Sonographer in the following specialties; Vascular as well as Ob/gyn, as well as Abdominal Sonography. I am the canary in the coal mine. I've been looking inside bodies for over one quarter of a century and up until the vax, have never seen adolescents with; gallbladder disease, and life threatening blood clots in their legs (DVT's), and irregular menses, like I am now. I'm horrified frankly.
People and their friends and family members are odd, they don't want to admit their mistakes, even after horrible morbidities and nortalities. I told the World, and they didn't listen. So sad 😞.
Peabody McCalister, thank you for caring and for trying to warn people!
This is going to have to get far worse before people wake up. I say that because where I live and worked (retired from my healthcare job end of 2020 but still in close contact with co-workers), there have not been any sudden deaths or injuries in these folks. And I have been watching closely. So among my neighbors (I know about 50 of them), my co-workers (approx 30), and members of my church (I know about 50 of them well), none have died or showed any sign of injury from the COVID vax. Out of all of those people, I can only count 3 who are not vaccinated. And this does not even include all of my extended family living in other states, all of whom are vaccinated for COVID. They are fine, so far. No deaths, no known injuries. Yet. This is why they don’t believe. It has not become personal yet.
I doubt what you’re saying. Im not accusing you of lying. But, in that many people you might easily not have a death. And it would be less likely but possible not to have a major injury. But I doubt five to ten are not injured. For example a neighbour came to my house to get her dog whom we had been caring for. We dog-sit her pet as they travel often. She called to say they’re back. I said I would be outside waiting. She drove up, got out of her car and DIDN’T recognize me! She is late 50s. She is very pro vax. Been vaxed four times. I see lots of people who seem to have aged ten years in two. One guy has one arm Atrophying. The doctor said it is because ten years before he had broken his thumb on that arm. He also is very pro vax. A death in that many people? Questionable. A major injury would be more likely. But major injuries growing? Unless your whole cohort got saline for the first couple of doses it would be very unlikely for none of them to be showing signs of damage.
There are batches that perhaps were rendered ineffective due to poor handling. My son and DIL got jabs and did not even have a sore arm. I am praying. My niece , less than 40, got a pulmonary clot and blamed it on hitting her shin on the bedstead. She’s a vaccine freak and would not even go see her folks till they were Vaxxed.
We have family who would not see us for 2 years because my cousin who is a doctor convinced everyone we might kill her parents (my aunt/uncle). She’s eased up recently.
My job has been an excellent control group study for the vax. Even though I haven't seen anyone die from the jab, I have seen the erosion of the immune system in perfectly healthy mid 40s and younger adults who are now chronically sick. I've worked with these people for years, they aren't obese or having any health issues prior to the jab campaign. Those who were very pro vax were quite vocal about it and boasted proudly when they got their booster, or two. We pretty much knew everyone who chose to remain unvaccinated. All of us got Covid once and we are doing well. Everyone who got the third, or forth shot, have been having respiratory infections of some kind almost every 2-3 months. My supervisor is the worst case so far out of work again right now: had Covid four times, three times with pneumonia in the past year and a half, and now currently supposedly has this RSV junk of some kind I'm hearing about that is circling around with the jabbed.
Im Seeing the same thing. At one point there were 40 young guys on my job site. 25 were off sick. All jabbed. The 16 not off were about 90% unjabbed. I had six office staff. Five were off sick. All jabbed. The one guy not sick? Not jabbed.
Wow. That’s awful. Just so sad.
Oh that’s interesting and so sad for your co-workers. All of my vaccinated friends and family have had COVID 2 times, a few of them 3 times. We are unvaccinated and we have only had it once so far. Hoping it has conferred some longer term, broader immunity on us.
Honestly I’ve been baffled by what I have observed up until now. I live in a small town so it hasn’t been that challenging to monitor. I had expected to see some very obviously injured people by now in my small world but I haven’t. But you may very well be right - people may be injured but I just covering well.
I suspect it is 1 in 30 severely injured. I also suspect 1 in 150 dead. Numbers say if you know well 60 people or 90 people 2 or 3 would be badly hurt. However, numbers never evenly distribute. Someone might know 7 or 10 while a few others not know any. Also where i live the real results didn’t show until the third shot. If your cohort got AZ first shot, with half getting saline, then Pfizer only after the second shot it might take awhile. I am not saying AZ is better but the negative effects are cumulative to each brand. Getting one AZ and then one Pfizer is arguably better than two of either. Possibly.
agree - injuries definitely not evenly spread and not everyone i know well got a third shot. i did read a while back from dr yeadon that in the US the majority of injuries had been linked to around 10 percent of the batches. my belief (or maybe just hope) is that there have been placebo saline shots, or that the vaccines were improperly stored, possibly causing a degradation of the contents, thus making them ineffective.
When I review data from my area there is an exponential uptick on the booster. One shot and unjabbed show little difference. Two shots and differences show. Three shots is where the ‘rubber hits the road’
I’ve two 70 year old aunts who have taken 4 jabs. I’ve literally held my breath, just waiting for something awful to happen but so far so good.
My experience. Is the older the cohort the less noticeable the effect. Their eyes start to go. Their energy wanes, they get dozy. But they’re already old. I notice a slight sag to their faces. One side droops ever so slightly. Younger people seem to virulently respond. Negatively.
The horror is too overwhelming for many to accept/face.
I had to place my Mom in a LTC residential facility in September, 2021. It was a nightmare for us. We could only visit with her, OUTSIDE, as we were not vaxxed. She was there for 16 months before she passed (NOT Covid!), and even when I was sitting at her deathbed while she was in Hospice care, the idiot owner of the facility demanded I wear a mask. As soon as she left the room, I removed my mask. So ridiculous!
I’m glad my sweet Mom is no longer in this world. 💔
I know what you mean. Depending on where you live in US, it is absolutely crazy how some family members are unwilling to see the jab campaign as a mistake. They watched people die in the beginning from what they believe to be Covid when it was terrible protocols in LTC facilities and ventilators in hospitals with Remdesevir. The same people who complied are now seeing sudden aggressive cancers and strokes but won’t see the jab as the culprit. I’m speaking about my mother in law who is so terrified of Covid that she took jabs while undergoing chemo because her oncologist said it was ok. She developed severe myopathy and can’t walk without a walker but it’s the chemos fault not the jabs. The chemo didn’t even work on her cancer after all was said and done.
On a recent visit she told a sad story of someone who died of Covid after someone else said, “Covid is so mild that it’s like a cold.” Then she said that she knew of a recent Covid death but he also was STAGE 4 LUNG CANCER, as if that is the afterthought! I said nothing because I’m the in-law, but I just shake my head. There’s no getting through that brainwashing unless I want to be hated.
10 years ago, l lost a good friend to ALS. He fought the good fight for close to four years and was in his early 40s when he passed. In the end, he got a cold and because of the muscle atrophy, he couldn't fight it and it turned into pneumonia.
At that point he had a feeding tube, he had not drunk water by way of his mouth for a couple of years (water was thin and it made him choke). They wanted to put an air tube and at that point he was done and refused it. While pneumonia was the technical cause of death, ALS is what killed him because without it, it would just have been another cold he would have shrugged off in a couple of days. No one - NO ONE - says he died of pneumonia. I have to wonder though had he lived to see our present shitshow how they would have classified him. Because I know there would be a contingent of people wringing their hands about CV. Uh, no. It still would have been ALS that killed him and if you think otherwise, then you are lying to yourself.
Perhaps they would say "he died with covid" and not from Covid? 🤔
What caused the als?
I’m seeing the exact same thing as you with family and Friends, and I worked on Covid unit in a LTC, and did not experience the death like they projected on MSM. Yet extended family will still believe MSM over my real life experiences
I can’t imagine what you have witnessed as a nurse. I listen to Nurses Out Loud podcast. Have you heard of this?
Yes. I try to listen to them often ❤️
“told the World”????
Yelp, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Substack, Healthcare Influencers, Politicians, Members of; Congress, and The Senate, World Health Organizations, Wuhan Lab Scientists, Celebrities, Governors, Presidents, neighbors and friends. However I did not tell all of my HOA Board Directors for some reason. 😁😄🤭
and this is not the complete list by any means, include pilots, virologists, immunologists, Molecular Biologists, City Council members, Attorneys, former NIH directors, World renowned Atheletes, the list goes on. I sung big time.
Now that is a sphere of influence :) lol.
Generally, when a person says this, in relation to something like this, it refers to their sphere of influence.
Generally, when a person says this, in relation to something like this, it refers to their sphere of influence.
No you are splitting hairs.
Are you wondering how much people actually are speaking out? I know I stopped for a bit after everyone had been jabbed. What was the point? Once the boosters rolled out I started again. But by then most people had stopped talking to me. I’ve wondered how many I actually spoke directly to.
One guy wrote a piece for Newsweek (I think) stating those who chose to be unvaxxed must have had inside information that helped in deciding not to get the jab. He was actually accusing us of withholding info! I just used my common sense and said it was a no go for me. I went to city hall and all my friends to sound the alarm. No one listened. So there ya go.