I just looked at the UK data from 2019-2021, the 2022 data is not available yet and it looked pretty normal. I pulled up data on heart attacks and failure and found that aged 0-14 the numbers were:

2018 1

2019 0

2020 5

2021 4

Ages 15-19

2018 3

2019 0

2020 3

2021 1

Yes statistically in the 0-14 it's a huge increase in 2020/2021 from the years before but with this low numbers, it could be a coincidence. Or covid/lack of care due to shutdown as the increase started in 2020 not 2021.

With the 14-19 group there is no noticeable change.

Of course the 2022 data is not available yet and these anecdotal stories are from 2022 if I understand correctly.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but the data from 2021 does not appear to support this.

I used this link to get to the website to get the 2021 data as the reply is from early last year:


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Not sure we can believe ONS still. Also look at the title of the page you went to.. they are making up underlying causes left right and centre. Every death has an underlying cause anyway. ONS just taken the LYING part "to heart".

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As a funeral director i saw it very early on, too much effort made to promote hysteria and fabricate covid deaths in 2020 and then the huge surge in deaths the moment the vaccines went into arms and the death toll ever since, especially in the young

the coroners are deliberately ignoring it, they totally wont even acknowledge it

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I’ve been in the Pharmaceutical industry for the past 7-8 years and I’ve come to realize how scary and disappointing it is to know that most of the “unreal data” that is collected to utilize for FDA approval on vaccines. It’s sad to know that most of the participants that volunteer in research, are actually just doing it for the compensation and don’t report true data and sometimes don’t report at all. These COVID vaccines were approved way too fast and the only data that was collected for safety reports, were questionnaires completed by the participants through a mobile application. There were no safety labs, or electrocardiograms performed for any of these participants… how is that safe for anyone. If these vaccines were approved by a organization that supposedly “protects and secures the safety of humans” then basically we can’t trust these vaccines that are put out on the market. It’s actually killing people…. It’s sad to know that it’s all false and we can’t trust the medical industry nor the pharmaceutical industry. Actions speak louder, and after seeing it with my eyes, it’s been proven that at the end of the day what matters the most to everyone and what’s more important, is money and not our health nor future. I used to love working in the pharmaceutical industry and I wanted to be a part of a good change and help create treatments and save lives. Now, I’m just disappointed and don’t want to be a part of a big lie….

If I can make a suggestion to possibly prevent this from continuing, is that the pharmaceutical companies should enforce real safety assessments in their protocols and the IRB should be much more strict before approving these protocols. •Assuring that there will be safety assessments performed on a regular basis like; safety labs, ECGs, x-rays for the lungs. This should help collect safety and reliable data.

•It would make the FDA’s job much easier on approving ”true and safe data ” in our research trials.

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Note - about 19K children die from heart attacks every year in the UK. Conceivably, far more children die in the US every year


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You are obviously a paid troll for the pharma companies and a bold faced liar if you believe that 19,000 healthy children die every year in the UK from heart attacks. EVERY nurse, ER doctor and EMT knows that their experience tells them otherwise. Healthy, young people DO NOT DIE from heart attacks prior to 2021. Old, out of shape men die of heart attacks in great numbers. When the time comes you will be held accountable for your lies. God may forgive you, but the relatives of the victims will not.

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Make a call to recently retired (medical) personnel who do not care if they have they licence revoked.

I keep wondering why retired lawyers, politicians, medics, media, have not spoken out. They have grandchildren who will live in a dystopian reality and they could have helped to minimise the damage.

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I am only asking why you do a catch for subscriptions, instead of spread freely your content. That is not a recomended behaviour.

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There are a lot of paid trolls and AI Bots on Steve forums. Regular posters know who they are.

Some claim to be medical experts and insist covid mrna shots are not only required for everyone but safe and effective. I urge people to research this issue independently and make a well-informed decision about getting injected. Do not blindly trust your physician about covid shots as a lot are ignorant or just being ordered to force it on people. As a physician I will not tell you what to do on an online forum. But I will say myself my wife and children will never receive a covid shot under any circumstances.

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I don't understand why all funeral directors don't speak up as a group. What are they afraid of? They have a captive audience. It's not like people are going to start doing their own embalming. The fact that this group remains quiet is unconscionable.

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"Anecdotal Evidence"

What a brush-up.

I call those hard statistics. Facts. Field Reports.

" Anecdotal ".....

That is a sublime way to de-legitimize reality.

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I submitted my complaint to the State Civil Rights Division. We'll see what happens from here.

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This is absolutely striking as a stat! How do we get this up! ??? Another billboard

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I can safely speak for your Wesleyan ancestors when I say you are dreadfully and frightfully misled in this belief. Your ancestors had a personal relationship with a very personal God. A God who knows the number of hairs on your head, a God who knew you before he formed you in your mother’s womb. Christianity isn’t about church, it’s never been about church. It’s about living a life dedicated to spreading the gospel and in obedience to God. That is why they moved to the schools, to take God into the schools. A Christian with any wisdom whatsoever wants to create educated disciples, people who can read their own Bibles and can teach others what is in them. They want disciples that can answer the tough questions others have.

What good is knowledge without wisdom?

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9‬:‭10‬ ‭NASB

Your ancestors had wisdom that was lost to you. You celebrate it as scientific, but in reality it is heartbreaking.

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What do you mean? How is being skeptical of vaccines mean you are out of touch with the wisdom of God?

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The Substack app sucks. That comment was part of a much longer conversation I was having with a poster named Robyn, sometimes despite hitting the reply button to a specific comment Substack will just randomly post my comment elsewhere within the forum. As much as I love Substack their app is terrible to use at least on an iPhone. Without the context the post doesn’t make any sense which isn’t your fault at all. Suffice it to say that was not the point of the post which would have been obvious in the greater conversation had Substack not randomly dropped the comment elsewhere.

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They won't be able to hide it once the population stays at zero or decreases.

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Do you actually believe they're going to tell us the truth - with real statistics? I don't even believe we know the real worldwide population now.

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One of my dearest friends, 58 yrs old, double-vaxxed (I don't know if she's boosted), took suddenly ill: sepsis, kidney failure, moderate respiratory failure, immune dysfuntion, and blood clotting issues. She was, until the day she was admitted to the ICU, perfectly healthy. Thankfully, she is home now recuperating after 3.5 weeks in the hospital (told it would take 4 weeks for every week she was in to feel more like herself. She has now graduated from a walker to a cane. Doctors still won't say what caused it, of course. Just some freak of nature, they say. We all know it's BS. We know what caused it.

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We really need more whistle blowers in the government health agencies. There has to be more than a few working in these corrupt institutions that know what they are doing is wrong. That their organization is concealing the truth and that by doing so is killing and injuring people and that this has to end. There needs to be more inducements to get those that still have a conscience to come forward to tell their story.

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Quite difficult to do when these organizations fire whistleblowers within minutes of open dialogue with media.

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That is to be expected. When someone comes forward with evidence of wrongdoing in their organization, they know they will be fired. They made the decision they don't want to be a part of the corruption.

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I am amazed that none of the usual hacking groups have taken the real data and released everything for the world to see.

There are some very talented people out there, but just not on our side it would seem.

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This has also puzzled me for the longest time. The hackers and anonymous types could easily dox every paedophile and corrupt government official, and if they put in the little effort required, quite safely and anonymously themselves (they practice these skills).

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Unless these persons who want to stay anonymous man up and go public, it is meaningless!!!!! Are they just going to sit on their asses until the FEMA bus pulls up?

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